Ember’s Gun

Chapter 358

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The hazy drizzle pouring quietly, as if endlessly, they hit the stone bricks covered with moss, and as the breeze passed, they brought a cool chill.

This is a beautiful coastal town, as if forgotten by the entire world. The long Glorious War and the steam engine of the New World have not changed this town. It still retains the appearance it was 100 years ago, as if Time has stagnated on it.

Higgs leaned on the stone steps beside the door, and his eyes fell on the end of the bluestone steps.

As the drizzle fell, it seemed that the whole town fell into a deep sleep inside. There were no pedestrians on the street, all the doors were closed, and no lights were lit.

The whole town was shrouded in silence, and there was nothing left except the sound of falling rain.

Higgs would have felt an unspeakable sense of loneliness, but he didn’t care about it at the moment. Although he was alone, he couldn’t help but smile when he looked at this familiar town.

Ah… the town hidden deep in memory, this town completely forgotten by him.

Higgs couldn’t think that one day he would really return to the homeland that he couldn’t return to inside, like a beautiful dream, he didn’t want to wake up.

Looking up, the sky is gray, but compared to Old Turin’s apocalyptic rainy season, the rain curtain here is too gentle, like a cold hand, gently touching him.

Slowly stood up and looked towards the end of Between Heaven and Earth. The sea condensed into black was roaring, and the strong wind set off waves of several meters high, which broke into 10000 1000 foam on the black reef.

Higgs listened to the sound of the rain and moved on. Everything in the town was as in the memory, but now they are all closed and there is no light behind the windows.

It seems that everyone is dead, and maybe they all fell asleep, but Higgs can’t think about that anymore.

There were faint noises in the wind and rain, the roar of men, the howls of monsters, and the sound of explosions.

Higgs scanned back and forth, trying to find the source of the sound, but for 4 weeks there was only the familiar town, but as he blinked, a silhouette suddenly appeared in the rain.

“Ah… Joey!”

At the other end of the rain curtain, Higgs saw Joey standing still in the rain. After a brief moment, he ran over excitedly.

It was a really happy day. Higgs chased for so long and finally returned to his homeland inside. He wanted to share this joy with Joey, but for a while, Higgs could not see Joey’s face. It was a gloomy and dark piece. No light can illuminate it.

The stagnant water inside under his feet reflected a completely different view. Joey swung his jackknife, and one Demon was killed by him, but in this violent fight inside, another Demon staggered closer to him.


Higgs continued to shout, Joey didn’t say anything, just followed Higgs and sat down on the bench beside him, and the two people sat down in the pattering rain.

“I don’t want to go back, Joey.”

After a long silence, Higgs broke the calm, his expression was a little complicated, and he didn’t seem to know how to say it.

“Don’t want to… go back?”

Joey’s voice is a little fuzzy, he tilts his head, his face is still pitch black.

“Yes, 121A Cork Street, although I am a little reluctant, I am not going to go back… after all, this is my place.”

Higgs said and looked at this small town sleeping under the rain, with a gentle smile on his face.

“Actually, I left here because of a crazy idea in my mind. I want to go to the outside world to see what the worlds that only exist in the mouths of adults look like.

Some people say that it is extremely beautiful, others say it is extremely dirty. They have different opinions, but they have one thing in common. It is a place that must be visited, and that is the real look of the world… I’m really curious until one day. Really left, really arrived in Old Turin. “

Higgs sighed, a little helpless in his voice.

“It was great at the beginning. I have never seen such a high building, such a wide street, not to mention those airships flying in the air, Iron Snake densely scattered throughout the city.”

“But I’m not suitable there, Joey, I’m not suitable, I’m just a brat from a seaside town, Old Turin is too big for me, so big that I can hardly see what it looks like, I just want to find Hide in a corner.”

Joey didn’t speak, he just kept his head down, listening to Higgs’ self-talk.

“But… if I don’t go back, will anyone be sad for me?”

Higgs asked, and then he thought about it, the face of his roommate, Lorenzo Holmes, came to mind.

“Will he be sad for me?”

Higgs laughed immediately, feeling incredible for this idea.

“Why? That guy won’t be sad for me. Even if that guy is really sad, he won’t show it. But… But what about Mrs. Van Lude? She is so old and should need someone to take care of her. For the rest of her life, that guy Lorenzo is obviously unreliable…though I’m not that good.”

“This kind of thing is really distressing, right, Joey.” Higgs asked.

Joey nodded, then continued.

“Yes, there is a lot of helplessness in life, there are many wrong paths, and once you make a mistake, you will continue to make the mistake.”

“Like hallucinogen?”

Higgs patted Joey’s shoulder, then said.

“At the time in the factory, some people said that this thing allows people to see what they want to see, some people use it to see their dead relatives, and some people use it to see the wealth of the mountains. I was tempted to use it to see my hometown. Although it’s just an illusion, it feels really good.”

“But I was a little surprised, Joey, a serious person like you would actually use hallucinogen.”

“What about seriousness? I am still a human being. As long as I am a human being, I have human weaknesses, human inferiorities.” Joey said.

“Then what are you doing?”

Higgs looked towards Joey, the dark face seemed to be a little clearer, and a pair of confused eyes could be seen in the dimness.

“Nightmare, to get rid of a nightmare.”

Joey said, as if he was explaining to Higgs, and as if he was enlightening himself.

“I am a soldier, and the soldier must obey the order. Whether it is to kill or set fire, we will always do it. After all, it is an order. Although it is not our fault to be held accountable, it is… but after all I killed them. After all, I witnessed the cruelty with my own eyes.

I always have nightmares, dreaming that the earth and the sky have disappeared. All that is left is countless palms waving like seaweeds. They grabbed me and entangled tightly like vines, and finally I shred it completely. “

“It sounds like a terrible nightmare.” Higgs seemed to understand Joey, nodded while talking.

“Then you still use hallucinogen?” he asked again.

“No,” Joey replied.

“so good.”

Then there was a long silence. The two people were like sculptures, sitting quietly on the benches, even if the drizzle completely wetted them. After a long time, until Joey broke the calm again.

“I should go, Higgs.”

“Yeah, you don’t belong here, this is my hometown, not yours, and our mission also have nothing common with each other, there will always be time to separate.” Higgs said.

“But it’s nice to see you now, Joey.”

“So are you, Higgs.”

The two people comforted each other, and then laughed. Without warning, Higgs suddenly punched Joey, and then ran like a child. In the direction of the lane, Joey was slightly taken aback, and then he chased. Up.

2 People are like children, running and playing.

This kind of behavior seemed so naive and ridiculous on them at the moment, but they didn’t seem to feel it themselves, so they ran like this, on a road that seemed to have no end.

The stagnant water on the ground reflected their silhouette, but that was another world, the white folding knife cut through the rain curtain, chasing the galloping monster.

The stagnant water formed a mirror surface, isolating the two worlds.

For Higgs, this feeling is really good. I remember a long time ago that he was running along the beach with other children and riding the waves. It was a yellowing memory, but it became continuously clear in his mind at this moment. Find your past in a little bit.

The wind and rain were left behind by him until a slight touch came from behind, and then the hand firmly grasped Higgs’s jacket, and then Joey threw Higgs down and the two rolled down the steps. Finally fell into the standing water inside.

Joey pressed on Higgs and got up with great effort. Higgs didn’t move, just lying in the standing water, staring at the sky blankly.

“Is this a dream? Joey.”

He asked.

“I am not sure.”

Joey didn’t understand.

“In fact, I think this is a dream, a beautiful and delicate dream, a dream like a cage… Actually I know very well that I can’t go back, and sometimes I can’t confirm whether that town really exists…”

“So what about this? You are truly here now.” Joey retorted. Everything in 4 weeks was so real. This is Higgs’ hometown, his hometown.

“No, this is my dream, because I only remember these.”

Higgs turned his head and looked towards the buildings on the side.

“I only remember their vague appearance, so they won’t open the door, there will be no pedestrians, and this heavy rain won’t have an end, because those are all forgotten by me.”

“But in fact these are not bad. People have to cheat themselves to survive, right.”

Higgs’ eyes gradually became indifferent, he looked towards Joey who was pressing on him again, and then said to him.

“…Actually, you don’t exist either. I guessed it, right? But I would deceive myself into believing all this, and that’s not bad.”

But at this time, Joey shook the head, looking sad.

“No… sorry, Higgs.”

The jackknife pierced the dream and also pierced the heavy rain.

Dreams and reality overlapped here, and the messy sounds became clear for a moment, and the burning fireworks swallowed the entire town.

The patter of light rain became violent.

Under another rain curtain, Joey finally caught up with Demon, nailing it to the original place, and his 4 weeks were full of broken corpses.

Joey’s face was savage, but his eyes were full of sadness. He looked at Demon under him, his familiar face made him feel extremely angry.


Demon made a vague sound, and his scarlet eyes gradually calmed down as the jackknife penetrated his heart. No one knew whether he woke up at this moment or fell asleep like that.

Those words are like children’s dreams, without logic, broken into words.

“I’m here, Higgs, I’m so sorry.”

Joey just looked at it sadly, the heavy rain scouring his cheeks.

“If…if there is no Demon, if there is no Demon…we might be good friends.”

As he said this, he twisted the jackknife vigorously, completely crushing Demon’s heart, and in Demon’s vision, the quiet town under the rain curtain gradually solidified together, and the picture was permanently fixed in its eyes. .

At the end of life, Higgs finally returned to the unreachable homeland inside. Although illusory, it was his last comfort to himself.

With the growth of Demon’s blood within the body, he could feel the gradually hot power within the body, and he was also clearly aware that his consciousness was sliding uncontrollably into the abyss.

Thinking about it, this feeling is really bad, it’s terrible. The Demons that Joey killed were all patients at Black Mountain Hospital. Before they became patients, most of them were Joey’s colleagues. Give a lifetime.

Like a curse, it tortured the world.

“Nightmare is like heavy rain…”

Suddenly, a distorted voice sounded from under the folding knife.

“The rainy season will always pass…Joey.”

I don’t know if it was the broken will or the bizarre dream. The trembling eyes solidified like a cold glacier, but this solidity didn’t at all last too long, and then it melted.

“Yeah, goodbye.”

Joey spoke softly, and Demon could no longer distinguish his words under his jackknife. As early as Moriarty eroded him, Higgs had already begun to alienate. As the battle broke out, he was greatly affected. He was completely alienated by erosion.

The jackknife pulled up and cut off the head again. With the blood swaying, the entire Demon in the lifting area was beheaded clean. The survivors were paralyzed in the corner, seemingly unable to believe that they could survive the catastrophe.

Joey’s gaze scanned for 4 weeks, past the survivors, and past the countless corpses.

If there were no Demon, all of this would not happen today, so many people would not die, and there would not be so much sadness.

The nameless anger burned in Joey’s heart, and for a moment he also understood Lorenzo’s rage, the unstoppable rage.

But what followed was endless sadness. Joey looked down at the dark red water, which reflected his slightly hideous face.

He tried to pull out the jackknife, but lost all his strength and could only kneel weakly inside the stagnant water, piled up with the corpses of the Demon.

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