Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 32: whose question


The voices shouted by the villagers in Shouqiao with a loudspeaker can be heard more clearly in the public office.

Shang Jianyao was excited for a moment, leaned over to the window, and said to himself:

"If it doesn't stop, will there be a fight?"

"Can't you think of something good?" Jiang Baimian also came to the window.

"I'll be useful in the fight." Shang Jian Yaoman said with longing, "Mediation, persuasion, and let the two sides become friends in the end."

You don't have to fight, you can make both sides friends, why do you have to go around so much? Long Yuehong couldn't understand Shang Jianyao's thinking at all, but he didn't question it.

As if aware of his inner voice, Shang Jianyao looked at the bridge across the mountain stream and sighed:

"Looks like I can't fight...

"That way I have no reason to intervene."

The team with more tattered vehicles parked on the other side of the bridge, following the rules. .

"Huh, you are now famous as a teacher?" Jiang Baimian responded with a smile.

The logic is quite strict... Long Yuehong muttered in her heart.

At this time, the villagers guarding the bridge asked using a loudspeaker:

"Where did you come from and what are you doing?"

At the passenger seat of the car at the front of the team, a man in a fur coat stuck out his upper body and responded loudly:

"From the north, trade something."

"North..." Long Yuehong repeated the word.

"The north side of Cliff Village belongs to the Icefield." The honest Genava said.

Bai Chen, who was also staring at the bridge area, pursed his lips and said:

"They are lying.

"The ice field must still be snowing this season, it's white everywhere, and there's not a trace on their car."

The villagers of Shouqiao, who are quite familiar with the ice field, also asked similar questions:

"Is there no snow in the ice field?"

Shang Jianyao became excited again, and said in a murmur:

"If there are awakened people in this convoy, will Cliff Village be unable to stop them, and there is no way to stop them from crossing the bridge?"

Not all human settlements have Awakened ones, and it might even be said that most do not.

When encountering those awakened people who are good at manipulating people's hearts, even if the settlements lack the corresponding strength, even if they are armed to the teeth, there will be situations that cannot be prevented. It is like a sealed can, which seems to be indestructible. shell.

According to the observations of the "Old Tune Group", the possibility of awakening people in Cliff Village is very low.

Of course, this does not include the team of "Pangu creatures" coming and going.

Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"As long as you don't encounter an awakened person whose ability coverage exceeds 500 meters, or you can use electronic products and your own voice to exert influence remotely, Cliff Village still has a certain defense ability.

"In addition to sending people to guard the bridge, there is also a monitoring room on the top floor of the office, and there are always two villagers on duty, watching the situation on the other side of the bridge from a distance of three or four hundred meters.

"As soon as they find something wrong, they will immediately notify the village chief, activate the device, and blow up the bridge."

Jiang Baimian paused and said:

"Well... this can only be guarded against the kind of hard intruders. The awakened ones really have to put down their bodies and hide in the dark. One by one, they will affect the people who leave the village and those who guard the bridge. Sooner or later, they will achieve the purpose of intrusion, but it is relatively devious few."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man who had responded to the bridge guard said loudly:

"We first went to the south to do some business, and it took more than ten days."

This can explain their current situation... Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief.

He doesn't like fighting by nature.

The villagers guarding the bridge seem to remember the identity of this group:

"You guys...

"Go to Shan'ao Town, someone will look for you later."

People in Cliff Village call that abandoned town used for outsider trade as Shan Col Town.

"Okay!" The people in the convoy didn't say anything, they skillfully disappeared along the mountain road opposite the cliff village.

"Let's go..." Shang Jianyao looked disappointed.

It didn't take long for Jiang Baimian to notice that four villagers from Cliff Village walked out of the office, got on a black mountain bike, and crossed the bridge to Shan'ao Town.

Ten minutes later, they returned to the village and entered the office.

Then, the village chief led them to the warehouse where the supplies were stored.

"A transaction." Jiang Baimian withdrew his gaze.

This is one of the most common things to do in Cliff Village in late spring, summer and early fall.

"It's boring." Shang Jianyao shook his head first, and then came excitedly, "You said, what will they trade? Military exoskeleton devices, old world entertainment materials, new world nodes,

Nuclear warheads? "

When the others didn't know how to respond, Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"Those things can only be traded by a team like us, whose mission is to save all mankind."

She was half perfunctory and half truthful.

Without the open and secret struggle of some high-level forces, how could the "Old Tune Group" get that nuclear warhead?

Shang Jian Yao was instantly satisfied.

At noon, the village chief knocked on the door of the room they were currently in.

"I heard someone singing when I was at the stairs." He handed out a few pages with a smile, "This is the menu, you order it, I will order it."

Jiang Baimian smiled casually while taking the menu:

"There seems to be a big business in the village?"

"It's okay, they come several times a year." The village chief replied calmly.

Shang Jianyao asked curiously:

"They came from the ice fields?"

"Yes." The village chief nodded, "It's not that every place in the icefield is uninhabitable."

"Yeah." Jiang Baimian echoed, "Some areas have special terrain, chaotic environment, and the climate is similar to the south, and some areas are rich in geothermal resources, which can be used well."

However, similar areas are not large, and compared to the entire ice sheet, they are like ordinary islands in the ocean.

"Yes, yes," the village chief agreed. "Their settlements are in the valleys, the climate is good, and the land is very fertile, so they can support a lot of people."

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"What's the name of their settlement? I'll see if I've heard of it."

"City at the end of the year." The village chief did not hide it.

There is no doubt that he is biased towards the "Pangu creatures" side.

These are the food and clothing parents of Cliff Village.

Without waiting for several members of the "Old Tunes Group" to ask again, he pressed his voice and said:

"The strength of Sui Sucheng is quite strong, and there are often awakened people in the team they send."

As the leader of a relatively important subsidiary force of "Pangu creatures", the village chief is definitely well-informed.

"Awakened?" Shang Jianyao looked excited.

The village chief said in a low voice:

"Once, they encountered a gang of robbers. As a result, they just looked at each other a few times and said a few words, and the robbers put down their weapons and let them deal with it."

"Last man" or "Zhuang Sheng" field? Jiang Baimian showed a thoughtful expression.

Shang Jian Yao smiled and said:

"Then have you been affected by providing them with supplies for free?"

The village chief quickly explained:

"No no.

"After they left, we all made the account, more than once, and there was no problem.

"The people in Sui Mocheng are still very friendly to us. They should have never used their abilities. It's a fair deal. They may know that there are big forces behind us, and they dare not do things absolutely. Only with contacts can we continue to do business. Go down."

Hearing this, Long Yuehong suddenly flashed a thought:

"Only those with strength and eye can live long in this world..."

After talking about the people in Liao Sui Mocheng who mainly exchange salt, gasoline, industrial products and other materials, Jiang Baimian ordered dishes from the menu.

After the experience of the meal last night, they all felt that Cliff Village was quite ordinary, but the barbecued meat was delicious.

When the village chief went downstairs and went to the kitchen, Shang Jianyao suddenly laughed:

"The name of Sui Mocheng is very interesting."

"Huh?" Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, and Genawaqi all looked at this guy.

Shang Jianyao's smile grew brighter:

"The end of the year is the end of the year, and the end of the year is the end of the year, our big boss."


Tarnan, Yumeng Hotel.

Aino, the proprietress, has been looking at the calendar for the nth time recently.

She muttered to herself:

"It's been almost a month, why haven't the Awakeners of the Mirage Cult come yet? What I want is the Awakeners of the Last Man who can 'hypnotize', not the Awakeners of the Broken Mirror who can get lost. ~www.readwn.com~ how did it take so long?"

It's not a problem to have nightmares every day!

Finally, Aino gathered up the courage, put on the most gorgeous clothes, went out again, came to Nanke Guan, and met Zhou Yue.

She asked politely:

"Zhou Guanzhu, why hasn't your sect's 'hypnotic' awakeners come yet?"

Zhou Yue took a closer look at this dress and said with wide eyes:

"Ms. Aino, didn't you choose to give up and adapt to the nightmare?

"So, I didn't apply to the headquarters."

"I didn't!" Aino blurted out, "I look forward to it every day! At that time, I just used 'dreams everywhere, why take it seriously' to comfort myself, so that I could survive the nightmare for a month."

Zhou Yue, in addition to being blind, your brain is not very good?

"You clearly said at the time to let it go, and it won't die." Zhou Yue responded in confusion.

Uh, I seem to have probably said it... Aino seriously thought about it and said:

"But I didn't say I had to give up completely!"

"Forget it, forget it." Zhou Yue didn't bother to argue any more, opened her arms, raised her body slightly, looked at the void and said, "There are illusions everywhere, why take it seriously?"

Aino almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

She always had the feeling that she and one of Zhou Yue's memories were wrong.

Just like asking for help is a fantasy!

Aino couldn't help but looked behind Zhou Yue.

There is a shrine there, and within the shrine, the dragon symbol inlaid with broken mirrors reflects the faint light.

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