Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 60: different directions

Bodhi? Bai Chen resisted the urge to listen carefully.

On the one hand, the team leader's exhortations were still in her ears, and the shadow of the "accident" made her dare not go into it.

After leaving the restaurant, Bai Chen deliberately did not look at Long Yuehong next to him, and said to Jiang Baimian in a low voice:

"Team leader, the people at the table seemed to be talking about Bodhi-related things."

"It turned out to be Tongxin." Chan Master Pudu Shang Jianyao was quite happy, folded his hands together and said, "Namo Amu Tara Samak Sambodhi."

Jiang Baimian made a "heh":

"Those who discuss Bodhi may not necessarily be Buddhists, but may also be historical researchers like us."

The "Old Tune Group" is essentially studying history and restoring the truth.

Without giving Shang Jianyao a chance to answer, she pointed forward and said:

"Don't worry about it so much, let's go back to the hotel first and charge safely."

Life is full of wrong paths, and she doesn't want to lose her direction on the real road and make wrong choices on the path of destiny.

It's not that she really thinks that there is something wrong with Long Yuehong or Shang Jian Yao's fate, but that there are so many Zhi Sui behind her, she is suspicious of everything she sees.

"Okay." Shang Jianyao was quite disappointed.

The four full of food and drink walked to the "Fire and Iron" hotel step by step in the relatively bad air and the lights on both sides of the road.

In a short distance of tens of meters, Long Yuehong walked with trepidation.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong along the way, and they entered the hotel smoothly.

Hu... Long Yuehong quietly exhaled.

Shang Jianyao gave him a regretful look, and said nothing, just shook his head.

Long Yuehong, who was ready to fight with him, was suddenly a little suffocated, and wanted to ask this guy what you mean.

At this time, Jiang Baimian saw that the front desk with good looking blond hair and blue eyes was packing up.

He took a rucksack, opened the drawer, and put in a Union 202 pistol, two boxes of ammunition and several grenades.

"Get off work?" Shang Jianyao asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah." The front desk replied with a bright smile, "Just wait for my colleagues to hand it over, and then go to the Hunter Guild to see if there are any suitable quests to do."

While speaking, he put on his backpack and picked up a double-barreled shotgun.

This fully armed appearance made Long Yuehong feel that he was actually robbing a prison instead of being the front desk of a hotel.

Is this the "White Knights"? He muttered to himself.

The front desk looked at the door, didn't see his colleague, and returned to his original position impatiently.

Jiang Baimian glanced and found a thin booklet laying out in front of him, with patterns and words written on it, separated line by line, as if listing something.

"What is this?" In terms of curiosity, Shang Jianyao never let Jiang Baimian down.

The receptionist looked down at the brochure and said with a smile:

"The map of the genetic improvement potion I got from the castle. I'm almost saving enough money, and I want to choose in advance which enhancements to do next time."

"Oh." Shang Jianyao approached and asked without knowing, "What are they? Can you show us?"

"Okay." The front desk didn't mind at all, "You can also go to the castle to ask for it yourself. For them, it means possible business. Hehe, some of the genetic improvement medicines we have here may not necessarily be there for you. have."

When he was talking, Shang Jianyao reached out and picked up the booklet, Jiang Baimian and others came over and read it together.

Long Yuehong didn't know if she didn't see it, but she was startled when she saw it.

He never thought that the "White Knights" actually had dozens or hundreds of varieties of genetically modified drugs!

Over the years, "Pangu Creatures" has only accumulated three types: the oldest type 1, which is not very effective, the experimental type 2, and the type 3 that has outstanding effects and almost no negative effects.

It was not until type 3 that "Pangaeon" promoted and popularized genetic improvement internally.

Therefore, when the internal staff of "Pangu Biology" talked about the genetic improvement medicine, they would not deliberately mention which type it was, and the default was type 3.

According to Jiang Baimian's knowledge, after Type 3, the company's research focuses on finding specific reasons for some employees whose improvement effect is not good, and developing more targeted subtypes. Then two or three.

Considering the existence of the front desk, Long Yuehong did not share his surprise and astonishment with Bai Chen, and read the introduction on the map carefully.

After Shang Jianyao turned three pages, he probably understood what was going on:

The genetically modified stock solution of "Pangu Biology" and the corresponding drugs and medicaments can improve a person in an all-round way, from height, brain, appearance, immunity, and ability to adapt to the environment.

Of course, the specific effect that can be achieved varies from person to person.

And the genetic improvement agents of the "White Knights" are all "single" increases.

For example, the x-series is optimized for human immunity, and the x-3 is the basic and mature model.

The a series is to optimize the appearance, involving facial features and height, the b series is to improve the reaction speed, etc., etc.

In general, it is only by adding up so many types of genetic improvement medicines of the "White Knights" that it is possible for a person to obtain a comprehensive improvement.

But if it is only compared to the effect of "single item", the genetic improvement of "Pangu Creature" is not as good as that of "White Knights".

Jiang Baimian knew about this before.

Her perception is:

The "White Knights" took a different approach and achieved a certain extreme in the optimization of "single items", while "Pangu Creatures" focused more on balance and overallity.

Many times, only doing "single item" optimization is a big burden on the body... Maybe there are so few old people in the "White Knights" who have passed 50. Maybe there is a reason for this... Jiang Baimian's thoughts are floating, listen Go to Shang Jian Yao and ask the front desk:

"Which potion are you going to buy this time?"

The front desk showed a hesitant expression:

"I'm going to pick between the c-series and the k-series."

The c series is the strengthening of balance ability and coordination ability, and the k series is the memory and learning ability.

Before waiting for Shang Jianyao to respond, the front desk said to himself:

"You know, in addition to the basic x-series, a person can do up to three genetic modifications in a lifetime.

"I've had the e-series once, the a-series once, and I only have one last chance. I have to seriously consider it."

The e-series is for improving muscle-related abilities.

Shang Jianyao asked, puzzled:

"You all know that there are only three chances, why choose a series?"

In his opinion, the beauty and ugliness of the face is the least important.

The front desk sighed:

"To gain height.

"If a person is tall, if he gains weight appropriately, and works hard, he can have quite good fighting ability."

He is nearly 1.8 meters tall, similar to Jiang Baimian. Although he looks okay, he is not particularly outstanding.

Based on this, Long Yuehong judged that the genetic modification medicines that he could buy were all relatively cheap basic models, and the effect was not very good.

Moreover, he obviously drank the other two types of medicines later, not the improvement received in the fetal or infant stage, and naturally it will have a certain impact.

Shang Jianyao said "oh" and then made a suggestion.

He pointed to his head:

"A good mind is important at all times."

"I'll think about it..." The blond and blue-eyed receptionist struggled again.

Seeing this, Jiang Baimian and the others returned the completed map of the genetically modified medicine, and quietly entered the stairs ~www.readwn.com~ to their suite.

On the way, Shang Jianyao asked eagerly:

"How many times do we have the chance to drink the 'White Knights' genetic modification potion?"

"Countless times, you can drink it if you want, but it doesn't work." Jiang Baimian poured a basin of cold water on Shang Jianyao.

She has some knowledge in this regard.

Shang Jianyao said immediately:

"I asked for Xiaohong to see if I could adjust my height."

"I thank you!" Although Long Yuehong was reluctant to admit it, she was indeed a little disappointed.

While talking, they returned to their room, and Genova was still sitting in the same position as before, guarding the high-performance batteries that were being charged.

After returning safely, there was no accident... After passing through the door, Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a red light flashed in Genava's eyes, and he made a slightly synthetic voice:

"You guys are finally back. I just overheard the relic hunters passing by downstairs discussing about Bodhi."

Don't say it! Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen made such a cry in their hearts at the same time.

They didn't think that Lao Ge would play the role of "trouble" provocateur, and they didn't think that they and others would fall a little bit in front of the finish line.

Phew, Jiang Baimian sighed, no longer escaping, and asked directly:

"What's the matter?"

She felt that this was the end of the matter, and it was better to find out so that a corresponding plan could be made in advance.

Genova replied:

"It is said that some time ago, the Hunters Guild put up a mission to find a Bodhi statue lost by a certain monk in Gustburg. The reward is 50 gold knights."

"So many?" Shang Jianyao didn't hide his surprise.

His focus was obviously shifted, and he focused on the amount of the bounty.

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