Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 64: clues

Bai Chen glanced at Genova and did not give him a chance to exhaustively. He tried to speculate by himself: 2


"Maybe the headquarters of the faction that the ascetic belongs to is somewhere in the ice field. It is the safest to go back from Gustburg recently. Who knows, after he arrived here, his condition became serious and he could only stay." 0


Jiang Baimian's eyes moved slightly and said:


"Two problems, one is that the ascetic should have arrived in Gustburg in March, and died in April. In that season, even if ordinary people go to the icefield, they are likely to freeze to death, not to mention that he is already in poor health. If their headquarters is really in the ice field, I think he will not hesitate to send a telegram to the headquarters after he arrives at Gustburg, in order to protect the Bodhi statue in his hand, and ask the high-level team to send a team to pick it up, which can be close to a month. Time has passed and nothing like this has happened.”


"Maybe the person he met at the steel-making furnace in the factory area was sent by their headquarters, and as a result..." Shang Jianyao muttered softly.


In the end, it turned out to be a life-threatening ghost, who detonated his illness from a long distance.


The honest Genava disagreed with Shang Jianyao's statement this time:


"You shouldn't need to go to the factory area in the middle of the night to see your companions, and the ascetic usually didn't hide his alms in Gerstburg."


"Yes, yes." Long Yuehong agreed. . 1


Jiang Baimian didn't bother about this, and continued:


"The second question, it can be inferred from the data that when the ascetic first arrived in Gerstburg, although his body did not look very good, it would not be reminiscent of death. That is to say, the initial paragraph Time, his condition has not deteriorated, and the ability to travel far.


"So, what is he waiting for by staying at Gustburg?"


"Waiting for someone from the headquarters to pick him up!" Shang Jianyao replied very succinctly. 1


"It may also be waiting for summer." Bai Chen said thoughtfully. 2


"Yes!" Long Yuehong suddenly realized, "He is waiting for summer to come and the climate of the icefield becomes mild, and then head to somewhere in the icefield." 2


Why not use Fort Dougster to go to other settlements of other forces, because there is a better route, and there is no need to accept the test of bad weather, and there is more than one.


Most likely, it was the coldness of the spring and the bad air in Gerstburg that caused the ascetic's condition to worsen.


Jiang Baimian nodded invisibly:


"And the closest place to Gustburg is Konimeth."4


Although this was just a bold speculation, Long Yuehong and the others were still heartbroken.


In this case, Konimis may be the source of many problems and many things.


"Also, there are people from the Eighth Research Institute lurking in Gerstburg, with the main purpose of collecting materials, and the headquarters of the Eighth Research Institute is determined to be somewhere in the ice field." Jiang Baimian proposed another way in a supplementary way. a possibility.


A red light flickered in Genava's eye socket:


"There is also a possibility that the ascetic had originally invited someone to meet in Gerstburg, so he came here with a harsh climate and stayed there for a period of time until his condition worsened."


Shang Jian Yao suddenly smiled:


"Then, why did that person or that faction meet in Gerstburg?"


No one answered him, but in everyone's mind, as well as in the main module, a noun flashed at the same time: 4


"The Eighth Research Institute". 1


Shang Jianyao didn't care about the short silence, and made up a story with great interest:


"Perhaps, the faction that the ascetic belonged to was destroyed by a certain party because of the Bodhi statue. He took the Buddha treasure, dragged the sick body, and traveled thousands of miles to Gustburg, looking for the protection of certain people or certain forces. can wait.


"It's also possible that he betrayed the forces he belonged to, stole the statue of Bodhi, tried to go somewhere, and completed something, but was blocked by the weather in Gustburg, and his condition deteriorated day by day, and finally he was unable to support...


"This will explain why it took three years for the person who issued the mission to know that he died in Gerstburg, and the Bodhi statue was lost because of this."


Papapa, before waiting for the others to respond, Shang Jianyao applauded and cheered for himself.


Dangdang, Genova is very polite. 4


Jiang Baimian slowly exhaled:


"Have you read too much old world entertainment materials...


"What you said, it is more reasonable and less obtrusive to switch to the world of martial arts and the world of immortals." 10


But I think what he said is decent, there is a certain possibility... Long Yuehong just mumbled and didn't say it. 2


Jiang Baimian's words changed:


"However, both of these situations are hypotheses, and they may both have certain traces that can be verified."


"How to verify?" Bai Chen asked slightly surprised.


Jiang Baimian smiled:


"Since the employer knows how to issue a mission in the Hunter's Guild to drive the relic hunters to Gostburg to find the Bodhi statue, then before that, will he or they also pass the Hunter's Guild and announce that they have found any clues about the ascetic monk? Task?


"Two to three years passed, and they finally made sure that the target died in Gustburg."


Bai Chen nodded slightly:


"Go to the Hunter Guild to look at the mission records of the previous three years?


"This is all confidential information..." 2


She didn't go on, because she remembered that her group had planned to send Genava to invade the local guild's system and change the hunter level of her four new identities. 1

In this case, checking the past task records by the way is just a matter of consuming a little more power. 3


Valley Crotch

Moreover, at the retrieval level of Genova, the four carbon-based people of the "Old Tune Group" will be hanged by him, and he can complete the screening or traversal in only a few seconds, not even a few seconds. arrive. 1


After some discussions, the "Old Tune Group" came up with a preliminary plan for investigating the Bodhi statue:


The first is to visit key witnesses, check the corresponding evidence, and use the ability of the awakened person to determine whether the ascetic really died of the disease; 1


The second is to go to the Hunter Guild to "check" the past mission records - since it can be determined that the ascetic died in Gustburg, the corresponding search request should have been linked to the local guild, and it was not long ago, not even more than half a year. Otherwise, the publisher of the Bodhi statue mission would have already locked the whereabouts of the ascetic monk.


The third is through intelligence dealers and a number of randomly selected residents of Gustburg to find out what anomalies have been different from the past in the past three years. The "Old Tune Group" believes that the Bodhi statue is so taken seriously, it should be somewhat miraculous. In the hands of those who do not know it well, it may bring disaster or strange phenomena. 1


Fourth, according to the information, visit all the people who have been in contact with the ascetic monks. The key is to find out whether the monk has asked about Koningmis or somewhere in the ice field. It will take a lot of time. Jiang Baimian Going to do it last.


By the time the "Old Tunes Group" was done with this matter, the sun had already come to the middle of the sky, but under the cover of layers of yellow air, it seemed weak.


Under the urging of Shang Jianyao, Jiang Baimian and the others left the hotel to look for food. 3


Considering that he was going to take Lao Ge to the Hunter's Guild later, the "Old Tune Group" was familiar nearby, so he chose "Old Henry" restaurant again, so as not to accidentally go to unfamiliar places and encounter any accidents. 1


Seeing them, the brown-haired waiter took the initiative to entertain them yesterday evening, leading them to find a remote seat to sit down.


After recording the dishes they ordered, he pressed his voice and said:


"You should have been to the Hunter's Guild. Do you want to ask the friend I know for news?"


"This is exactly our wish." Jiang Baimian nodded. 1


She has a lot of confidence to make sure that some of the high-performance batteries have been charged. 4


Of course, she plans to meet the intelligence dealer tomorrow or the day after, which is more secure.


"Where is your friend and what's his name?" Shang Jianyao took the initiative to ask.


The brown-haired waiter didn't speak, just looked at them with a smile.


Bai Chen took out a spare silver knight coin on his body and handed it to him.


The brown-haired waiter stretched out his hand to take it and smiled more and more warmly:


"Her name is Gitis, and she works at the Fire and Iron Hotel."3


Shang Jian Yao suddenly showed a distressed expression.


That knight silver coin was spent in vain! 1


This is the intelligence dealer they know!


"She's off today, and she should come to us for lunch later." The brown-haired waiter further said, "I'll introduce you to you."


Jitis is well-informed, and she is really well-known... I really can't tell... Jiang Baimian secretly sighed that the female front desk appeared at the door of the "Old Henry" restaurant.


She was wearing a linen shirt, trousers of the same color, dark black boots, and wrapped in a dark leather jacket. Her honey-colored hair was still casually tied, and her gray-blue eyes were large and dull.


Gittes came in all the way, and she acted as if she was sleepwalking, almost hitting the table and chairs several times.


This state is too bad, isn't it... Awakened person's price? When encountering similar things now, Jiang Baimian's first reaction is the price of the awakened.


The more abnormal it is, the more likely it will involve the Awakened!


"Gitis, someone is looking for you." The brown-haired waiter greeted with a smile.


Jitis raised her eyelids, glanced here, and walked over slowly.


"What do you want to inquire about?" she asked cautiously.


Shang Jianyao blurted out in shock:


"You don't know us anymore?"


He looked aggrieved and disappointed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


Gitis thought back for a while, and finally remembered:


"Are you the guests of the hotel?"


She doesn't seem to have much memory of what happened in the morning.


"Yes." Jiang Baimian said to the brown-haired waiter, "Add a chair for Ms. Jitis."


After Jitis sat down and the waiter left, Shang Jian Yao took out his father's photo and handed it to the intelligence dealer:


"Do you know this person?


"He may have been at Gustburg twelve years ago."


Shang Jianyao's action was too fast to cover his ears, just like he had rehearsed many times, Jiang Baimian had no time to stop it.


Gitis took the photo and whispered:


"I was only fourteen twelve years ago..."


Suddenly, she paused, and her tone changed:


"This gray man..."

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