Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 162: Alarm

Hearing Shang Jian Yao's question, Jiang Baimian was a little stunned.

She hesitated and said:

"It shouldn't be..."

The more she talked, the lower her voice, because she had little understanding of the "New World" situation, and she was unable to determine whether the strong people there knew each other, nor did she know whether the "Doctor" had shared the situation of her own group. people.

After a short pause, Jiang Baimian said "um":

"Even if the doctor knows that we are in Wubei, he won't be able to make it for a while.

"Let’s not mention the luck of that'Assassin' who happened to be nearby. Even if it is really such a coincidence, the'Doctor' should not be able to completely return. His body is still in the Eighth Research Institute, separated from Wubei. It’s a thousand miles away, unless it can teleport, otherwise I don’t think he has time."

The "Old Tune Team" will be checked after dawn and leave Wubei.

"But our understanding of the'New World' powerhouses is limited to those mentioned by Wu Meng." Honest business judges argued for reasons.

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"There is nothing wrong with being careful, you first confirm whether we have fallen into a dream."

Her perception of "Doctor" is: The minions of "Nightmare" master a series of dream domain abilities.

And because she didn't prepare in advance, she didn't set the status of the auxiliary chip, and she couldn't monitor whether she had fallen asleep.

Shang Jian Yao was immediately excited:


He had been blasted by the window and turned around and looked outside where the lights were not so bright.

His figure then appeared on the glass.

Looking at himself in the "darkness", Shang Jianyao said in a deep voice:

"I was dreaming at this time yesterday;

"There is no essential difference or major change between today and yesterday;


His eyes suddenly trembled, his eyes slowly lost focus, and the whole person seemed to have entered a state of sleepwalking.

It seems that we have not been affected by the dream... Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief, jumped up, and landed next to the window.

Seizing this opportunity, she slapped and "woke up" Shang Jian Yao.

Shang Jian Yao suddenly returned to his senses and glanced left and right:

"The'Doctor' probably hasn't arrived yet..."

If Xiaohong were here, she would definitely say not to have such a strong persecution delusion... Jiang Baimian slandered and nodded lightly:

"I set the instructions for the auxiliary chip.

"Then, wait until dawn and report this to the Salvation Army.

"I think they shouldn't just watch a strong man from the'New World' descend in Wubei, and the relationship between them and the Eighth Research Institute is not at all harmonious."

In other words, it is basically eliminated the possibility that the "Doctors" and the "Salvation Army" high-level understanding and secretly reach a certain degree of tacit understanding.

Under such circumstances, there is such a big force as the "Salvation Army" that can be relied on, and Jiang Baimian is definitely not willing to let it go.

She often said that a gentleman is not a stranger, he is a good one.

"Good." The cowardly but cowardly and cautious Shang Jianyao was very satisfied with this solution.

He and Jiang Baimian quickly packed their belongings, put on their tactical backpacks, walked out of the room and went to the living room.

At this time, Gnawa looked at the darkness and the street lamp outside the window while he was charging, as if he was thinking.

"Old Ge, what are you thinking?" Shang Jianyao asked curiously.

He seemed to have forgotten the possibility of the "Doctor" coming.

This Shang Jian Yao is different from the other Shang Jian Yao.

Gnawa turned his neck made of metal and said:

"I was thinking, people are selfish, what is my selfishness..."

"Do you want to understand? If you don't understand, let Dabai make one for you on the spot." Shang Jianyao asked concerned.

Hello, how do you talk? Jiang Baimian expressed his injustice at the stigmatization of his image.

Of course, she used her eyes instead of words to explain the injustice.

Gnawa sighed, and the wind made a strange noise in the metal mouth:

"My selfishness should be to pursue the definition of human beings and to prove the meaning of my existence. For this reason, I have always restrained myself from returning to the'mechanical paradise' and saving my wife and daughter.

"Now, their related memories may have been completely formatted..."

"Hey..." Shang Jianyao followed with a sigh, "You treat them as if they have encountered an awakened person in the'Last Man' realm. When they are rescued, they will re-cultivation of their feelings."

"Without the memories of the past, even the character and accessories have completely changed, are they still my wife and daughter..." Gnawa fell into thought again.

Shang Jianyao was unable to answer this kind of philosophical question for a while, so he could only solemnly promise:

"When we figure out the source of the ‘innocent disease’ and the reason for the destruction of the ‘new world’, we will accompany you back to the ‘mechanical paradise’ and rescue your wife and daughter!

"At that time, no matter what the problem is, we can try to solve it."

In the human world, not all questions have answers, or solutions... Jiang Baimian grumbled, but didn't interrupt.

At this time, Gnawa realized that they had gotten up a bit early:

"What's wrong, what's the anomaly?"

"It's okay." Shang Jian Yao looked indifferent, "I just thought that the'Doctor' might come."

Even a smart person, Gnawa was almost confused by the logic of this sentence.

"It's not a trivial matter that the'Doctor' is coming." Gnawa said, "Why do you suddenly think of him?"

The honest Shang Jian Yao hurriedly recounted his guess.

After careful analysis, Gnawa issued a slightly synthetic voice:

"Although this possibility is relatively low, it does require certain prevention."

The communication between the three awakened Bai Chen and Long Yuehong. They went out one after another to figure out what had happened.

In this way, the "old tune group" waited for more than an hour, and finally waited until the sky was completely lit up.

Ding Ling also came over and knocked on their door as agreed in advance.

Seeing that Jiang Baimian and others were serious, the experienced leader of the "Salvation Army" border post frowned slightly:

"Someone came to bother you last night?"

After getting rid of the guest in Room 214, she didn't think there was anything inside the "Dust Hotel" that could make Xue Shiyue team look so expression.

Jiang Baimian has long considered his language:

"That's the case. Didn't we say last night that when we touched the badge, we were invaded by a weird shadow. Fortunately, the robot Gnawa was present, releasing a high-voltage current to stop this thing?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Ding Ling was quite puzzled.

This was clearly explained and confirmed last night.

Jiang Baimian glanced around, cleared his throat and said:

"We suspect that the dark shadow originated from the'New World'."

"New World"... Ding Ling frowned.

Jiang Baimian continued, with an innocent look:

"When we were hunted down by people from the Eighth Research Institute, we were spotted by a strong man in the'New World'.

"When we slept into the middle of the night last night, we suddenly thought: If the black shadow that may have originated from the'new world' knows the strong man who is staring at us and knows our characteristics, doesn't it mean that the strong man may come over at any time? Go back to reality and take the shot yourself?"

Being watched by a strong man in the "New World"...come over at any time, return to reality, and act in person...On the one hand, Ding Ling felt that he should be numb, and on the other hand, he twitched his face muscles uncontrollably.

What kind of people are these people, they are always related to the "New World"!

You know, before accompanying this team to Wubei, she didn't even know that the "new world" represented a level of the awakened. She only thought that it was another world that mankind was struggling to pursue, symbolizing a better hope and a bright future. Then there is a world of "unintentional", famine, cold, distortion, and pollution. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After the "old tune team" shared information with the "Salvation Army" through her, she was granted the corresponding authority and learned about this information.

As a result, in just a few days, she actually encountered something related to the "New World", and this was related to the nuclear warhead theft case to a certain extent!

Xue Shiyue and the others should have been spotted by the powerhouses of the "New World" before they came to our "Salvation Army", but they have always behaved normally, without any anxiety... Ding Ling didn't know how to praise the "old tune group" for a while. I'm really big-hearted, but I'm still knowledgeable, and I don't have to worry about more debts.

Seeing the captain of the border post remained silent, Jiang Baimian added:

"If a strong man from the'New World' returns to reality in Wubei, I am worried that something unpredictable will happen, so I will report to you in advance."

Ding Ling finally recovered, and said in a hurry:

"Okay, I will report to Commissioner Huang immediately."

Without delay, she turned around and left the room with a slight sign.


In less than fifteen minutes, several members of the "Old Tune Team" were led to a room on the first floor of the hotel.

Only Committee Member Huang is in the room.

He was still wearing a black "Salvation Army" uniform with no epaulettes.

Seeing Jiang Baimian and others, he was not angry with himself and said:

"You, will give me a'surprise'!

"The people of the'New World' really want to return completely. They will take action personally. You will not have any chance of winning. Most of the people in Ubei may have to be buried with you."

"Why do you say that?" Shang Jian Yao asked when he asked.

Commissioner Huang was silent for a moment:

"That's the horror that you haven't seen the returnees of the'New World'."

He paused and said:

"People in the'New World' can take the initiative to spread'no-heart disease' to the surroundings."

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