Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 52: better dance

Genova didn't find the slightest abnormality, but he still fully believed in Shang Jianyao's judgment, and asked:

"Is it because we are a little closer to the root of the problem?"

Genova thinks that although Shang Jianyao has the possibility of joking and pranking at a critical moment, he or another he will correct it soon, so as not to delay the business, so, in the case that Shang Jianyao has no other statement in the follow-up , Genova regarded what he had just said as true.

Shang Jianyao stared at the depths of the main city, which was so dark that it was almost night, shook his head and said:

"I just didn't feel that way in the square just now.

"And from the center of the square to here, it's only 20 to 30 meters away."

This is a small fountain and statue square, which itself is not big.

Shang Jianyao means that there is no sense in front of it for no reason, and it takes only twenty or thirty meters to gain something.

Genova doesn't agree with Shang Jianyao's words:

"It's almost twenty-five meters. Although this is really insignificant compared to the entire main city of Koningmis, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. We have already traveled an unknown number of twenty-five meters. This may be the last one. Let us The last to cross the critical line."

Shang Jianyao still shook his head:

"I seriously thought about it and found that after the library projection was destroyed by the high-voltage current you released, the surrounding situation has changed a little bit.

"It should have been since then that the vortex has slowly become stronger, and now it is finally strong enough that I can vaguely sense it at this position."

"This is a possibility." Genova completed the analysis between the light and the fire. "Our attack on the projections brought about by the overlap is equivalent to indirectly stimulating the 'new world', so there is a certain mutation."

Shang Jian Yao's thinking jumped, and he said to himself:

"The vortex should be a few kilometers away from me, far beyond my sensing range, and I can actually detect it a little bit now.

"Did I become stronger in this special environment?"

Genova, who was listening intently to his words, was almost dodged by his sharp turn, and hurriedly expressed his opinion:

"One is that the vortex is too huge and exaggerated, and the other is that similar things will cause a certain disturbance to the surroundings. This disturbance is transmitted layer by layer. Although the corresponding signal gradually attenuates and becomes weaker, it can reach the The extent to which you can capture."

These two points complement each other. It is precisely because the vortex is too huge and exaggerated that the disturbance can be transmitted to the side several kilometers away.

"Really?" Shang Jianyao asked in disappointment, and then said, "In this case, the possibility of a giant 'new world' node is the highest, followed by Shen Mian's physical body, and the others. The situation can basically be ruled out.”

Genavar moved his metal neck up and down:

"Do you want to go deeper?"

Shang Jianyao fell into a state of embarrassment, no, infighting.

It took them several seconds to come to an agreement and give the answer:

"The vortex will continue to grow stronger, and I'm worried that it will intensify in the future.

"Let's retreat, meet Dabai and the others, and closely observe the situation in the main city of Koningmis. If the vortex does not subside, it keeps going outwards and swallows up the surrounding area, then give it the nuclear bomb, lest the 'innocence' spread to the The whole ashes."

"Okay." Genova's main module simulated a feeling of relief.

The two were about to turn around when they suddenly saw a building in the dark, thick fog in the distance.

It was a hazy tower.


Hearing Jiang Baimian's order, it took Long Yuehong and Bai Chen several seconds to realize that there was really only one enemy. As long as they and others escaped separately, at least one of them could escape the coverage of the opponent's ability, return to normal, and then Use equipment and long-range attacks to help teammates get out of trouble.

This is a very useful solution for the current situation.

Of course, the premise is that there is really only one enemy.

The "drunk" state of Long Yuehong was a lot bolder than usual. Relying on the protection of the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic intelligent armor, she rushed out first.

He hopes that he can divert the enemy and create a chance for Bai Chen and the team leader to escape the danger!

Seeing this, Bai Chen immediately turned around and ran in the other direction.

As an experienced fighter, she knew that the only way not to drag her companions in this situation was to run away with all her might.

In this way, the enemy will hesitate, and there will be a certain probability to choose to chase her.

As a result, everyone else is safe, and it won't take long to find an opportunity to counterattack.

The woman in the "chameleon-like" bionic intelligent armor didn't get angry and let out a chuckle.

As the voice spread, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were even more "drunk", and their body movements became more and more uncoordinated.


The two fell to the ground almost at the same time, pushing a golden mountain down like a jade pillar.

Jiang Baimian, who was running towards the jeep, did the same, but she had a certain expectation, so she rushed forward and rolled, and finally reached the driver's seat with the door open.

At this time, the enemy dropped the launcher of the AS-9 individual anti-tank missile, picked up his rifle hidden behind a tree, and aimed it at Jiang Baimian.

Compared with the two who escaped on foot, she was more worried about Jiang Baimian who returned to the jeep

After all, there is a powerful bomb that the other side claims is very powerful.

For this reason, she had to choose ordinary firearms, so as not to be killed.

This is one of the reasons why she didn't hit vehicles before and only used anti-tank missiles and grenades to scare those on the opposite side.

Of course, this is also the last reason, otherwise she would not have chosen grenade guns and individual anti-tank missiles at all, and would not even give the three members of the "Old Tune Team" a chance to get on the bus.

She completed the aiming quickly, and she is very confident in her level in this area.

Because one of her three abilities is:

"Firearm genius"!

After entering the "Spiritual Corridor", this is promoted to "Hot Weapon Genius".

Just as the enemy wearing a "chameleon"-like bionic intelligent armor was about to pull the trigger, the bullets penetrated into Jiang Baimian's torso from the side without armor protection, and when she rolled inside, a sound suddenly rang in her ears. A dynamic female voice:

"Look at you

"It's better to dance

"It's better to dance than chat..." (Note 1)

The lady was stunned, and a strong impulse emerged:

Shooting is worse than dancing!

Fighting is worse than dancing!

It's not as good as dancing!

She then twisted her crotch, put down the gun, and waved her hands.

It's not just her. Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, who fell into the dirt without taking precautions in advance, also danced the floor dance.

Although they have never danced this dance before, have they never eaten pork, and have they seen a pig run?

You must know that there is an old world dance master in the "Old Key Group", who is proficient in various genres of dance.

Yes, he's Gnavar, and he has that in his database.

Shang Jianyao often learns from him and asks him for advice. Long Yuehong and Bai Chen look on and feel that they will know it.

Jiang Baimian also danced.

She grabbed the "chaotic right hand", used it as a prop, and shook it.

Her body was trembling, sometimes kneeling down, and sometimes whirling up, very rhythmic and beautiful.

At this moment, the scene is like entering the routine of some movies in a certain country in the old world.

Absurd and cheerful.

However, Jiang Baimian did not stay in place. Wearing a military exoskeleton device, she twisted her body and walked towards the enemy step by step, just like a clip in some old world movies.

——She holding the small speaker in the other hand was not only implanted with the idea of ​​"it's better to dance", but also was affected by negative effects and had certain mental problems.

This made her seem like a small businessman, full of weird ideas of having to dance with the enemy and defeat her in the dance.

Since we want to fight dance, we must shorten the distance and enhance the atmosphere and tension between each other.

In just a few seconds, with the assistance of the military exoskeleton device, Jiang Baimian successfully shortened the distance between the two sides to less than 100 meters after two jumps in the dance.

Immediately after, she threw the small speaker to the ground like a white glove.

But as the small speaker broke away from her palm and lost the support of the Awakened, the singing became normal, and there was no longer the magic power of dancing.

Of course, the corresponding thinking that was implanted before still exists and will not disappear directly, but this is out of tune with the environment on the scene. It will not take long for the three members of the "Old Tune Team" and the enemy to find that the situation is wrong and return to normal.

Compared with Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen, the enemies who have entered the "Spiritual Corridor" are significantly less affected, and their recovery will naturally be faster.

This is a normal development, but the reality is often not the case.

Jiang Baimian twisted his waist and was still dancing, but he no longer had the idea of ​​having to dance with the opponent.

In the "cold" brought by the "chaotic right hand", she suddenly froze for a moment:

"It's so cold, why are you dancing?"

With this contradiction, Jiang Baimian broke free of the implanted thinking in an instant~www.readwn.com~ and found the correct cognition.

And she wasn't at all surprised by this situation.

Before using the small speaker, she had thought about using the negative effect of the "chaotic right hand" to help herself get rid of the shackles of "mind implantation"!

What she didn't expect was that "cold" could be overcome before the singing had magic power.

As soon as his mind was clear and he was no longer in a "drunk" state, Jiang Baimian locked on the enemy, his eyes became dark, and he raised his arm, aiming the grenade launcher of the military exoskeleton device at the target.

At this time, the enemy wearing the "chameleon"-like bionic intelligent armor also recovered his normal thinking mode and stopped dancing.

Her pupils then reflected the faint black launch port and the metal skeleton reflecting the light.

And she knows very well that her armor is not good at defense. Although a grenade will not be severely damaged, it will also be affected a lot, including damage to the equipment and injuries to herself.

Note 1: Quoted from "It's Better to Dance", Chen Huilin

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