Emery by Miu

29 Chapter 29: Stolen Kiss

Lance started the car and resumed driving after I properly dressed myself.

In silence, I dried the remaining parts of my body, being careful not to accidentally undress myself once more.

I peeked at Lance when I heard him curse. It was low. Still, I heard it with all this deafening silence going on between us. He had an angry red face while his eyes stick on the road.

I withdrew my eyes, feeling that familiar sting, thinking that he was annoyed at me again. Then I caught a particular part of his body. With it bulging from his pants, it was hard to miss.

"Shit . . ."

He cursed again while I shifted my gaze away from his arousal and into the direction of the rainy scenery outside. This time, it was not only my cheeks burning –– my whole body was on fire!

It was like, every part of me was sweltering as it accumulated towards my core. My thighs rubbed each other, needing friction to eased the aching heat.

Instead of feeling disgusted –– I was yearning. Desiring every inched of him.

A first kind of feeling and my face burned crimson.

I was not an idiot. I'm already twenty-one soon to be twenty-two. Passed the age of innocence. I knew what I wanted to do with Lance at the moment, and with all this rain and cold –– It did not take a second, and I was lost in my wet fantasy.

At this very moment, I did not mind catching a fever and do this all over again if it meant I could be alone together with him inside his car once more.

. . .

. . .

I'm alone together with him inside his car!

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The thought sent countless lewd scenarios playing inside my already impure head, and I flinched on my seat.

I needed something –– anything to douse the fire inside me.

My whole body must be red by now. I glanced on the front mirror, and true enough –– I look like a red balloon that was about to burst.

I lowered my head so he would not see my shame. When I could not control the urge to take a look at him, I took a quick peek. The corner of his lips was quivering, and I knew he was holding a smile, and my face burned even more.

After just sitting there, lost in each other's thoughts, he broke the silence.

"Em, tell me which way to your house."

The nervous and bashful tone of my voice was the only sound bouncing inside his car with a few words from him. We were not even having a proper conversation –– but I was happy.

"Damn it, woman! You better guide me properly, or I swear . . . I'll drop you in the middle of this rain," he threatened when he discerned that I was leading him on.

Well, who would not notice after two hours of getting lost on the road? We could have arrived at my place in less than an hour.

I bit my lips and pointed him in the right direction with great reluctance.


". . ."

". . ."

"Well, aren't you going to get off?"

It was a while now when he parked his car outside the entrance of my house. However, all of me refused to leave.

I mustered my courage and look him in the eyes, only to be caught in awe at his brown irises, staring at me with his usual unreadable face.

"I-I . . . T-thank you . . . Please allow me to repa––"

Lance's hand in the air force my mouth shut.

"Don't . . . ," he breathes, "just . . . don't . . ."

And much to my heart's surprise –– he flashed me a smile.

I was in chaos until everything stopped when he reached out and touched my hair. My heart froze, my breathing hitched, afraid that with the slightest movement, he would withdraw his hand.

"You have a leaf in your hair this whole time? Where did you even get this?" He chuckled.

I did not understand what he said. In truth, I did not even hear him. I was lost in the allure of his voice. Lost in the nearness of his warmth. Lost in the playfulness of his smile.

His smile that was rarely plastered on his handsome face.

Before I knew it.

My hands freed me from my seatbelt.

My body stretched to him.

My arms flew around his neck.

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