Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 44: coffee shop

After hearing the conversation between Bai Chen and the team leader, Long Yuehong thought for a while and said:

"Maybe this is one of the more common creatures on ice sheets that molt with the seasons."

When it is cold and snowy, it is covered with white fur, which is convenient for using the environment to hide itself and avoid danger. When the ice and snow melts and the climate warms up, the white fur will fade away, and black fur that is more suitable for the current state will grow.

Similar creatures, the "Old Tune Group" have encountered several times elsewhere.

Jiang Baimian nodded lightly and said:


"But there is a saying that expect the enemy to be lenient. When making speculations, you need to try your best to spread your thinking and cover several possibilities, so as to avoid omissions and capsize in the gutter.

"Well, what else do the ice and snow ruins and Konimis have in common besides the presence of giant cats?"

She believes that if seeing similar giant felines is not a coincidence, the reason must be hidden in some hidden connection between the two places.

Bai Chen recalled:

"They are all in the ice field, they are all dead, and there is no human activity normally."

"The former residents were mainly Honghe people." Long Yuehong added.

Jiang Baimian nodded, and his thoughts changed:

"And, and..."

She paused, and her expression gradually became serious:

"Also, these two have a certain relationship with the Eighth Research Institute, but the ice and snow ruins are suspected, there is no doubt about it."

The "Old Tune Group" currently suspects that the Eighth Research Institute is the one that "evaporated" the goods of the "Rootless" team in the ice and snow ruins, and the Eighth Research Institute's commissioner has clearly stated that they are not only around Konimis The area has been isolated to prevent the spread of "innocence", and he has also entered the city to search for the whereabouts of Shang Jianyao's father's old-fashioned team.

"Team leader, what do you mean, that kind of giant cat is related to the Eighth Research Institute?" Long Yuehong was startled.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"Xiao Chong can drive deformed creatures, and the Eighth Research Institute may also be able to command some animals."

What she means is that the Eighth Research Institute may have the ability to be similar to Xiaochong's awakening in a certain aspect, and can exert influence on other creatures.

Of course, Xiao Chong currently seems to be a personality of "Zhuang Sheng". It is not difficult for him to create and drive the nightmare horses, sleeping cats and other distorted creatures, and the Eighth Research Institute is obviously unable to work with a senior personality. Fragments are on a par, so, wait and see, you can only find ordinary animals.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Baimian added:

"The Eighth Research Institute specializes in awakening, and may be able to create creatures similar to nightmare horses and sleeping cats."

That is, the kind of aberrant creature with the ability to awaken.

"That feline creature is the icefield 'scout' of the Eighth Research Institute?" Bai Chen probably understood what the team leader meant.

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"It's just a possibility, most of the details are my speculation.

"But we need to pay attention to that."

"Yes, don't be careless!" Long Yuehong has always been cautious.

Jiang Baimian immediately put on the military exoskeleton device and used the built-in communication system to contact Shang Jianyao and Genawa:

"Hey, Old Ge, can you hear me?"

According to her estimation, at this time, Shang Jianyao and Genava have already left the effective range of ordinary walkie-talkies. After all, the closer to the main city, the denser the buildings and the more complex the environment. Therefore, she switched to more powerful airborne communication. system.

"I can hear it! Not very clear!" Shang Jianyao's voice came back with rustling "special effects".

Jiang Baimian immediately warned:

"Watch out for animals! Especially cats!"


In the main city of Konimmis, the sky was as dark as evening, or a heavy rain was about to come.

"Be careful, animal?" Genova struggled to restore Jiang Baimian's words from the noise.

"Why be careful about animals?" Shang Jianyao was not convinced, "Aren't they careful about me?"

The honest Genava replied:

"Maybe it's for you to be careful not to bully animals."

"Okay!" Shang Jian Yao was satisfied.

Genova added:

"We can't ignore the aberrations of the animals here. It is more dangerous. Dabai should have found some clues. In short, be careful."

"No problem." Shang Jianyao said so, but he was eager to try, wanting to see and see.

Genova, who was wearing the "Chameleon" bionic intelligent armor, looked around and said:

"I have calculated the distance from here to Dabai's location, and have also analyzed the surrounding building layout. I don't think the effect of the airborne communication system will be so bad.

"So, according to the preliminary judgment, there is relatively strong electromagnetic interference in this area, and it is very special. I was not able to detect it immediately."

Shang Jianyao smiled and said:

"Electromagnetic disturbances in post-apocalyptic city ruins are normal.

"Moreover, the 'New World' node can be destroyed by high-voltage current flushing, and its own form of existence may be related to electromagnetism."

"Indeed." Genova did not refute.

He looked at the messy street ahead and reminded Shang Jianyao:

"From the western mountain pass to here, you haven't sensed the existence of the 'New World' node, which means that the current situation in Konimis is basically ruled out because of a large number of small 'New World' nodes.

"In this way, the probability of us encountering a huge 'New World' node somewhere in the main urban area is getting higher and higher. In addition, there are 'New World' powerhouses and Zhi Sui who behave strangely and are close to Zhi Sui. The two possibilities of sleeping in the flesh."

The latter three situations are obviously more serious and more dangerous than the first.

"It's all coming." Shang Jian Yaohun didn't care.

Wearing a military exoskeleton device, he hangs down in one hand and holds a Berserker assault rifle in the other, walking through the abandoned vehicles.

Compared to the cities that fell into ruins when the old world was destroyed, there were far fewer cars on Conimeth Street, not even a tenth of the former.

Because Konimis does not produce oil, and the electricity supplied by the surrounding power plants can only maintain the production of main materials and basic livelihood needs, only a few can afford to drive.

——The difference between this place and the Weed City and other places is that it is surrounded by ice fields. This made the exchange of materials between Konimis and the outside world relatively difficult, and the season had to be selected. At the same time, the residents of Konimis could not freely explore other city ruins in the nearby area and obtain gasoline from those places.

In this way, excess vehicles are naturally recycled and become raw materials for other items.

With a slight dangdang, Shang Jianyao and Genava walked towards the city.

Suddenly, on the second floor of a high-rise building by the roadside, a figure rushed out, directly approaching Shang Jian Yao.

His face was distorted, his age could not be seen, his eyes were abnormally cloudy and bloodshot, his blond hair reached to his vest, knotted obviously, and he was wearing a black tattered cotton-padded jacket.

This is a "mindless person".

Shang Jianyao, who should have sensed and used his abilities in advance, looked at him blankly, as if he was stunned at a critical moment.


Genova shot down the "unintentional".

Not only was his marksmanship extremely accurate, but he was also able to make a certain prediction. The "unintentional person" had clearly completed the evasion action, but he still couldn't dodge it. The bullet hit his head and shattered into a watermelon.

Thumping, as the corpse fell to the ground, the blood quickly infiltrated.

"What's wrong with you?" Genova asked Shang Jianyao with concern, "Why didn't you fight back?"

"I got the ability." Shang Jianyao shared his experience with excitement, "The 'inadvertent' should have hidden his human consciousness at first, and then after I entered the range, he used some kind of ability."

"Higher 'Mindless One'." Genova concluded and asked, "The ability to make you sluggish?"

Shang Jianyao shook his head covered by the helmet:


"I originally wanted to use 'Lack of Limb Movement', but I found that I forgot how to use the Awakener's ability. Well, I haven't remembered how to use it yet, but I feel that it is slowly coming back."

"Forget the way to use the ability?" Genova looked down at the "Heartless" corpse, "The question now is, why did he ignore my existence and attack you directly?"

"The 'Mindless One' doesn't have a brain, so he probably doesn't know how powerful intelligent people are." Shang Jianyao said "tsk tsk" with a smile, "Besides, you are still wearing the 'chameleon' armor, he might think you are a large chameleon. , I'll take care of you calmly after I've been dealt with."

Genova's gaze moved to the abdomen of the corpse, and moved the metal neck up and down:

"No chameleon carries and uses weapons.

"He was probably starving, he hadn't found anything to eat for a long time, and he was a bit desperate, thinking he could avoid my attack.

"In this way, the other 'unintentional ones' in Koningmis will not be weaker than him, or in other words, there is at least one person in a small group who is similar in strength to him."

Genova didn't wait for Shang Jianyao's response, because this guy was already looking forward:

"It seems to be foggy over there!"

At the end of the current street, in the depths of the main city, a faint mist filled the darkness, making the environment there closer to night.

"Go and have a look." Shang Jianyao said what he did, and Dangdang ran over.

Genova didn't have time to stop it, so she could only follow.

It didn't take long for them to reach the edge of that area, either relying on equipment or on their own.

"Could the root of the problem lie in this area?" Shang Jianyao excitedly asked ~www.readwn.com~ and stepped directly into the mist.

The next second, he saw a yellowish light suddenly appear in the darkness in the distance.

A window was lit.

It seemed to be a roadside cafe with two people sitting vaguely inside.

"Someone?" Shang Jianyao became more and more excited, "I'll go over to say hello and make friends!"

"Be careful!" Genova could only remind him.

He had already seen clearly what the two figures sitting by the window looked like:

One is a lady, with her back to Shang Jianyao and Genava, wearing a thin white dress, her hair is golden and draped in waves.

One is an elderly male, black formal suit, white shirt, dark tie, over sixty years old, with obvious wrinkles on his face, brown eyes, and thin and white hair.

The two were drinking coffee and chatting quietly.

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