Emperor Dragon

Chapter 330 The vast eternal energy returns to the great circle

Saga tried a few more times. Every time he tried to go deeper into the Well of Eternity, the consciousness inside the well was filled with painful emotions, and he was also full of fear of Saga. Moreover, the resistance around him began to increase, and the energy in the well also increased. Gradually unstable.

The energy around me is too thick and vast.

When he found that they had become unstable, Saga, who had already gone deep, did not want to cause any accidents, so he stopped going deeper. In his perception, the Well of Eternity was unfathomable, and it would probably be still deeper if it went deeper. Nothing would be found, nothing but a higher concentration of energy.

at the same time.

Because Saga stopped, the painful emotions in the well's consciousness also disappeared, and the fear of Saga quickly weakened, and eventually became dominated by curiosity. Saga guessed that because few intelligent creatures entered the Well of Eternity, he himself This makes the consciousness inside the well very curious. This large energy well was probably cold and dead before.

In addition, this consciousness is too ignorant and does not even have the concept of holding a grudge.

The pain I had just caused it was forgotten.

"What are you? Well of Eternity Consciousness, or some other weird thing."

Saga feels that it is most likely the consciousness of the Well of Eternity, but it is difficult to determine because of the inability to communicate and the lack of more information.

Without thinking deeply about this issue, Saga slowly stretched his wings and stretched his body in the almost solid high-concentration energy in the Well of Eternity. At the same time, his eyes were shining and he concentrated on trying to absorb the energy swallowed here.


Saga opened the dragon's kiss and deeply absorbed the surrounding energy.

However, Saga was a little disappointed that the surrounding energy was basically unmoved, and only a very small part was absorbed by him. However, compared with the effort and time spent, this gain can be said to be more than worth the gain.

Saga tried various methods, but failed.

At the same time, the consciousness in the well has been surrounding Saga, curiously looking at what Saga is doing.

It seems that he realized what Saga wanted to do.

"Bah, bah, bah."

This consciousness moved slightly, and then the solid-like energy around him suddenly began to rotate, forming an energy vortex with Saga as the center, which was continuously injected into his body.


Saga did not expect this sudden change.

Vast energy was injected into the body, and Saga quickly concentrated on digesting the energy and turning it into power, or repairing his body that was too seriously injured in the battle with the Dark Titan and has not fully recovered yet.


The energy vortex with Saga as the center is getting bigger and bigger, so much so that it sets off a turbulent undercurrent in this eternal energy well.

The wound itched for a while, and new dragon scales grew out of the areas where the scales had been lost. The black burns left by the evil flames, the sword marks caused by the slashes, and especially the circumferential cuts on the left arm, all appeared. Gradually healed in this massive wash of energy.

The diamond-shaped golden dragon scales are as new and shiny as ever, with not a single scratch on them.

Saga's vitality, energy in his body, etc. were all replenished to their peak state.

But the turbulent energy vortex has not stopped yet, and the seemingly infinite energy continues to be injected into Saga's body. However, due to the shackles of the demigod realm, there is too much energy that Saga cannot digest and absorb.

Having just broken through to Demigod, Saga didn't want to be forcibly pushed by this energy to break through again because he didn't have enough accumulation.

This is tantamount to overthrowing the talent and will destroy the extraordinary foundation that Saga has worked so hard to build, which is not what Saga wants.

Thinking about it with lightning in his mind, but not wanting to waste this rare opportunity, Saga directed the energy towards the spark.

"This time it will definitely be filled with spark energy."

Traveling through the multiverse consumes extra energy. Saga's journey to Azeroth was mainly caused by the rekindling power of the spark, but traveling through the multiverse later will require many times more energy than the first time.

Fortunately, the rekindled spark can absorb all kinds of energy to recharge itself, instead of only being supplied by Saga's own energy. Otherwise, if he is drained, it will be difficult to travel through the multiverse. This is something that many gods cannot do. Fields that have not been explored.

After arriving in Azeroth, Saga did not forget to charge the spark.

But to this day, the spark in my heart is still extremely dim, like a small flame that is flagging and takes a long time to fill up. Although Saga already wants to return to the big circle, she can't leave.

Saga had previously thought of asking for help from the Aspect Dragon and the Dragon Legion to assist him like injecting energy into the dragon soul.

But the dragons in Azeroth were almost wiped out because of the Dragon Soul, and they were probably suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Saga hadn't figured out how to speak yet.

Now it seems that it is probably not necessary.

As time passes, with the infusion of energy from the Well of Eternity.

The spark in the flagging state began to sway, began to grow, and gradually became brighter, turning into a bright, strange flower-like flame. It was more vivid than when it was just rekindled, and more flame petals bloomed around it, completely Can support Saga back to the big ring.

Even so, the energy vortex of the Well of Eternity continued to inject energy into Saga, and it still did not stop.

The sparks continued to absorb, becoming more brilliant.

But because it was not a step-by-step process, as time continued to go by, the sparks that had absorbed too much energy in a short period of time became too much and began to become unstable. The power of the sparks extended to the surroundings, causing the space to still ripple like water waves. , there are signs of starting space shuttle.

"Enough, enough, too much, I can't absorb it all."

Saga quickly stretched out his spiritual tentacles and spoke to the consciousness in the well as the instigator.


The consciousness inside the well did not understand what Saga meant, and thought that Saga wanted more energy, so he continued to inject energy into Saga and increased the intensity. Because there was too much, the energy that was originally like a gift began to change. Became destruction and destruction.

Saga built an all-round defensive force field to block the continued infusion of this vast and boundless energy.


After seeing Saga resisting the energy, the consciousness in the well stopped invoking the energy of the Well of Eternity. The surging energy vortex gradually dissipated, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Saga looked around and felt it quietly.

The energy he absorbed seemed to be just a drop in the bucket. The Well of Eternity, which had regained its calmness, was almost the same as before, with almost no changes, and no one knew where its source was. It was enough to give a demigod, or a demigod like Saga. Even the gods felt the huge and infinite energy, but it seemed effortless.

After this incident, the status of the Well of Eternity in Saga's heart skyrocketed.

The consciousness in the well that can draw energy, which Saga temporarily identified as the consciousness of the eternal well, is also very critical.

"I feel your kindness."

Saga exhaled, conveying gentle and friendly spiritual fluctuations.

Although the other party cannot understand the specific expressions, they can still understand the general emotional fluctuations of the mind.

"Bah, bah, bah."

In Saga's perception, the consciousness of the Well of Eternity was like a small light ball flying back and forth around him, and he was filled with joyful emotions.

The corners of Saga's mouth raised, and Long's face showed a weird uncle smile like a kidnapped child.

"Little thing, no matter what you are, please become my dependent."

"I will protect you from now on, but when I come here when I am short of energy, you have to replenish it for me."

Saga stretched out a hooked toe and touched it slowly.

The ball of light didn't know why, but curiously poked out a ray of consciousness, and gently tapped Saga's hook toe.

"Okay, if you refuse without saying a word, it will count as your acceptance."

Saga unilaterally announced that he would accept the other party as his kinsman, and nodded with satisfaction. The consciousness of the Well of Eternity began to circle back and forth around the golden dragon, completely unaware of what was happening, and he was so happy.

"Let me think about it and give you a name."

Saga glanced at the ball of light and muttered: "You only know how to babbling, so let me call you babbling first."

There was no rush to leave.

Saga stayed in the Well of Eternity for a while longer, communicating with Ea and trying to teach it how to communicate bit by bit.

This Well of Eternity consciousness is like a blank sheet of paper.

Ignorant and ignorant.

It also seemed to understand Saga's teachings and didn't know why, but it had certain results. For example, it learned that Yi Ya was its own name.

Afterwards, Saga prepared to leave from the Well of Eternity.

He flapped his wings and soared upward.

It seems that he knew that Saga was leaving, and he felt reluctant to leave. He even mobilized vast energy to form a barrier in front of Saga, trying to prevent Saga from leaving and let Saga stay.

This kind of pure energy defense cannot stop Saga.

But he still paused, thought about it carefully, and said:

"Let's do this. I'll leave a spiritual consciousness here to accompany you."

Lifting the dragon's claw, a faint spiritual energy and electromagnetic light lit up on it.

Psychic power and electromagnetic force were blended together, and gradually deformed under the control of Saga's will, turning into a small golden dragon with an energy body similar to Saga's overall shape, but very mini, only about 20 centimeters long.

The ability to create things like this is not difficult for demigod creatures, and Saga is also a psion.

As long as they are willing to spend time and energy, a demigod creature with some ideas can already create a small world of its own, but it is just much more fragile than the real world.

Saga injected a ray of consciousness, and the energy body of the little golden dragon immediately came to life.

The little golden dragon spread its wings and flew, and the little ball of light came closer curiously and followed the flying, while at the same time dissipating the energy barrier above.

Leaving behind this tiny consciousness clone, Saga's body glanced at the two playing around, and then left quietly.

The task he gave to this conscious clone was to play with and teach Yiya. Of course, he also had to remember to boast about his greatness and trustworthiness, subtly making Yiya respect and admire himself more.

"The power of the Well of Eternity is vast."

"I can use this place as a stopover on my journey to the multiverse in the future to replenish sparks."

Saga thought silently, spending a lot of energy to set up a force field barrier at the 100-meter dividing line between Titan energy and Well of Eternity energy, and then completely left the Well of Eternity, returned to the Emerald Dream, and appeared in the green mountains. Above the mountains.

Sensing Saga's return, with a burst of dreamy emerald green light, the figure of Green Dragon Queen Ysera appeared here.

The Green Dragon Queen was a little surprised to see Saga's scales shining brightly, fully recovered, full of energy and sparkling eyes.

"Have you absorbed the energy of the Well of Eternity?"

"We, the guardian dragons, have tried to absorb the energy from the Well of Eternity, but the results have always been more than worth the loss and it is difficult to use it."

"But you are very special. It seems that being able to absorb the energy of the Well of Eternity is nothing."

she said.

Saga looked at the Green Dragon Queen and asked:

"Ysera, do you know the origin of the Well of Eternity?"

The Green Dragon Queen thought for a while and said: "I have told you before that the Well of Eternity was built after the battle between the Titans and the Ancient Gods to remove the pollution that the Ancient Gods had caused to the land of Azeroth. At the same time, it left Provide some energy for the better development of Azeroth’s biological races.”

"only these?"

"Yes, did you find anything?"

"No, I just think it's a bit strange. The energy fluctuations of the Well of Eternity can even attract the attention of Dark Titans who are far away in the starry sky. And there are so many that it can easily build a portal across the star field, which is too much. ”

Saga thought thoughtfully.

"Maybe it's because the Titans favored Azeroth, so they left extra energy."

The Green Dragon Queen muttered, not thinking anything was wrong.

But only Saga, who has personally experienced how vast and infinite the energy of the Well of Eternity is, understands that this is not as simple as being extraordinarily large.

"Dark Titan Sargeras, a medium-sized god-like being, the most powerful person on the surface of this multiverse."

"He cares so much about Azeroth, and the Titans who will set a seal around Azeroth. There must be something incredible here."

"And the Well of Eternity definitely plays a key role."

Saga thought in his heart.

The existence of Star Soul is a secret.

The Aspect Dragon and the Guardians of the Gods do not know about the Star Soul. As an outsider, Saga does not know this either, but now he has guessed that there must be extraordinary existence on Azeroth to arouse the Titans' attention. Focus on taking care of her, causing the Dark Titan to covet her.

After gathering his thoughts, Saga turned to look at the Green Dragon Queen, with a bright smile on her face.

"Ysera, I haven't had a good trip to Azeroth. Now that the war is over, the situation is stable, and there is nothing going on in the Emerald Dream, let's go to various parts of Azeroth together."

Because the portal is in the main elf city, the war zone with the Burning Legion is mainly located in the hinterland of the Dark Night Empire.

In addition, there are many places in Azeroth that Saga has not been to.

The fine scales of the face armor, which were as bright as diamonds, were moved and reflected thousands of brilliance. Saga's smile was too brilliant.

The Green Dragon Queen was briefly dazzled by Saga's haunting smile. After she came to her senses, she nodded heavily:


In the following period, the two walked together, walking through the sky and earth of Azeroth, admiring all kinds of beautiful scenery. Occasionally, they would transform into different biological societies, experience various customs and cultures, and walk Stop and go, enjoy traveling.

The towering and majestic world tree is more majestic and magnificent than the mountains.

The desert stone forest stands densely in the desert, always crumbling but never falling.

The hills are rolling, the fields are green, the flowers are colorful, and the western wilderness is full of natural flavor.

The ground is covered with snow, and the branches are covered with frost. The environment is cold, but there are still many creatures that brave the cold to survive, and all kinds of frost compete for freedom in the polar region.

The air is as hot as a furnace, the sun is red, and the air is always gray and saturated with sunlight like fire, as if it were a burning plain.

Two years passed by like a fleeting moment.

During this period, Saga discovered that his faith had blossomed everywhere. With a diamond-shaped golden scale as its emblem, a religious organization with the name of the Ancestral Dragon Cult was naturally established, and temples of the Ancestral Dragon were built all over Azeroth. , for believers to admire and pray.

Due to his outstanding performance in the war, Saga, who single-handedly turned the tide, gained a large number of believers.

There is still Daisaga, the Black Dragon King, walking across the land, spreading his fame and faith.

Saga has foreseen that in the near future, he will definitely be able to become a god with the faith of Azeroth, or create a god clone. At the very least, the amount of faith required to become a demigod is not huge, and it is not difficult. matter.

He has taken the first step in the long steps to becoming a god.

Soon after, the wonder of the Hanging Mountain formed from an area of ​​abnormal gravity returned to the Emerald Dream. After a moment of tenderness, before Saga could speak, the Green Dragon Queen said quietly:

"Are you ready to leave Azeroth?"

The Green Dragon Queen was sensitive and noticed Saga's intention to leave.

Looking directly into the green dragon queen's emerald eyes, Saga said frankly:

"Yes, I am ready to return to the world where I belong."

The voice paused, and Saga smiled and said: "This is not a farewell. I will come back from time to time. I love this world, and you exist in this world. How could I forget this place?"

Saga's sweet words made the Green Dragon Queen's sadness disappear, and her face was slightly red.

"Before you leave, I'll give you a gift."

The Green Dragon Queen smiled and took out a seed that was like emerald and exuded natural and dreamy colors at the same time.

"This is a dream seed, also known as the world tree seed."

"Don't you have a Dragon Soul Secret Realm? Bury the dream seeds into the Dragon Soul Secret Realm. From then on, the dreams of the souls in your Dragon Soul Secret Realm will allow the dream seeds to take root and germinate."

"As time goes by, the Dream Seed will thrive into the World Tree, and in the process, it will emit a steady stream of natural and spiritual energy, helping your Dragon Soul Secret Realm become a more real and solid world. When the World Tree grows up, it will better support the Dragon Soul Secret Realm for you."

Saga knew about the World Tree in Azeroth and had seen it during his journey with Ysera.

It is majestic and huge, reaching straight into the sky. The size of a tree is enough to accommodate a large number of biological races.

The normal way to enter the Emerald Dream is through the World Tree.

Saga did not expect that the World Tree could also stabilize a world like the Dragon Soul Secret Realm.

But no matter what, it is a cherished existence.

"When you miss me, go see the Dream Seed."

The Green Dragon Queen said quietly.

After accepting the dream seed, Saga said goodbye to the Green Dragon Queen seriously and said: "I like this gift very much, and I will take care of it growing until it becomes a towering tree."

Afterwards, under the reluctant gaze of the Green Dragon Queen, Saga used the Deep Sea Dragon City as an anchor to let sparks ignite freely.

Huh. There are a lot of ripples and wrinkles in the space.

Illusory flames emerged like flowers, wrapping the golden dragon inside. Once it was gathered, it escaped into the space and disappeared, heading back towards the large ring multiverse. (End of chapter)

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