Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 90: "Arrangement"

What Jiang Baimian was most worried about was meeting Professor Qin in the "last man" field, busy recalling the gaze of "You Gu" in his mind.

After making up her mind, she immediately knew where the problem was:

In the short period of time when I was charmed by Qiao Chu, I, Bai Chen and Long Yuehong forgot to recall the gaze of "You Gu" or the dream of "Zhuang Sheng" from time to time.

In other words, if Professor Qin is really lurking in the dark, this will give him an opportunity.

The problem could become quite serious as a result.

As for whether Shang Jianyao, who just pretended to be obsessed, was vigilant enough, and whether he was affected by possible existence, Jiang Baimian is still unknown. .

But she suspects that the guy will be too excited and too excited, and move forward recklessly without thinking about other things.

At this moment, Long Yuehong pulled out the "United 22" on the armed belt, aimed at Qiao Chu, who was unconscious on the ground, and pulled the trigger continuously.

boom! boom! boom!

A bullet burst into blood-colored flowers on Qiao Chu's chest, tearing his body apart.

Perhaps reluctantly, Long Yuehong did not directly explode Qiao Chu's head.

When Shang Jianyao saw this, he shouted in surprise and distress:

"Why did you kill him?

"If he dies, our military exoskeleton might never come back!"

"Hu, hu." Long Yuehong gasped, "I feel that even if he passes out, the attraction will continue, and I can't control myself anymore...\"

Therefore, for the sake of Bai Chen, for himself, and for the group, he simply did not do anything, and while Qiao Chu was in a coma, shot him a few times and sent him to death!

Qiao Chu's body twitched a few times, and his eyes tried hard to open, but he couldn't.

The blood on his chest spread quickly, dyeing a large area of ​​red, his body quickly returned to rest, and his breathing was interrupted.

That strange charm disappeared.

Qiao Chu probably never thought that he would die in this way.

The first half is absurd and funny, and the second half is suffocating and powerless.

"At least let me ask." Shang Jianyao was still chattering.

Long Yue turned his head in red, and looked at him with slightly blood-red eyes.

It's like watching the murder of the father and the enemy.

On the crimson off-road, Gitis' male body was first because Qiao Chu's teeth fell out and her face was swollen, and she was not so obsessed for a while, otherwise.

"He" is very likely to use the Bodhi statue to stop Long Yuehong's subsequent murders, and then "he" completely regained consciousness with Qiao Chu's death.

"He" rubbed his head and looked at Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong with cold eyes full of hatred.

It was these two people who killed "his" love!

"He" must take revenge!

This kind of cognition was instantly synchronized back to the mind of Gitis, who came to the edge of Gustburg on purpose.

Her expression twisted, and angry flames shot out of her eyes.

But soon, after a layer, she realized something was wrong:

That "beloved" is the one whose consciousness is based on that body's belief that the relationship with her deity is not that deep.

Moreover, no matter how hard Jitis tried to recall, no matter how hard she tried to mobilize the memory of her avatar consciousness, she still couldn't find the appearance of "beloved".

Only Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong shot, a **** picture.

"There's a problem!" She suddenly woke up and remembered what the "Old Tune Group" had told her about Professor Qin.

Maybe the time we were charmed was too short, and the implanted memories were far from complete? With a thought, Jitis made the male body sitting in the dark cross-country pick up the Bodhi statue with benevolent brows and bitter faces.

A faint turquoise light lit up, and pictures appeared in front of the male body.

Some of them are Long Yuehong, who has a **** expression in Shang Jianyao's eyes, some are Bai Chen, who has vigilance in Jiang Baimian's eyes and a cold face, who may draw a gun at any time, and some are suspicious in Bai Chen's eyes, no longer trusting himself and others. , Jiang Baimian, who may kill at any time, and some are extremely disgusting in Long Yue's red eyes, full of the feeling of beating up Shang Jianyao. The rest of the pictures are from humans in the nearby area, and some are derived from certain animals, forming an incomplete picture. "Monitoring images" with numerous dead spots.

At this time, Genova, who had already got off the car, quickly analyzed what was most likely to happen at the moment.

Combining the performance of his teammates, he promptly followed the plan and shouted loudly:

"Don't be impulsive!

"Look back on the past again, do you find that there is no such thing as the current feeling?

"This shows that some of your memories have been tampered with, or false scenes have been implanted!

"I know you won't believe me so easily, and the proven plan will take too much time and is not suitable for such a crisis-ridden scene. I just implore you, restrain yourself, and don't do certain things impulsively, so as not to regret in the future.

"If you have any grudges or grudges, it's not too late to settle the matter of the Eighth Research Institute first."

"Yes, yes!" Shang Jianyao was the first to respond.

The reckless Shang Jian Yao has been suppressed.

Bai Chen's expression changed a few times. He glanced at the robot that could be directly related to the word "reliable" in his mind, and nodded slightly.

Then, she took a few steps back to the side, and opened the distance between herself and Shang Jianyao and Jiang Baimian, just in case.

Long Yuehong followed her closely, watching Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao with vigilance, as if they might be persecuted at any time.

Jiang Baimian sensed his surroundings in two ways, and quickly filtered his memories.

Suddenly, she laughed:

"Actually arranged for Xiaobai to rob my man, and Xiaohong Hongxing went out of the wall, and he is a traitor.

"You don't know us at all!

"Moreover, there are no details, only vague perceptions.

"This is because there is not enough time. Although we were confused, we woke up after tens of seconds, without giving him room for precise manipulation?"

The "Old Tune Group" can sober up so quickly because Shang Jianyao has not been charmed from beginning to end, and just wants to quickly run to Qiao Chu and collect debts from him.

"This seems to be pretty good..." Shang Jianyao was very interested in the role swap.

He then glanced left and right:

"No extra human consciousness was sensed."

Within the range of more than 300 meters that he can sense, there is no other human except for his own group and Jitis's clone consciousness.

Jiang Baimian gave a "um" and nodded thoughtfully:

"After you knocked out Qiao Chu, that one should have withdrawn his consciousness and hid."

While speaking, she looked around and found that the ambush area chosen by the Eighth Research Institute had many hills, and there was no such thing as an unobstructed feeling.

In such an environment, it is quite difficult to find a human without giving him a chance to escape.

Jiang Baimian turned his body sideways and looked at the dark red off-road machine.

The door of the off-road driver's seat opened, and Gitis' male body wearing a peaked cap, holding a Bodhi statue in his hand, jumped down lightly.

"Have you found any suspicious people?" Jiang Baimian asked directly without mentioning "Tianyantong".

Gitis' male body voice answered in a rather hoarse voice:

"This season, there are still too few active animals."

She meant that there were not enough "informants" to confirm the situation in every part of the large area.

This indirectly answers Jiang Baimian's question:

No suspicious persons!

Jiang Baimian thought for a moment and asked:

"Are there any other humans?"

During the exchange, she and Shang Jianyao and others kept recalling the gaze of "You Gu" and the dream of "Zhuang Sheng" to prevent them from being affected.

"There are a few." Gitis' male body did not hide, "I know all of them. I usually like to plant something in this area, dig mouse holes, and find local residents for prey."

They are all hundreds of meters away from the sensing range of Shang Jian Yao, or even farther.

Shang Jianyao thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said:

"I have a solution."

"What way?" Jiang Baimian asked cooperatively~www.readwn.com~ Shang Jianyao smiled:

"Although we don't have enough manpower, but it's not far from Gustburg, we can call 'people from the Knights to help us search this area and find the mouse that was hiding."

That is not a mouse, but a lurking poisonous snake. Although he failed to achieve the expected purpose due to Qiao Chu's unexpected death, he has to hide now, but if he dares to underestimate him, he may capsize at any time... Jiang Bai Mian gave a "hoo" and said to Shang Jianyao:

"The premise is that you can monitor the entry and exit of this area, otherwise the target will sneak away without knowing when."

"We can divide into three teams and stick to different directions." Shang Jianyao revised his plan.

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Baimian's mouth, and he deliberately said:

"In this way, we can actually save more trouble.

"The ability to manipulate memory is definitely smaller than your ability coverage. Professor Qin and you are in the depths of the 'Spiritual Corridor'. Even if he is a little stronger than you, it will not be strong, so I think he is in the within 350 meters.

"This range is not large, we can completely divide the area, switch to high-yield, high-performance grenades, each guarding in one direction, and ploughing the ground with firepower, so as to avoid dead ends.

"I don't believe he can physically resist grenades!"

PS: At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month~


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