Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Dean

"That's good." Hearing that Murray and Benito would end their mission soon and return to the Eighth Research Institute, Shang Jianyao showed two rows of white teeth and praised with a smile. 1


This means that the "Old Tune Team" will have the opportunity to track and trace.


Jiang Baimian was noncommittal about this, and instead asked:


"When did you join the Eighth Research Institute?"


Murray, with the artist's long hair, yawned and said:


"I have been in the research institute since I was born..." 1


According to his description, the current staff composition of the Eighth Research Institute consists of three parts. One is the descendants of the employees who survived the destruction of the old world after they married each other. People suffering from "no-heart disease" are very similar to Koningmis's situation. Second, batches of fresh blood have been brought back from the dust by the corresponding commissioners of the Eighth Research Institute over the years. Children born from these fresh blood pairings. 1


Murray is the third, Benito is the second.


The children of the Eighth Academy will be tested when they are young, and they will memorize various costs and corresponding fields. When their adolescence is over at the age of seventeen or eighteen, their awakening will become their graduation test. 8


Those who can successfully awaken will receive further education, and then they will be assigned different jobs according to the price paid and the ability obtained. Some are responsible for internal guards, some specialize in special commissioners, and some become censors or researchers. . 2


Those who cannot awaken can only do handymen, or participate in various productions, or help researchers, or open up wasteland to farm in the hot spring valley, or hold lower-level administrative positions. As for the cleaning inside the research institute, ordinary robots are responsible for it. 7


In the system of the Eighth Research Institute, this kind of "ordinary employee" can only be promoted to "assistant researcher" at the highest, unless there is enough outstanding scientific research talent, the ceiling can be broken. 3


In the same way, they have to go through seniority or make a lot of contributions to have the opportunity to be assigned to genetic improvement drugs. 2


Awakened people are "graduate students" one level higher than ordinary employees at the beginning, enjoying various resources, and when they have completed their studies, completed the multiple tasks assigned, and successfully turned regular, they are "lecturers". 7


Murray and Benito are on that level. 1


Normally, if they can stay in Gustburg for another year or two without any mistakes, they can be promoted to "assistant researcher" after the new person takes over. 1


The "researchers" further up, they currently have no hope, and the hard condition is that they must enter the "psychic corridor". 4


If the "researchers" have made great contributions but haven't explored the depths of the "spiritual corridor", the Eighth Research Institute will often give them a title closer to an honorary title - "associate professor". 6


All awakeners who have explored the depths of the "Spiritual Corridor" are "professors", but not every professor is a member of the "Association of Professors". Only those who are recommended by half of the four "PhD" and "PhD" can be included in the core group that manages the Eighth Research Institute. 8


The staff in the institute like to call the members of the joint committee "tenured professors". 1


"In the old world, researchers and professors were often equated, as were assistant researchers and associate professors." Jiang Baimian muttered softly after listening to it. 4


Murray is very free and easy as an artist:


"There must be enough levels to build a promotion system."


"Then you can use tenured professors, first-level professors, second-level professors, and third-level professors." Shang Jianyao said earnestly, "You still read too few books and play too few games. If it were me, I would It’s decided like this: Professor of Foundation Establishment, Professor of Half-step Perfection, Professor of Great Perfection, Professor of Innate…”18


"Stop!" When Jiang Baimian saw that he had stunned Murray, he hurriedly stopped him from talking.


She turned her head straight away and asked Murray:


"The one who can delete memory on a large scale is an associate professor or a professor?"


"Professor, but not a member of the 'Association of Professors', he is working on it." Murray did not hide. 1


Exploring the depths of the "Spiritual Corridor"... Jiang Baimian further asked:


"what is his name?"


"He is a man of gray soil, and the name of Honghe is Chris, but he prefers us to call him Professor Qin." Murray replied, "As for what he looks like, and what price do you think we will remember?"12


"I understand." Shang Jianyao showed sympathy.


Then, he asked curiously:


"Why is there only a 'deputy dean' and no principal?" 1


"As long as I can remember, there has been no principal." Murray shook his head, "At that time, there were still several employees who survived from the old world, and they were very shy about this issue, not even telling their own children. "9


The director of the Eighth Research Institute seems to be involved in a secret, and there is a high probability that he did not die when the old world was destroyed. Otherwise, those old employees would not be so shy about the corresponding problems twenty or thirty years ago... Jiang Baimian Make some guesses in your mind. 5


It is very normal for the headmaster of the Eighth Research Institute to die when the old world is destroyed. It is not worth making a fuss, and there is nothing to avoid, unless it is just his name itself that has some kind of magic power, or shows that A certain secret, which can keep those old employees tight-lipped. 8


"Can you usually see the starry sky?" Jiang Baimian changed the subject. 3


If they could, she and Genava could directly calculate the location of the Eighth Academy with the help of various natural reference objects. 4


Murray shook his head to indicate that it was strictly forbidden.


After inquiring about related matters for a while, and after roughly understanding the composition of the "Professor's Joint Conference" and many detailed questions of the Eighth Research Institute, Jiang Baimian winked at Shang Jianyao.


According to the plan, Shang Jianyao walked up and communicated with Murray in the form of inquiries and conversations.


After his perseverance, Murray deeply realized that this is a trustworthy team. The reason why they traced the matter of the Eighth Research Institute was that there were traitors within the Eighth Research Institute and wanted to subvert the "Professor's Association". Dominate everything. 3



In order to assist the team in solving the internal problems of the Eighth Research Institute, and in order not to be alarmed, Murray needs to contact them quietly before returning to the Eighth Research Institute, and give the agreed time and place for the meeting with the "pick-up". 1


"Happy cooperation." At the end of the conversation, Shang Jianyao smiled and stretched out his right palm.


Murray smiled back, reached out and shook hands with him:


"It's a pleasure to work with."


At this time, Benito finally woke up.


Shang Jianyao immediately said to Murray:


"You go outside and wait, we have to confirm whether he is from the traitor's side."


This was a "reasonable" request, Murray readily agreed.


For Benito, Shang Jianyao did the same, not only won his trust, but also asked the questions that he asked Murray again.


The answers from both sides can be matched. 1


Then, Jiang Baimian called Murray back and said to him:


"There is no problem with Benito. You should cooperate sincerely in the future."


Murray and Benito shook hands firmly. 3


"This is our contact information." Jiang Baimian tore off a note and handed it to Murray.


Shang Jian Yao asked:


"How much money do you have?"


"Seven or eight Great Knight Gold Coins," Benito replied.


"So few?" Shang Jianyao looked disappointed, "As commissioners of the Eighth Research Institute, you are so poor?"2


Murray felt a little ashamed: 1


"Seven or eight large knight gold coins are enough for us for more than half a year.


"Moreover, we asked More for our funds, and now his family has been taken over by the sheriffs of Gustburg."4


Shang Jianyao sighed and said:


"Seven or eight, seven or eight.


"Look, we fulfilled our promise and didn't hurt your life. You should also make some compensation for this, such as six Great Knight Gold Coins." 2


Jiang Baimian didn't stop him, because since Murray and Benito were to be used as bait to catch the "pickers" of the Eighth Academy, they couldn't tell the sheriff Yeergai their whereabouts in exchange for a bounty.


And without the five Great Knight Gold Coins as a bounty, the "Old Tune Group" would not know how to meet Gitis for a while.


You can't really take a nuclear bomb or a Genava as collateral, can you? 3


Murray and Benito thought this was the reason, so they each took out gold coins from their purses, collected six coins, and handed them to Shang Jianyao. 3


The rest should be enough for them to live to be recalled to the Eighth Research Institute.


"That's right." Shang Jianyao gave Jiang Baimian the gold coin of the Great Knight, while praising Murray and Benito, "You have a spirit of fair trade."


Jiang Baimian put away the gold coins, thought for a moment and said:


"You'd better make a disguise~www.readwn.com~ and move your residence.


"There should be a prepared safe house, right?"


"More has prepared two places, but they are not in this block." Benito replied.


"That's good." Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief, "As soon as possible."


She plans to use the information about Benito's portraits and sniper activities in this neighborhood tomorrow or the day after to go to Sheriff Yergai to get some, no, in exchange for a bounty. 2


How could this be worth a big knight gold coin! 1


After saying goodbye to Murray and Benito, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao took Genava and continued to check the wiring and circuit conditions of this unit, in order to convince the sheriff or other relic hunters who followed up to believe that they had everything did not find.


After about ten minutes, they finished the work, returned to the jeep, and shared the situation with Bai Chen and Long Yuehong.


Long Yuehong frowned and said:


"So, the next plan is to wait for Murray and Benito to be recalled, and then follow them to the meeting place, capture the internal staff of the Eighth Research Institute who are responsible for picking up the special commissioner, and get the Eighth Research Institute from them. Where exactly?" 1


Wouldn't this be too simple?

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