Emperor Dragon

Chapter 14 The extraordinary system where a hundred flowers bloom (additional update for the leader

"These guys are digging up the dragon dung I buried."

The reason why a piece of dragon blood grass can grow here is because Saga often fertilizes here, and after finishing it, he will dig a hole and bury his own feces.

After Saga got the mission from Red Dragon Lady and left the dragon's nest, he secretly approached the location of this adventurer team, and finally met him here.

"Forget it, you dig my dragon dung, but you do it in front of me. It's too much."

Saga, who maintained the twisting force field, looked at the movements of the humans below and muttered to himself, remaining calm.

A pair of golden eyes reflected the male figure.

Wearing a flaxen robe, holding a short wooden staff, he has a beard and a dark face.

As a dragon, Saga has a keen sense of elemental energy.

He could sense the elemental energy swirling around the opponent, which was somewhat inconsistent with his rough appearance.

Lightness, dexterity, and ethereal are the energy of the wind element, and being favored by the elemental energy shows that this is a spell caster.

This is Saga's first contact with a spell caster.

However, because of the records of dragon inheritance, the word spellcaster is not unfamiliar to Saga at all, because dragons basically have good spellcasting talents, and as they grow older, they will gain powerful spellcasting abilities.

On the planet Saga, the world where Saga lives, spellcasters are the highest-status profession.

Spell casters have always been called dharma masters.

Because spell casters also represent scholars, high-end combat power, wisdom, knowledge, magic productivity, etc., while warriors and the like are often regarded by spell casters as barbarians who can only wield weapons.

On the planet Saka, the caster system keeps pace with the times and is diverse. Even the inheritance of dragons cannot be completely recorded. Almost every country has a different caster system, and the caster systems of several major empires are even more complete. horrible.

Earth, Water, Wind, Fire - Elemental Mage.

Evocation, protection, conjuration, prophecy, change, charm control, illusion, necromancy - eight schools of wizards.

Creation, mind, transformation - Arcanist.

Positive energy, negative energy - Yin Yang Master.

Geometry, alchemy, mechanics, guns - the mechanical wizard.

In addition to the more common spell caster system above, there are also some fel warlocks, conjurers, psychic warlocks, dimensional masters, divine magicians, and other spell casters.

Because of limited energy, the vast majority of spellcasters specialize in a certain spellcasting system in order to go further and will not easily get involved in other systems.

Among the many spell caster systems, elemental mages are the easiest to distinguish.

Compared with other spellcasters who have a wide variety of spells, the spells that elemental mages know are relatively simple and have very pure attributes.

But this does not mean that elemental mages are weak.

Work together to reach the top.

An elemental mage who only devotes his time and energy to studying one elemental energy has a much more powerful spell than other spellcasters at the same level.

All elemental mages are the most destructive weapons on the battlefield.

In addition, not only spell casters, but also the other fantastic and extraordinary systems of Saka Planet are also very rich. Although their status is generally not as noble as spell casters, they also constitute the colorful and colorful extraordinary system of Saka Planet.

Spellcaster, fighter, ranger, rogue, monk, knight, priest, barbarian and more.

Under these systems, because some intelligent creatures have special talents, in addition to ordinary professionals who learn a little about everything, more extraordinary professionals can be subdivided who specialize in a certain way.

For example, there are soul warriors who can turn their souls into weapons.

Blood warriors who use blood as their core energy.

Use elemental energy to temper your own fire warriors, wind warriors, thunder warriors...

A mechanical warrior who uses the magic power of metal and steel to transform himself, the Golden Armored Warrior.


There are also subdivided extraordinary professions such as forest ranger, shadow thief, blue fist monk, holy light knight, etc. It is difficult to summarize the entire huge system one by one.

In addition, when extraordinary beings enter the realm of legends, those with extraordinary talents have the opportunity to gain insight into the rules of the world, interact with them, fulfill their destiny, further gain new powers, become unique legends of destiny, stand on the top of the continent, and leave their own The professional inheritance of destiny.

High Priest, Rune Apostle, Nightmare Master, Storm Lord, Holy Guard, Mysterious Witch, Mage Killer, Curse Fire Warlock, Exorcist, Super Thought Warrior. These are just the legends of destiny recorded by many empires on the Saka planet, and there are also those left behind. There are already countless special extraordinary career paths.

Old legends are changing with the times.

New legends are being born and developing.

Saga was born on such a prosperous and colorful fantasy planet in the endless world of the multiverse, where even the gods are paying special attention.

As for the extraordinary beings now exposed to Saga, there are no relatively rare special professions.

A wind mage who is an elemental mage, a female mechanical warlock, an ordinary ranger, two ordinary warriors, and an ordinary priest.

Although the rare branches of extraordinary creatures under the fantasy system are generally strong, ordinary and popular creatures are not necessarily weak, because they are the oldest and most traditional basic system, and they have the most powerful ones.

. . .

The human ranger, who was standing steadily on the top of a thick tree with a thin and tall figure and sharp eyes, felt a little uneasy.

He always felt like he was being targeted by some creature.

But the strange thing is that after looking around, I didn't find anything strange.

The ranger used Eagle Eyes to enhance his vision and looked into the distance, but still found no dangerous creatures approaching.

Rustling. The branches and leaves above the ranger's head moved with gentle friction.

The ranger didn't take it seriously at first, thinking it was the sound of the wind blowing leaves. After all, this sound was almost everywhere in the woods.

But after careful identification, the ranger suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

This sound was not the sound of leaves rubbing against each other, but the subtle sound produced when cold and hard biological scales rubbed against branches and leaves, and it was slowly approaching him.

The distance is too close and extremely dangerous!

A chill rushed from his spine to his forehead. The ranger twisted his neck, which was as stiff as a rusty machine, and raised his head cautiously, for fear of causing a sudden attack by this unknown creature.

The cold white of the ice and snow, the green of the branches and leaves, and the tawny of the tree trunks began to fade away. In the twisted ripples of light, the body of the young dragon, which seemed to be made of magically crafted gold, with scales like diamonds, emerged inch by inch, and appeared in the ranger's field of vision. middle.

In the praise of the cold wind.

A pair of golden dragon eyes that seemed to be burning with flames shone brightly.


Before the word "dragon" could be uttered, the young and dangerous hunter stretched out his deadly dragon claws. The dragon's power that had burst out shocked the ranger's mind at the same time, making him unable to resist in such a short period of time.

Since Saga emerged from the light twisting field, it meant that he was about to launch an attack.

By this time, it was too late to find him.

That ranger is too close!


The cold light shone, and the golden dragon claws tore through the air, with a shrill sound of breaking through the air, and passed over the ranger's neck in an instant.

Beneath dragon claws that can tear apart granite.

The fragile human body was torn open with huge wounds without any suspense.

Blood splashed out like spring water.

The ranger's dexterous posture, sharp eyes, and superb archery skills... none of these could be displayed.

Only his dying cry echoed in the quiet woods.

The sudden change caused the adventurer team to be alert and frightened.

The remaining five people raised their heads, and their vision was immediately attracted by a flash of bright gold and bright red, including the blood spurting out from the ranger's neck, and the eye-catching color of the dragon scales on the body of the young dragon.

The first thing Saga focused on was the spell caster in the opponent's team.

Unfortunately, there are two soldiers guarding the caster at all times, and Saga's control of the twisting force field is not very good, so he cannot ensure that he can kill the caster with one blow when he gets close.

So he took a step back and focused on the ranger who was closest to him and was a little out of touch with the team.

The unlucky ranger didn't know that there was a baby dragon lurking in the treetop where he was.

He died under the claws of the young dragon before he could use his archery skills and agility.


The spellcaster holding a short wooden staff exclaimed.

Along with the exclamations, there was Saga swooping down from the canopy of a tree several feet high.

The little dragon's hind leg muscles tightened, and he kicked hard, and the dragon's wings simultaneously accelerated and exploded.

Under the horrified gaze of several adventurers, Saga's body passed through the blood fountain that sprayed out like a fountain from the ranger's neck, bringing up wisps of pungent wind. With a wave of the dragon's wings, blood mist spread all over the sky. open.

Dragons are top-notch magical creatures—even a young dragon that is only two and a half years old is a dangerous magical creature that can be fatal.


The upper part of the straight ancient tree creaked and trembled.

In the low air, blood mist surrounded the body of the little dragon with its wings spread out, and a sense of pressure filled the surroundings. At the same time, it stretched out its claws and pounced on the target, letting out a low roar.

"You have come to the wrong place, lambs who are about to die!"

I never thought that I could be the leader of two alliances in one day. In the author's opinion, this is a treatment that only great gods can have. It's really cool... Now the author is in a very happy mood.

I feel like I am typing faster, and the wind is very beautiful today.

Hey, if there are other alliance leaders, go ahead and do it to your heart’s content, don’t pity the delicate flower of the author!

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