Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 93: reward

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After taking the Bodhi statue, Shang Jianyao was not in a hurry to use it, and rambled on:

"Have a little preparation..."

He immediately opened the tactical backpack hanging on him, took out the "Six Senses Pearl" and the Jade Buddha, one on his wrist and the other in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the "Angel of Life" necklace.

With the sinking of his left leg and the adjustment of the procedure, the exoskeleton supported his body.

The male body of Gittes next to him was a little stunned when he watched him pull out several items like a conjuration.

After wearing the "Angel of Life" necklace around his neck, Shang Jianyao held the Jade Buddha in one hand and the Bodhi statue in the other, and turned his attention to Professor Qin who was more than 200 meters away. .

The turquoise light lit up, and Shang Jianyao's consciousness jumped and entered the target's "Sea of ​​Origins".

Here the shimmering light forms the ocean, shimmering silently, without wind or waves.

Shang Jian Yao hung in the air, looked around, sat down cross-legged like that, and proclaimed the Buddha's name in a low voice professionally:

"Namo Amatarasamyaksambodhi..."

In the chanting sound, there was movement in the "Sea of ​​Origin". Those shimmering lights highlighted the fragments of the past and formed huge waves, which rushed to the sky one after another to explore purposefully. reward.

As a quasi-high-level executive of the Eighth Research Institute, Professor Qin really knows the exact location of this organization!

When he goes in and out, he does not need to cover his eyes or plug his ears.

If there is no snowstorm and corresponding warning, he will take a helicopter, otherwise he will take a car, and there are special personnel to deal with the traces.

And if there is a blizzard, even the people of the Eighth Research Institute are reluctant to go out in this kind of weather.

From Professor Qin's memory, Shang Jianyao couldn't actually tell where the Eighth Research Institute was located. After all, Professor Qin didn't need to drive a helicopter or a corresponding vehicle, and he didn't need to memorize the exact coordinates.

Shang Jianyao can only remember the route he traveled and the geographical features along the way, and then hand it over to Genava, who will calculate the exact location of the target location.

After achieving the predetermined goal, Shang Jianyao became more relaxed, even skipping the step of reciting the Buddha's name, and continued to use the power of the Bodhi statue to mobilize the memory fragments of Professor Qin about the Eighth Research Institute.

This is not much different from what Murray and Benito explained, but it is more detailed and accurate.

Perhaps it was because Professor Qin suffered from physical torture all the year round, and his personality was extreme and gloomy. Therefore, he felt that the members of the "Professor's Association" were not good things, and regarded them as his competitors who entered the "new world", and privately from the "Professor Association" These high-level subordinates and juniors have read a lot of relevant memories, and have grasped what the price some people may pay.

At the same time, he also learned a lot of rumors.

Among them, there is no lack of admiration for Shang Jian Yao spray.

For example, a member of the "Association of Professors" firmly believes that he is a tree, and every time he meets, he does not say a word, occasionally moves with the wind, and relies on his descendants to pick him up.

If his relatives hadn't called the injection of nutrient solution watering, he might have starved to death long ago.

From Professor Qin's point of view, it is a waste of resources for such a guy to occupy the position of the "Professor's Association". Every day, I wish he would die early to make room for him.

However, the strength of the tenured professor is really strong, and no one is even sure whether he is a fictional person.

——The data of the Eighth Research Institute shows that "self-knowledge inhuman" is a price in the field of "broken mirror".

In the quick exploration, it didn't take long for Shang Jianyao to make another discovery:

There seems to be something hidden in the depths of the Eighth Research Institute. One of the missions of the "Professor's Association" and even their organization is to guard the passage and prevent people from getting close to it.

"Interesting" Shang Jianyao laughed.

After a while, his consciousness returned to his body.

"Return to you." Shang Jianyao handed the Bodhi statue to Jitis' male body.

The man in the peaked cap said in a trance for a few seconds:

"So fast?"

According to "his" experience, it takes at least a few minutes for those who try "Fate Tong" for the first time to get used to it and understand what to do.

In the follow-up, it is also a matter of practice to find the corresponding information from the vast sea of ​​memory. The novice may be stunned by a large amount of information in an instant, and the skilled person knows how to screen.

Shang Jianyao showed a look of compassion on his face, but unfortunately this was blocked by the mask of the military exoskeleton device.

"Namo Amu Tara Samak Sambodhi, the poor monk is also a member of Buddhism." After he handed out the statue of Bodhi, he raised his left palm again.

"I can't tell." Gitis' male body said honestly.

"How is it?" Jiang Baimian approached and asked.

Shang Jian Yao replied proudly:

"It's gained.

"I found that most of the awakened people have character flaws, and sometimes bad things happen. Like me, well, there are really not many like us."

As he spoke, he strayed from the subject.

Jiang Baimian glanced at Jitis' male body. Considering the urgency of time, he nodded to Shang Jianyao with the idea of ​​not involving the other party in the related affairs of the Eighth Research Institute:

"Let's go back and discuss it. Now deal with the scene."

At this time, both Long Yuehong and Bai Chen had been awakened by Genava.

Because the implanted memories were not complete enough, there were contradictions between them, and they were no longer affected. They were treated as if they had watched a movie starring him and others. No, it could not be regarded as a movie, just a few clips edited out.

"What to do with Professor Qin?" Bai Chen, who was wearing a military exoskeleton device, asked Jiang Baimian.

She has locked on the unconscious and unmasked target through the integrated early warning system.

Jiang Baimian hasn't answered yet, Shang Jianyao said first:

"I promised to give up resistance and be lenient!"

Did you get rounded in by yourself? Sure enough, the ability of "thinking implantation" still has some sequelae. Well, it may also be a characteristic of a businessman... Jiang Baimian muttered in his heart.

"This is your promise, so you don't have to interfere in how to deal with him." Bai Chen calmly responded to Shang Jianyao.

Shang Jianyao fell into contemplation, as if he had encountered a bug.

Jiang Baimian immediately said:

"Compared to handing over Professor Qin to the 'White Knights', to the major forces, and suffering long-term torture, it may not be a leniency to deal with him now."

And the Awakener who always controls the depths of the "Spiritual Corridor" is extremely stressful for the "Old Tune Group", and it doesn't know when there will be mistakes.

Relying on "thinking implantation", the ghost knows what is happening and the effect will be disintegrated. By injecting anesthesia for a long time, Professor Qin may develop a certain resistance to the drug and wake up quietly before the expected time.

"Okay." Shang Jianyao finally nodded in agreement.

Jiang Baimian turned to Bai Chen, Long Yuehong and Genova:

"You guys used to clear the target and bury the corpse. Well, Lao Ge is responsible for checking what items are on the other side."

"Okay." Bai Chen replied coldly.

Long Yuehong nodded.

He looked at Qiao Chu's corpse not far away again, and his eyes were filled with blood red.

He really did not expect that in the end, he was the one who shot and killed this old acquaintance of the "old tune group" at close range.

At this moment, what flashed in his mind was the original joke:

Kill and make a specimen...

It's all feeding this bastard, always saying disgusting things! Long Yuehong scolded Shang Jianyao secretly, and rushed to the hill with Bai Chen and Genava.

He was wearing the "Black Marsh Iron Snake" bionic intelligent armor, and his speed was definitely not as fast as the military exoskeleton device, and he was forced to drag it to the end.

By the time he arrived, Bai Chen had already given Professor Qin a short shot, ending his life.

Genova picked up the "Pen of Hobby" that had been dropped, pulled off the "Maze Glasses" on Professor Qin's face, and said to his companion:

"These two pieces should be props."

Bai Chen and Long Yuehong didn't dare to touch, they just nodded and said that they would let the team leader and Hai confirm it.

Then, Genova searched Professor Qin's body, turned over his small backpack, and found pistols, bullets and explosives, but no money.

"Does he usually rely on his ability to eat and drink for free?" After hearing the news, Shang Jianyao had a look of righteous indignation, and he no longer had the entanglement of wanting to be lenient.

On the contrary, at Qiao Chu, they found two large knight gold coins and a dozen knight silver coins.

Jiang Baimian turned his head to the side and said to Jitis' male body:

"Two items, you can choose one.

"You can also take half of the rest of the loot, including that Gauss rifle."

In this battle, Gitis played a very important role.

"Wait until you go back and confirm the effect and price before discussing it." Gitis' male body was silent for a moment.

"He" is not yet an Awakener, and his thirst for other items is not that high.

At this time, Genova and others buried the bodies of Professor Qin and Qiao Chu and dealt with the scene.

"Should we start a search? It's impossible for Professor Qin and Qiao Chu to walk here~www.readwn.com~ Their vehicles must be within a kilometer or two nearby." Bai Chen asked the team leader for his opinion.

"And our exoskeleton device!" Shang Jianyao agreed.

Jiang Baimian thought for a moment and said:

"Don't stay any longer, lest any accident happen.

"The most important thing now is to go back and analyze the harvest, lock the target, and report to the top."

Except for Shang Jianyao, no one objected.

Several members of the "Old Tunes Group" disarmed one after another, got on the jeep, and returned to Fort Gust, followed by Gitis's male body in a crimson off-road vehicle.

On the way, Shang Jianyao said suspiciously:

"What about the disaster of blood light?"

ps: At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month~



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