Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 178: True and false

"You mean, the ruins of this city are weird?" In the face of the calm and sensible Shang Jian Yao, Long Yuehong could fairly easily interpret what he wanted to express.

Shang Jian Yao smiled and said:

"I just briefly analyzed the contradiction between the current situation of this ruined city and its geographic location."

"Yeah." Jiang Baimian nodded lightly. "The destruction of the old world has passed nearly seventy years. Ruins that have not been unearthed like this must have their own special features: the ruins of Marsh No. 1 are located inside the big swamp. I want to find very Difficult, the wasteland No. 13 remains was taken care of by the army sent by the'First City', and no one was allowed to enter.

"The opposite of them is the Scarlet Wilderness No. 9 Ruins. Although there are many dangers inside, there are many places that are forbidden for humans until now, but because they are easier to find, and they are not circled by any major power, there are still a lot of places. The relic hunters passed by one after another, which resulted in part of the urban area there being almost'developed'."

What she meant was that Taicheng was located in a place extending in all directions from the ice field. The "Old Tune Team" traveled all the way, and arrived at the destination without deviating much from the roads left over from the old world, and the "Salvation Army" did not send it. The army is here to look after it. The current situation is indeed worth pondering, and there must be something weird.

If the location of Taicheng City is in an area with semi-permanent frozen soil deep in the ice sheet, the hunters of the relics cannot use the short summer to pass through numerous obstacles and get there, resulting in better preservation of the urban ruins, then it is understandable that it is now like this. From any angle, it goes against common sense.

Bai Chen deliberatedly said:

"It may be that the ice sheet is suitable for humans to move in a short season. After so many years, the hunters of the relics have not discovered much of the ruins of the cities further south, and lack sufficient motivation to continue north."

"This is a reason." Genawat said after modeling and analysis, "but the probability is very low, because the farther north, the less "unintentional" remaining in the ruins of the city, the lower the degree of danger, and the comprehensive calculation. Spend a little time exploring north, the benefits will be higher and the risks will be easier to grasp."

The winter is hard, it is true for humans, and it is also true for the "unintentional" group.

The further north the ice sheet is, the more serious this situation becomes.

Jiang Baimian nodded and looked at Shang Jian Yao:

"Do you have any idea?"

In terms of broad ideas, she has always believed that there is a big gap between herself and Shang Jianyao.

She has always been in the category of normal human beings.

Shang Jian Yao laughed:

"The ruins of such a large city are laid here, and the surrounding environment is not bad. There are many relic hunters hunting and exploring north. Why would they turn a blind eye?"

"Ignore..." Jiang Baimian's heart moved, and suddenly a little association occurred.

Shang Jianyao then showed a relieved expression:

"Sure enough, you remembered it too.

"Nanwu Aji Duoruo San Miao San Bodhi, the donor, do you remember the anomaly in Room 302, Building 4, District 2, Family Members of the Ruins of the Iron and Steel Plant?"

Hearing this sentence, not only Jiang Baimian, but also Long Yuehong and Bai Chen reacted instantly.

As for Gnawa, because he had not personally experienced it, it took a while to retrieve the relevant information:

At that time, what Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian saw in Room 302 were ordinary ruins, and they didn’t find anything of value. But Long Yuehong, who peeked out of the window, saw two bones lying on the bed. Wearing a red quilt embroidered with dragon and phoenix patterns.

In the end, under Long Yuehong's prompt, Shang Jianyao touched the little jade Buddha at the intersection of reality and falsehood, and brought it out.

This caused the false scenes he and Jiang Baimian had seen before to shatter, and the real situation inside Room 302 was revealed.

This matter is connected with the contradictory phenomenon in Taicheng, and people naturally have corresponding guesses.

Long Yuehong, who spoke more enthusiastically than before, said carefully:

"We entered the real Taiwan city, and the relic hunters saw the fake Taiwan city. There are no valuables there, or it is in a state that is difficult to discover and lacks the meaning of exploration?"

"We were able to enter Zhentai City because we were carrying special items that originated from the Buddhist Holy Land?" Bai Chen followed to speculate.

While Jiang Baimian nodded lightly, Shang Jianyao smiled and took off his tactical backpack:

"I think so too."


He searched for the "Six Consciousness Beads" and threw them to the side of the road very casually.

Immediately after that, he also lifted the little green jade Buddha in the lake and threw it to the ground. Jiang Baimian also threw out his "chaotic right hand".

There is no change in the surrounding scene.

"This is a bit embarrassing..." The honest Shang Jian Yao mocked himself.

Jiang Baimian looked around and said thoughtfully:

"It may be because we have already entered Zhentai City. Even if we throw away the corresponding items, we will no longer have'illusions'."

She is not so sure about the word "illusion" because it is still unclear what the situation is.

"Then what to do?" Long Yuehong frowned slightly.

The reckless Shang Jian Yao immediately answered:

"Go ahead and go to the first high school!"

There is the main body of the Buddhist shrine.

Jiang Baimian glared at him:

"Exit and re-enter, and confirm the situation.

"be careful and live long!"

"Yes, yeah." Shang Jianyao didn't feel that Jiang Baimian was refuting his own consciousness at all.

In this regard, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen and Genawah have no objections.

After picking up the objects on the ground, several members of the "Old Tune Team" got on the car again and returned along the same road until they came to the fractured zone.

Here, they can no longer see Taicheng.

"Old Ge, you take the'Six Consciousness Beads' and the Little Jade Buddha and stay here, waiting for news." Jiang Baimian has no doubts about his choice.

Gnawa is the only one among the members present who is not affected by props such as the "Six Awareness Orbs".

This time, Shang Jianyao not only left behind the "Six Consciousness Beads" and the Little Jade Buddha, but to be on the safe side, he also gave Genawah the "Angel of Life" necklace and the heavenly blessing figure.

"You must take good care of them!" He exhorted sincerely.

The corners of Jiang Baimian's mouth moved slightly, and while handing over the "chaotic right hand" to Genawah, he set up the auxiliary chip in the biological prosthesis to let it monitor its own state.

The four of them boarded the car again, driven by Bai Chen, and headed towards Taicheng.

On the way, both Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian maintained a high degree of concentration, using their own methods to sense the changes around them.

Ten minutes later, the scene in the distance silenced them at the same time.

Taicheng, which was still "in" before, seemed to have suffered a natural disaster like landslides and cracks. It has been buried by boulders, mud and cracks. Only some collapsed buildings are faintly exposed.

And around that piece of ruins that are extremely difficult to excavate, there are swamps formed by water soaking, there are isthmus with invisible bottom, there are dammed lakes that may collapse at any time...

Anyone who sees this scene will give up without hesitation and stop trying to explore Taicheng.

There are many urban ruins on the ice sheet where supplies are better obtained. There is no need to die here. The risks and benefits are completely out of proportion!

"There really is a fake Taicheng..." After silence, Long Yuehong said in an almost babbled tone.

He was deeply shocked.

Room 302 in the ruins of the steel factory is just a house of dozens of square meters. It is hidden from the real and covered with the false, which makes people feel not so exaggerated.

But now, the "Old Tune Group" is in front of a city with millions of people living in the old world. It has been separated from the real and the false!

Shang Jianyao's expression gradually became excited:

"If we don't stop and continue to drive toward the front isthmus, what will happen?"

"Don't look for death." Jiang Baimian stopped this guy concisely.

She took a breath:

"Let's try again a few times to confirm which items allow us to enter the real Taiwan city. After that, it may be of great use."

"Okay." Bai Chen withdrew his gaze slightly with difficulty.

Since joining the "Old Tune Group", much of her common sense in the past has been subverted.

After several rounds of experiments, the "old tune group" is clearly the role of the "six beads of consciousness" and the little jade buddha. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

As long as you bring any of them, the "Old Tune Team" can enter Zhentai City, provided that they are no more than 50 meters away from these two items.

"It's really amazing..." Long Yuehong ended his attempt today with such a sentence.

At this time, the five members of the "Old Tune Team" were sitting on the jeep, walking slowly along the car-free street of Zhentai City.

Gnawa's red eyes looked at Jiang Baimian:

"Where shall we go next?"

Jiang Baimian had a draft for a long time:

"Look for a map of the city nearby.

"Then go to Gangwan Home, First High School and Renhui Hospital in turn."

She is sorted according to the degree of danger—the harbor home is the place where Fan Wensi and Li Jinlong have rented. The secrets must be the least, while the first high school is definitely a Buddhist shrine, and Renhui Hospital involves those vegetative volunteers, which is the most secret. Risky places.

PS: Ask for a double monthly pass at the end of the month~

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