Embers Ad Infinitum

Vol 2 Chapter 27: Light Fragments

Seeing that the "Vice Dean" has never been won, the "New World" powerhouses who were watching immediately went to other streets through the nearby alleys and collapsed houses, and took a detour to the tower.

The "Vice President" didn't pay attention to them, and still stared at Chen Wen, Liu Chuan and others who were close to him.

Suddenly, his palms on the armrests tightened.

His pale blue eyes instantly became dark, as if they were contaminated with black ink.

In the deep darkness, buildings emerged one after another, lit with varying numbers of lights, like a projection of a "new world".

The projection gradually enlarged, and it was fixed on a brightly lit high-rise building.

Behind the "Vice President", not far away, the same building stands quietly, with yellowish or pure white lights reflecting on every window on every floor.

Immediately afterwards, there were two lights in the "Vice Dean"'s eyes that became bigger and bigger, occupying every part of his eyes.


In the violent wind, a huge vortex of air flow stood out in front of the "Vice President".

It is dyed with the color of the light and exudes a terrifying suction, making Chen Wen, Liu Chuan, Shang Jianyao, and the two "New World" powerhouses who are carrying Flora and Barnard on their backs as weightless thin sheets. The paper floated up irresistibly and threw it towards the center of the vortex.

"He's borrowing Zhi Sui's power!" Shang Jianyao was very familiar with this feeling and shouted loudly.

But the terrifying suction pulled his voice into pieces and scattered in the wind.

At this moment, a black shadow separated from Liu Chuan, who was struggling in the air.

It swayed and became bigger and bigger, and it instantly felt like a building.

This huge black shadow rushed to the front of the vortex before Chen Wen, Shang Jianyao and others, and then opened his arms and hugged it tightly.

In the whistling wind, a huge shadow filled the center of the whirlpool.

The two are like matter and antimatter colliding, and they both annihilate at once.

Accompanied by annihilation, the violent "giant waves" rushed in all directions, and slapped Shang Jianyao and others who were in the air on the ground.

The "Vice President" was not spared either. He was thrown up and a big hole was knocked out of the surface of a building behind him.

The "giant waves" subsided a little, and Chen Wen, Liu Chuan and others quickly got up.

In the "new world", they are only conscious of life. Such injuries will not allow them to acquire additional "states" such as internal bleeding, comminuted fractures, concussions, etc., and will not leave any sequelae or affect their next actions. .

Of course, they weren't completely harmless, which consumed a large part of their spirit.

However, except for Shang Jianyao, the rest of the "New World" powerhouses have made preparations in advance, and pre-predicted multiple humans around their bodies. Once their spirits drop to a critical point, they will immediately extract their consciousness and replenish themselves.


Shang Jianyao felt sorry for the scene just now for not spitting out blood, and deliberately showed the corresponding things.

Liu Chuan glanced at the big hole in the building in front of him, and shouted to his companions:

"Let's get through here as soon as possible, don't tangle with the vice president's!"

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao always responded positively.

Dengdengdeng, the other two "New World" powerhouses carried Flora and Barnard on their backs, followed behind Liu Chuan, Chen Wen, and Shang Jianyao, and rushed past the "Vice President" who crashed into them. that house.

As soon as they ran more than ten meters, the "Vice President"'s wheelchair suddenly flew out of the big hole.

It landed steadily on the ground and turned a half circle, allowing the "Vice President" to directly see the backs of Shang Jianyao and others.

Flora didn't need to run by herself, she had been paying attention to the situation here, and when she saw this, she immediately shouted:

"Air Wall!"

In addition to Shang Jianyao's lack of tacit understanding, and they didn't know what to do in a short time, Barnard, Liu Chuan, Chen Wen and others turned their bodies halfway at the same time and used the ability of "interfering substances" ten meters behind.

The hurricane that passed through the street solidified there, compressed layer by layer into a visible wall of air.

This wall blocked in front of the "Vice Dean", making the figure of the enemy in his pale blue eyes a little blurry.

Before the air wall was formed, he slapped the handrail and let the electric wheelchair slide up by itself, faster than Shang Jianyao and others ran wild.

Seeing that he was about to hit the air wall, the "Vice President" hurriedly pressed down somewhere on the handrail and completed the emergency brake.

In the sound of stinging, the electric wheelchair stopped in time.

On the other side, after Liu Chuan and others worked together to create the air wall, they did not stop, but turned back and continued to run wildly.

As the force was withdrawn, the air wall compressed layer by layer was unable to maintain it any longer, and expanded violently.

How extreme was the compression just now, how exaggerated the current expansion was, so much so that an explosion occurred directly.


The air wall disintegrated into a terrifying shock wave, which slapped all around.

The "Vice President" who was directly opposite was naturally unavoidable, and was directly blown up and crashed into the ruins formed by the collapsed buildings on the side of the road.

Whoa! The ruins collapsed further under the shock wave, burying the "Vice President" inside.

Shang Jianyao twisted his body and saw this scene while running. He couldn't help raising his palms to applaud the tacit understanding of Flora, Barnard and others.

At the same time, with the intensity of the earthquake, some of the brightly lit houses around the tower could no longer support them and collapsed suddenly.

The lights inside turned into countless fragments, or flew back to the tower, or fell to the ground, or floated to other places.

"Aren't they all 'Zhuang Sheng' lamps?" Shang Jianyao, who was able to keep up with the army even after a round of applause, spoke in shock.

The gust of wind gave him a mouthful, suppressing his voice quite a bit.

"It's just fragments." Although Chen Wen ran fast, he was at a constant speed.

At this time, Liu Chuan suddenly shouted:


Several pieces of light shards flew over.

Shang Jianyao was just like playing a game, jumping, rolling and dashing forward, perfectly avoiding them.

The next second, his gaze passed through the gap between the collapsed buildings and saw on another street, a certain "New World" powerhouse who had detoured to the tower before was unable to dodge, and was hit by a fragment of light.

For a moment, this "new world" powerhouse was ignited.

He let out a shrill scream, and rolled twice in the form of a human-shaped torch, and then the "fire" with the person was completely extinguished and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Chuan, who only knew the danger of light fragments but did not know where the danger was, narrowed his eyes and slowed down.

With a weak personality, he began to be afraid to move forward.

If it wasn't for his own shortcomings, he would have asked "Truth" to revise certain memories and perform deep hypnosis. He would definitely not be able to hold on now.

Papapa, Shang Jianyao applauded for his dodge just now.

For some reason, they were not blocked by "Charlie", "Professor Li" and others in their next run, and the "Vice Dean" also failed to catch up.

In this way, they came to the outside of the tower amid the falling stones, the scattered light fragments, the violent hurricane that blew past, and the ground cracks that kept appearing.

The tower reaches deep into the sky, and the lights on each floor are exceptionally bright, in stark contrast to the dark sky around it.

Its gate is very ordinary, about two people tall, opposite, wooden, reddish-brown.

Shang Jianyao jumped up the steps, stretched out his hands, and opened the door.

But no matter how hard he tried, the door wouldn't move.

"Wait a minute," said Barnard shakily.

Shang Jianyao withdrew his hand and looked at the old man who was lying on the back of his companion.

Barnard explained:

"Truth" said it, and it will open it up for us."

As soon as Barnard's voice fell~www.readwn.com~ the reddish-brown wooden door that was two people high made a creaking sound and slowly opened back.

The Eighth Research Institute, Jiang Baimian, who knew the turmoil in the small city, sneaked here again, and was ambushed at the edge of the area where the nuclear power plant and the vortex-shaped building were located.

She waited for a while, and found that many "unintentional people" became very anxious.

Gradually, they became furious, no longer sticking to their posts, or fighting each other, or flocking to the periphery of the city as if they were escaping.

"Is this one of the effects of the New World's turmoil on reality?" Jiang Baimian did not rush out until there were only a small number of "unintentional" left in the area, and then he used "World in the Mirror", one step at a time. Step closer to the vortex-shaped building.

Under the condition that she can directly see the target, she will not get lost yet, and it doesn't take long to arrive at the place where the sign of "no heart disease" would appear.

Her head throbbed again, and she had to step back quickly.

"The turmoil hasn't reached its climax yet?" Jiang Baimian muttered to himself silently.

She stood there, staring at the vortex-shaped building, waiting patiently.

A few minutes later, she saw that invisible things around the target building suddenly disintegrated, turning into clumps of airflow blowing into the distance.

Jiang Baimian moved forward immediately.

This time, when she crossed that critical line, she no longer had the headache and dizziness.

Wearing a military exoskeleton device, Jiang Baimian took three steps and two steps, and quickly came to the door of the vortex-shaped building.

She immediately stretched out her hands and pressed against the metal door.

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