Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 18: front

Weekend nights, 349th Floor, Block C, No. 12.

Jiang Baimian and his family were sitting around the dining table, enjoying the leisure time after dinner.

Her nephew and niece were both adoring and curious about the always-travelling aunt, and every now and then they would throw a strange question to try to answer.

Seeing that their daughter, who is usually smart and quick-witted, was occasionally hesitant to be asked by the two children, Jiang Wenfeng and Xue Sumei smiled unconsciously, as if they had seen Jiang Baimian's appearance after marriage.

Jiang Dening and his wife were so happy that they didn't have to deal with their little ancestors for the time being, pretending that they didn't receive the attention of their sister for help.

Jiang Baimian took a break from his busy schedule, looked at his father, and asked casually:

"Dad, you say, will the company move to the ground one day in the future?"

Jiang Wenfeng was stunned for a moment, then sighed slightly:

"Although there are no corresponding signs yet, although over the years, the 'inner ecological zone' has become more and more perfect, forming a real cycle, and the living costs of employees are getting thinner and thinner, and it is no longer an unbearable burden. But I always feel that sooner or later, the main body of the company will return to the surface, leaving only some highly confidential projects in the building.

"You, children, always have to live under the blue sky and blow the natural wind."

As a member of the management team, as a scientist engaged in agricultural research and cotton seed improvement, Jiang Wenfeng himself has been to the surface many times. After all, some wild populations can bring enough benefits, so he regrets his wife, son, The grandson and granddaughter have not had this opportunity so far, nor do they want their descendants to be trapped in the underground building of "Pangu Creatures" for the rest of their lives, never seeing the light of day.

If Jiang Baimian's current job is too dangerous, Jiang Wenfeng will support her not to transfer to the internal work, and still run to the ground from time to time.

"Aunt, aunt, what does the natural wind smell like?" After listening to Grandpa's words, the two children asked Jiang Baimian in unison, their eyes widening.

For some reason, Jiang Baimian's mind flashed the scene of the "old tune group" going to the dust for the first time, and remembered what Shang Jianyao said:

"Fresh smell of shit."


Jiang Baimian, who had been playing with her children for a long time, felt more tired than dealing with businessmen, and more difficult than going out to perform tasks. Therefore, as soon as she saw her brother's family of four away, she immediately washed and went to bed, ready to go to bed.

However, as a self-disciplined person, she still entered the "Sea of ​​Origins" according to her habit, and swam to the distance in the illusory ocean composed of shimmering light, looking for the next island of fear.

Swimming around, Jiang Baimian suddenly saw a small black spot where the sea and the sky meet.

"Finally..." She couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Then, she picked up her paddling speed and swam towards the island.

As time passed by, Jiang Baimian arrived at his destination.

The island had mountains and water, covered with blue, which made her feel inexplicably familiar.

Relying on the fearful island of the "Sea of ​​Origins", even if he encounters an irresistible danger, he will only exhaust his energy and force his exit without leaving any sequelae.

She walked around the edge of the mountain on the island for a while, and saw a vehicular road leading into the mountain.

Jiang Baimian, who had enough experience in this, immediately showed the "Old Tune Group" jeep and drove along the road to the mountain.

There is no essential difference between this kind of behavior and her relying on her feet in the past. It will consume a certain amount of energy, but one more, one less, and the more one can save time.

And Jiang Baimian's choice is that his time is more precious than the spirit that will soon recover.

After the vehicle drove for ten minutes, Jiang Baimian felt more and more familiar with the scenery on both sides.

This made her wonder if she had lost her way, or if she had been hit by a ghost, she was always driving the same section of the road.

After careful recall, Jiang Baimian finally woke up:

The reason why she felt that this road was familiar was because it was the only way to return to the company from the Black Marsh Wilderness.

Sure enough, in the past few minutes, Jiang Baimian saw the silver-white metal door at the entrance of the "Pangu Creature" underground building.

She couldn't help but muttered:

"This psychological shadow is still the company..."

Her second dread island scene is the empty Pangea underground building.

It was repeated this time!

But thinking that most of his life was spent in the "underground building", and most of his experiences were related to "Pangu creatures", Jiang Baimian felt that it was unexpected and reasonable.

She no longer hesitated, stepped on the accelerator, and let the jeep drive towards the silver-white gate.

At this moment, Jiang Baimian suddenly saw a string of fire.

She jerked the steering wheel, sending the jeep out sideways in a flick of its tail.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Shell after shell covered the area where the vehicle would have passed.

After the bombardment failed to achieve results, one after another of lasers and electromagnetic projectiles aimed at the jeep running sideways and shot out.

Jiang Baimian stepped on the accelerator to the maximum, but there was already a mountain wall not far away.

She slammed on the brakes instinctively, dodging a wave of attacks, then unbuckled her seatbelt, pushed open the door, and rolled toward an obstacle around her.

She had just rolled halfway, her body was inexplicably paralyzed, and it was difficult to exert force.

The next second, a red laser came over and pierced through her body.

Jiang Baimian's face suddenly became abnormally distorted, and she immediately chose to withdraw from the "Sea of ​​Origins".

In the bedroom, on the bed, she opened her eyes, raised her hand and touched her forehead, dripping with cold sweat.

"The guards of the company attacked me directly without any confirmation?" Jiang Baimian silently muttered to himself, "This shows that, subconsciously, I put the company in a hostile position... The essence of this psychological shadow is me Doubts and worries about the company? This should have been small and would not be a psychological shadow, but the situation of the report has deepened the fear in this area..."

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Baimian gradually cleared up her thoughts, but she couldn't think of how to get through this island of fear for the time being.

Unconsciously, the hometown in her heart has become her psychological shadow.


On Monday morning, Jiang Baimian, who was late, just walked into the office when he heard Bai Chen say:

"Team leader, Deputy Minister Xi Yu is looking for you."

Jiang Baimian nodded thoughtfully:

"It seems to be asking about that application."

At this time, Shang Jianyao stood up and volunteered:

"Do you need me to lead the way?"

"No." Although Jiang Baimian could feel the concern, he was not happy at all.

She thought about it and said:

"Don't do the behavior of three hundred taels of silver here."

What she meant was not to follow behind her quietly, and not to use any "thought guidance". It seemed that it was a very dangerous thing to meet Deputy Minister Yu.

Shang Jianyao sighed in disappointment.

After three visits to the vice minister's office, Jiang Baimian finally found his destination.

Seeing that she was the only one here, Xi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, pointed to the chair opposite the table and said:

"sit down."

"Minister, what's the matter?" Jiang Baimian asked bluntly as soon as he sat down.

Xi Yuwen smiled and said:

"I was still worried about which helpers to find for you after the task, but you told me that Long Yuehong and Bai Chen could stand on the last shift."

"Actually, it's enough for me and Shang to meet Yao." Jiang Baimian deliberately diverted the topic and did not discuss the matter of Long Yuehong and Bai Chen.

Xi Yu shook his head:

"If there are too few people, many things will be inconvenient.

"Well, with the ability of Shang Jianyao, you can find some helpers temporarily."

Now that this matter has been resolved, she did not say more, and instead asked:

"I'm leaving next month, will it be too rushed?

"In that case, the weather will be worse before the summer arrives at the ice sheet."

Jiang Baimian had a draft for a long time, and he talked eloquently:

"I think it should be sooner rather than later. It's easy to find the ruins of the city where Shang Jianyao's father finally appeared, but it will definitely take a lot of time to find clues, and the same is true for the specific location of the Eighth Research Institute. There must be Be patient enough to catch the fox's tail.

"So, I'm worried that there's not enough time in one summer, and the April-May ice sheet is relatively milder than the September-October ice sheet."

Xi Yu thought for a while, then nodded lightly:

"Then you prepare more cold protection equipment and high-calorie food."

"Yes, Minister!" Jiang Baimian did not hide his smile.

After that, Xi Yu asked a few more detailed questions, all of which were answered satisfactorily.

The itinerary of the "Old Tune Group" has been determined.


One day in March, Shang Jianyao and others drove out of the underground building of "Pangu Creatures" in a jeep.

With the fresh air blowing in from the window, Jiang Baimian felt a lot more open-minded.

She saw that there was a little silence in the car, Bai Chen, Long Yuehong, and Shang Jianyao were trapped in their own thoughts. No one spoke for a long time, so she deliberately looked at the driver's seat and asked casually:

"Hey, has the small punch gap changed?"

"No." Shang Jianyao looked lost.

Jiang Baimian asked again:

"Has the owner of room '506' had a dream recently?"

Shang Jianyao shook his head again:

"She seems to have lost her ability to dream.

"I wonder if she found someone to hypnotize her to stop her dreaming."

Jiang Baimian pondered and asked:

"Which time period have you tried?"

"9:30 in the evening, 0:00, 3:00 in the middle of the night, 6:00 in the morning." Shang Jianyao didn't realize that he was very hard at all.

Jiang Baimian was silent for a while and said:

"I didn't dream at night, either I found a way to control myself not to dream, or I didn't sleep at all."

"Didn't sleep?" Shang Jianyao's eyes lit up.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"Then you try the nap time."

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao followed his good manners with a look of excitement.

Jiang Baimian ended this topic~www.readwn.com~ glanced at the rearview mirror, turned his body halfway, and smiled at Long Yuehong and Bai Chen in the back row:

"I know what you're up to, but it only affects your concentration, it won't make the situation any better or worse."

"Xiaohong can say it." Shang Jianyao forcefully interjected.

Jiang Baimian glared at him and continued:

"Since that's the case, it's better to leave the problem behind and finish the task at hand carefully to see if there is any gain you want."

Shang Jianyao followed and shouted:

"Yes, yes, listen to the song! Listen to the song!"

Long Yuehong and Bai Chen looked at each other, nodded and said:


"We'll adjust the situation."

At this moment, the jeep was like an arrow, heading towards the wilderness, heading forward.

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