Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 69: new friend

Spant, who was driving, paid attention to the road conditions and observed whether there was any problem with the people in the car in front of him.

Frankly speaking, he is very nervous. When a task involves a lot of risk, the participants will be more or less nervous unless they have enough confidence.

But gradually, Spant came to understand one thing:

"I am fully aware of my own strength, and I know that there are certain risks involved in participating in this mission, so I am not too confident, but I am very confident in the team of relic hunters that I am cooperating with!

With their equipment and their performance, they can slaughter all the armed personnel present on their own!

The same is true for the incoming enemy team!

After confirming that he was on the side of the strong, Spant felt a strong sense of security and a heavy confidence.

As soon as he figured out this matter, he relaxed and completely forgot his nervousness.

He even looked forward to it, expecting that after the aggressive enemies launched an attack, he found that there were unexpected strong players here, and found that the dangerous prey that only needed a lot of effort to solve directly turned into an invincible devil.

At that time, their expressions must be very wonderful... Spant almost lost his mind.

His sedan car turned one curve after another, bypassing one mine after another in the deep mountains.

Until he got out of the mountain, and Gustburg was in sight, Spant still didn't find any suspicious persons.

It was safe and sound along the way.

"No attack? Sandro received fake news?" Spant muttered silently.

Instead of feeling relaxed, he felt a little disappointed. .

Disappointed that the expected "war" did not happen.

Gosterburg is close to the ice sheet, the climate is cold, the minerals are rich, and the folk customs are inevitably a bit tough. Therefore, after feeling that his safety is guaranteed, Spant hopes to see military exoskeleton devices and bionic intelligent armor. The enemy of ordinary arms, let yourself see how strong the high-level equipment is.

Another person who also did not relax was Sandro, the cargo owner's security chief and the employer of several teams of relic hunters.

He was more confused.

His boss is a well-informed person, and he has proved it in many ways in the past. This time, he told Sandro with great certainty beforehand that someone was eyeing this batch of goods, and organized a group of powerful people to prepare for the mountain road. attack on.

But now, the boss's words did not happen, and the whole process of escorting the goods was so peaceful and safe that it seemed like an armed parade.

"The boss received the wrong information this time?" Sandro can only explain.

However, he did not let up, and he would never lose his vigilance before sending the goods into the warehouse.

It's not that there haven't been attacks from inside Gustburg in the past!

Bai Chen drove the jeep and followed the car in front of him to pass a checkpoint. The soldiers who guarded the card may have received the check in advance, or they may have been ignoring the vehicles coming from the mine. In short,

Without going forward to intercept it, the convoy was allowed to enter the interior of the large settlement of Gustburg smoothly.

Driving along the road outside the factory area for a while, Spant turned to the warehouse area according to the predetermined route. Not long after, he parked the vehicle in front of a seemingly ordinary warehouse with only two security guards guarding the door. no attack

. The twelve Great Knight Gold Coins of the Relic Hunter are a bit of a waste... Sandro muttered to himself silently, motioning the driver to speed up and rush to the warehouse door to complete the handover.

The bullet-proof armored sedan he was sitting in then passed over several trucks and drove towards the door of the warehouse.

On the way, Sandro, who was in the co-pilot position, always looked to the right, inspecting the continuous team, so as not to fall in the last meter before the finish line.

Examining and examining, Sandro's pupils suddenly dilated.

It reflected a car window and the iron-black python head behind the car window!

Immediately afterwards, Sandro confirmed that it was not a python, but a person wearing the corresponding bionic intelligent armor.

On the other side, the woman driving the car is wearing a cold and rigid military exoskeleton device.

If it weren't for his reason, or if another man wearing a military exoskeleton device slammed his body across the body, crossed his companion, and across the car window, "With a friendly wave, Sandro has used his abilities like a conditioned reflex.

The price he paid was "no more excitement." Since then, he has lost his excitement, excitement and other emotions, and even having **** with a woman is just an example. This has brought a lot of negative effects in many ways, but sometimes Still can play a role.

Sandro, who is not excited, always reacts a little slower at critical moments, which effectively avoids the accident of misfire and attacking his companions.

Therefore, he didn't attack the "old tune group" first, and calmly observed the situation, thinking that there should be no malicious intent on the opposite team.

What he didn't know was that Shang Jianyao's "literary youth" and Jiang Baimian's "spatial illusion" were ready to go.

Sandro's car passed the Jeep of the "Old Tune Group", overtook Spant, and came to the door of the warehouse.

He got out of the car and exchanged a few words with the two security guards at the gate.

The warehouse door was opened, and the vehicles loaded with goods drove directly in. The four hired relic hunter teams were left outside.

Except for Spant and the "Old Tune Group", the ruin hunters of the other three teams were all overjoyed.

The bounty earned this time is too easy and too easy, and there are three Great Knight Gold Coins!

They are just like picking up a lot of money on an outing, the only difference is that they are always tense and a little uneasy, not as comfortable as an outing. All the vehicles loaded with goods have entered the warehouse, Sandro While signaling the two security guards to close the door, he walked towards the Jeep of the "Old Tune Team".

Shang Jianyao had already changed positions with Long Yuehong, pushed up the mask, and greeted Sandro with a smile while looking at the open car window.

"It's only after ten o'clock, is there any free lunch?"

The **** mission, which was not attacked, took only two hours and a few minutes before and after.

Sandro, who had already thought about what to ask, how to ask, did not expect to encounter such a question, and it was a bit like a robot encountering a bug,

He stood there in a daze, stuck for a few seconds.

"Should be gone." Sandro finally understood what the other party was asking.

The reason for his answer is that since the task has been completed ahead of schedule, he has to report to the boss quickly, and he cannot leave these relic hunters in the warehouse area with his own people.

Seeing businessmen and Yao showing obvious disappointment, Sandro added:

"I will convert it into knight silver coins and give it to you together with the reward."

Shang Jianyao suddenly laughed:

"You really are a good man, generous, generous, and friendly."

"Right." He suppressed his voice and asked curiously, "Who is your boss?,

Sandro silently shook his head

"That's not what you should know."

"Everyone has done tasks together, so they must be friends. It is normal for friends to share some secrets." Shang Jianyao tried his best to persuade,

It is best to use "thinking implantation,

He intends to take this opportunity to let Sandro help his group keep secrets.

Later Spant will enjoy the same treatment.

Sandro's eyes were dazed for a moment, and he said in a low voice

"It's Mr. Astor."

Esther? One of the five people we wanted to visit afterwards? Jiang Baimian hurriedly gestured to Shang Jianyao to continue.

"Oh!" Shang Jianyao was very excited, "We just have something to do with Mr. Esther, I wonder if you can introduce me?"

"No problem." Sandro agreed without hesitation, "You will follow me later."

"Good brother!" Shang Jianyao was moved and greatly appreciated.

To this end~www.readwn.com~ he said quite generously:

"You don't have to make up for the meal, just keep it for yourself."

Without waiting for Sandro to respond, he glanced at the warehouse and pressed his voice again:

"What's the cargo this time?

Sandro glanced left and right, and replied in a low voice:

"Part of it is a spirit made from potatoes, and part of it is some rare metal."

The former is a lucrative high-value item in all the settlements of the "White Knights" in Gerstburg, and the latter is a strategic asset for many factions.

"Oh." Shang Jianyao lost interest.

After his subordinates unloaded the goods, Sandro left them in the warehouse, and led the three relic hunter teams and the disarmed "Old Tune Team" and Spant to the Hunter Guild to complete the commission.

After getting the two Great Knight Gold Coins, Shang Jianyao threw it and said unsatisfactorily:

"I think it's better to replace it with knight silver coins. What a pile of them, it makes me happy when I look at them!"

Jiang Baimian confiscated the gold coins in this guy's hand in a hurry:

"Is it convenient to carry?

"Look at Gustburg, most people have to carry an extra purse."

Wallets unearthed in the ruins of surrounding cities are not practical here.

At this time, Sandro approached, and said to Shang Jianyao and others.

"Come on, go to Mr. Astor's house."


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