Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 55: model worker gnava

"Lao Ge, we will cheer you on!"

Shang Jianyao waved his right hand and shouted to Genova enthusiastically.

He, Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, and Bai Chen were standing on a high ground, looking down at the intelligent robot below.

Because it is unclear how many companions the enemy escaped, their strength, the maximum sensing range, and whether they have set traps, the "Old Tune Team" was cautious and decided to only send Genava to chase the traces, follow the clues, four A carbon-based man used binoculars and the surrounding terrain, dotted a few kilometers away, to closely observe the various performances of his teammates, and to be ready to launch long-range attacks at any time.

This is also impossible. Who says intelligent robots have a high fault tolerance rate, and if they encounter an accident, the probability of surviving is far better than that of Jiang Baimian and other carbon-based people?

More importantly, intelligent robots are also immune to most of the Awakened's abilities and are not afraid of being sensed by human consciousness.

In order to ensure the safety of Lao Ge, the four carbon-based people of the "Old Tune Team" unanimously decided to let the other party wear the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic intelligent armor this time to further improve their defense capabilities.

In the old world, there is such a proverb: if meat is wrapped in iron, you will die quickly; if you wrap meat in iron, you will die.

And Genova is now called "iron clad iron", strong enough, strong enough.

——Meat-wrapped iron generally refers to humans riding motorcycles and bicycles, with flesh and blood on steel, iron-wrapped meat refers to humans riding motor vehicles, and flesh and blood under the protection of steel.

Genova raised his steel arm covered with black scales and waved to his companions, indicating that he had received their encouragement.

Then, he began to follow clues such as bloodstains, footprints, etc., and traced it away.

Jiang Baimian looked at the sky that had darkened to the level of the main city of Koningmis, and sighed:

"In such an environment, only Lao Ge can not miss a trace."

"Yes, yes." Shang Jianyao echoed.

Long Yuehong glanced at them, raised the telescope, and observed Genava's every move, so as to know what happened to the other party in time.

At this moment, the four carbon-based people are fully armed, three are wearing military exoskeleton devices, and one is wearing a "chameleon" bionic intelligent armor.

That one is Long Yuehong.

They didn't skimp on electricity, and they only attacked when they found an enemy.

Through the corresponding functions of the telescope and the military exoskeleton device, the four members of the "Old Tune Team" saw Genava moving fast.

This shows that until now, the clues have not been interrupted, and the traces still remain on the ground.

"Lao Ge went around a pile of rocks

"Lao Ge crossed a creek

"Lao Ge entered the abandoned village and passed through it again.


Finally, Jiang Baimian couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Shang Jianyao's words:

"No need to explain, we can all see it."

Shang Jianyao closed his mouth in disappointment, regretting that he could not fully enjoy the profession of commentator.

Jiang Baimian turned his attention to Genava again, and then relied on the communication system embedded in the military exoskeleton device and said:

"Lao Ge, stop for a moment and we'll move. If you go further, the angle here is not very good, and the distance is too far to support you.

"You pay attention to your surroundings and be prepared for accidents."

After getting Genava's affirmative reply, Jiang Baimian greeted Long Yuehong and others and moved to the second monitoring point.

This monitoring point was not preset, because they had no idea in advance which direction the enemy was fleeing. This monitoring point was one of several suitable places that they had chosen when they watched Genava's tracking.

Several carbon-based people in the "Old Tune Team" were equipped to assist, and it didn't take long to reach the predetermined position.

It was a water tower.

Jiang Baimian and the others stood firm on the small steel terrace at the top of the water tower, and observed the situation on the Genava side again.

No exceptions.

Genova continued on her tracking journey.

Looking at it, a picture suddenly appeared in Long Yuehong's mind.

That's a funny picture from an old world entertainment profile.

He suppressed his voice and shared his feelings with Bai Chen:

"Do you think the current situation is a bit like that picture? A group of people are watching, and one person is working."

"It's a bit like it!" Bai Chen hadn't spoken yet, but Shang Jianyao, who was listening to all directions, had already expressed his approval.

He immediately exclaimed:

"Poor old guy."

Jiang Baimian didn't say anything like you who cheered on Lao Ge just now.

After a while, Genova slowed down.

At this point, the traces seem to be less and less, and it is more and more difficult to capture.

It's not difficult for Genava, he relied on the assistance of various equipment and various modules to trace forward little by little.

After an unknown time, when the real night was about to come, Genova stopped and pointed to a building ahead:

"The enemy should have gotten in there."

The building belonged to a small town on the edge of Konimeth, near the northern pass.

It was originally the tallest building in this area, but it was later transformed into a kind of outpost.

"How about blowing up that house directly?" The vicious Shang Jianyao suggested.

The honest Genava replied:

"But as far as I can detect, there are no living creatures inside."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Shang Jianyao, who was seeking novelty and curiosity, was disappointed for a while.

"Relocated ahead of time? Trap?" Jiang Baimian muttered to himself and instructed Genava, "Lao Ge, go in and search, be careful."

"Okay." Genova always obeyed orders.

Then, with the help of the communication system, his report was continuously transmitted to the ears of Shang Jianyao and others:

"There are traces of human life at the bottom, very new

"They also have the dirt outside the rear window on the animal side that smells of **** wafting over.

"I found a storage room with some supplies, but not many, there are traces of moving

"There are observation points on the top floor, you can see the road to the north and west pass into Konimeth

"According to the preliminary judgment, there used to be three to four people living here, plus a very large animal.

"I found relatively clear wheel traces on the landlord's side of this building. There are reasons to believe that a few hours ago, the humans here brought most of the supplies and hurriedly moved. The direction is the main city of Koningmis."

Jiang Baimian frowned after listening carefully.

She muttered to herself:

"This unscientific

"There are only so many people in the Eighth Research Institute in Konimis? Moreover, the one who was hit hard by us is one of the best in combat power."

In her original understanding, there must be at least dozens of people in the Eighth Research Institute in Konimis, responsible for clearing investigators and taking care of the area overlapping with the "New World", among which, the awakened people at the "Spiritual Corridor" level One hand may not be able to count them, and they carry items that can directly contact the "New World" powerhouses of the Eighth Research Institute.

Who knows, according to Genova, there are only three or four people and a black giant feline here, and they will be hit hard by the attack on the "old tune group", so they choose to transfer in a hurry instead of organizing more powerfully. siege.

"Isn't it someone from the Eighth Research Institute?" Long Yuehong muttered.

"No, the special commissioner we caught confirmed that the Eighth Research Institute has been quarantined here, which will definitely be kept guarded." Bai Chen shook his head.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"And the existence of giant cats, not so coincidental."

At this time, Shang Jianyao laughed, and his voice entered the ears of Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong, Bai Chen, and Genavar in the distance:

"The answer is simple.

"The Eighth Research Institute didn't pay enough attention to this place, and only sent a team to guard it.

"And why is there not enough attention? It's because outsiders entering the main city of Konimmis~www.readwn.com~ are basically equivalent to death, or become 'intentional ones', and the few who can survive, then There is more or less the blessing of the old age, and the Eighth Research Institute can’t manage it very much.”

He repeated what he had said earlier in his discussions with Genova.

Jiang Baimian nodded and said thoughtfully:

"This guess is very reasonable, but the question is, under such circumstances, why did the Eighth Research Institute send such a team to guard in Konimis? Too many awakeners at the level of the 'Spiritual Corridor'?

"What exactly are they 'guarding'?"

"You can only ask them." Shang Jianyao answered sincerely.

Jiang Baimian immediately used the communication system to tell Genawa:

"Lao Ge, you trace the tracks of the wheels and see where those people went."

With this tracking, Genava reached the edge of the main city of Konimmis.

After nightfall, it was so dark that I could not see my fingers, and at first glance, it seemed that some dangerous existence was sleeping in the depths.

After observing for a while, Genova said to the businessman who was dotted a few kilometers away:

"That group of people seems to have entered the main city. Aren't they afraid of being 'involuntary'?"

——Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen did not dare to get too close to this side, so they could only send Shang Jianyao to support them.

"Maybe they are also blessed by someone and someone." Shang Jianyao didn't care about it, "It's okay to see it."

When he and Genava returned to the main unit and reported the matter, Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said:

"There are so many mysteries here, and our reserves are falling below the safety line.

"Next, go to the sphere of influence of the 'White Knights', replenish the energy, and then come back to explore further."

According to the "Old Tunes Group", the closest human settlement of the "White Knights" here is Gestburg where the previous "Rootless" team set off.

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