Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 57: White Knights

In the end, the "old tune group" did not take advantage of the electricity bill, and chose a common suite where the electricity bill was calculated separately. After all, Shang Jianyao claimed to save all mankind, and would never allow his own group to do such things.

Sometimes, Jiang Baimian would sigh in private that this guy is really the conscience of the "old tune group".

All the way into the suite, Shang Jianyao looked at the sky before the evening, and said eagerly:

"When Lao Ge is charged, are we going to go out to investigate?"

"Quietly wait for a few days and then talk about it." Jiang Baimian said "ha".

She also dyed her hair flaxen, instead of keeping it pure black like in the first city, because although they are both of the Red River race, there are basically no black-haired groups on the "White Knights" side.

As for the contact lenses, she also did not use the previous ones, but asked the relevant technical personnel of the company to help make biological materials before going out to perform tasks.

Of course, the color is still blue.

"Why?" Shang Jianyao was like being slapped in the head.

He wears green contact lenses.

Jiang Baimian quietly rolled his eyes:

"The first priority at the moment is to fully charge all the batteries. Until then, we try not to go out and investigate, lest we really find any clues and cause trouble and force us to leave Gustburg early.

"At that time, it will not be easy to find a place to charge safely."

She has enough awareness of the "disaster constitution" of her own group, and she often has lingering fears about it. She suspects that if she is unlucky, she and others will investigate the clues of the Eighth Research Institute or Shang Jianyao's father's team today. There is gain, then intensifies the conflict, snowballs things bigger and bigger, and finally has to escape Gustburg before dawn.

In this way, how many high-performance batteries can be fully charged?

What to do after that?

Taking into account the practical possibility of this development, Jiang Baimian was cautious and planned to lock the team members in the hotel and wait for all the spare batteries to be fully charged before launching a corresponding investigation.

Shang Jianyao understood what Jiang Baimian meant, and glanced at Long Yuehong:

"What about you!"

Long Yuehong is angry and funny:

"It's like you haven't found any clues?"

He was using another hair dye, and his hair was brown, and his contact lenses were yellow.

Like him, Bai Chen is a pair.

While the two were arguing, Genova walked to the corner of the living room of the suite and charged himself.

He immediately sat down on the single-seat sofa next to him, as comfortable as a carbon-based man after a busy day, took a hot bath, and lay down on the bed very relaxed.

Bai Chen found another socket and charged another high-performance battery.

Looking around, Jiang Baimian took off his tactical backpack and walked towards the living room window.

She is no stranger to the "White Knights". Although she has never been there before, she has read a lot of materials, and has also come into contact with some members of the "White Knights" or humans who have been to this great power.

The "White Knights" were established in the early days of chaos after the destruction of the old world.

At that time, some people who advocated the chivalry of the ancient times and the survivors of several religious organizations in the old world gathered together to try to lead people out of chaos and restore order.

At that time, there were no rumors of being old, and the gods preached by several religions in the old world did not appear, nor did they give any hints to human beings, so the corresponding religions disintegrated, and the survivors, with the help of their companions, began to chivalry. Fill your heart, and the "White Knights" are born.

In the chaotic era, the knights emphasized and abide by the tenets of simplicity, economy, restraint, compassion, humility, heroism, justice, etc., opened up settlements one by one, gathered a large number of people, and survived the difficulties.

The "Salvation Army" also appreciated the actions of the knights. Although they did not approve of their overemphasis on the concept of superiority, obedience and the lower status of women, they did not provoke them very much.

Therefore, with the same long border line, the "Salvation Army" has been going southwest, trying to save the humans in the "First City", but they coexisted peacefully with the "White Knights" and did not offend each other.

In terms of belief, the "White Knights" did not worship any gods on the surface, and took chivalry as the highest code of conduct, but in fact, Jiang Baimian is not very clear.

They may be like the "Salvation Army", and they have never been influenced by the seniors, or they may be like the "First City", and there are several seniors behind them.

"I really want to visit the Great Knight of Gustburg." Before Jiang Baimian walked to the window, Shang Jianyao once again expressed his thoughts.

As an important frontier stronghold, mining city, and industrial base of the "White Knights", Gustburg always has a great knight stationed there.

- The ruling class of the "White Knights" is the "Great Knight Council", which is composed of a famous great knight.

According to what the "Old Tunes Group" had heard from Smith's "rootless" team, the current knight in charge of Gustburg is Javier.

Jiang Baimian turned his body sideways and looked at Shang Jianyao:

"Why do you want to visit the great knight here?"

"I want to communicate with him about chivalry." Shang Jianyao was sincere and sincere.

"I'm afraid, you will be disappointed." Bai Chen paused and said, "The current white knights are not the ones they were decades ago."

She had heard a lot of rumors about the border between the "White Knights" and the "First City".

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"In the past, the extreme environment can create the most pure people. Now it has been barely stable for decades. The new knights are unlikely to be like the older generation. Even if there are special cases, they are few, and the older generation is overwhelming. Some of them have withered away, or based on reality, there have been certain changes.

"The Salvation Army is an example."

The extremely desperate environment will lead to a lot of corruption of human nature, and will create a large number of "human-shaped beasts", but it will also stimulate and spawn a group of relatively pure, mentally tough idealists.

"Hey..." Shang Jianyao sighed after hearing the words.

Then, he raised his right hand, pressed his left chest, and solemnly said:

"For all mankind!"

Jiang Baimian retracted his gaze and looked out the window.

The air was foggy, there was a lot of smudges on the glass, and the windowsills outside were full of dust, many of them soot.

Pedestrians wear relatively simple clothes and relatively low-key colors, which is the style of the "White Knights".

At this time, a group of people came over from the train station.

They were basically people from Honghe, most of them had disheveled faces and tattered clothes, and they all shivered a little in the spring near the ice sheet.

The leader, wrapped in a fur coat and holding a loudspeaker, said loudly:

"Look at the situation around you, I didn't lie to you, did I?

"Here, you will have the opportunity to work, and work can be exchanged for bread, meat, clothes like me, and warm shelter!

"It's not very suitable for planting here, and the conditions for grazing are not good, but countless flour, meat, and salt have been pulled here by train and replaced with coal, steel and various metals.

"Here, as long as you work hard, you can buy everything and get everything!

"This is heaven, this is the 'new world' in the real sense!"

Those Honghe people were excited when they heard it, and the people passing by around UU Reading www.uukanshu.com were also a little infected, and their expressions were all excited.

This settlement, which belongs to mining and industry, has always been in full swing.

A little bit of coal ash fell, and the group was taken by the leader to the factory area behind the castle.

"Although the industrial pollution here is a bit more serious, people are full of hope..." Long Yuehong also came to the window and sighed sincerely, "The 'White Knights' seem to be good to the workers, at least they didn't deduct much."

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"Compassion and justice are the contents of their creed. Even if the present is not as good as in the past, the superficial efforts will still be maintained."

"The 'White Knights' will also distribute food to the poor every once in a while." Bai Chen said about the rumors he heard in the "First City".

She was envious at the time.

"Not bad." Shang Jianyao nodded with satisfaction, like the head of the "White Knights" who came to inspect.

After chatting for a while, after rushing for a few days, they each found a seat to sit down and relax.

In the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, time passed quickly.

Seeing that evening was approaching, Long Yuehong asked casually:

"Team leader, where do we investigate next?"

Jiang Baimian thought about it and said:

"Let's start with the old tune from before.

"Although it has been more than ten years, there are very few gray soil people here. If they didn't do much disguise at that time, many people should have left a deep impression.

"Well, the premise is that they really came."

After a pause, Jiang Baimian added:

"Ask the hunters guild. Outsiders like them want to ask for information. The first choice is often the local hunter guild."

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao replied in a buoyant tone.

Just as he finished speaking, a bell rang suddenly outside.

when! when! when!

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