Emperor Dragon

Chapter 403 Life, Death, Reincarnation

Kale Village.

A remote village between mountains and dense forests is conducting a memorial ceremony for the cycle of life and death.

Thousands of people in the entire village stood together on the empty land in front of the village. In the center of the empty land, a small platform was built with a lot of firewood.

On the high platform, there is an old man who is as angry as a thread, has no consciousness, and will die at any time.

He is the village chief of Kale Village, Andre. He has walked on thin ice all his life, leading the people of Kale Village to survive in the cracks of terrifying savage beasts and various dangerous natural environments, and transforming this village from its earliest days of hundreds of years. The number of people gradually grew to thousands.

no doubt.

He is a qualified leader and a well-respected village chief.

And now, this elder who is loved by the entire Kallie Village has entered a countdown to his life and is about to die.

The villagers gathered and prayed for him, as was customary, to the goddess of life and reincarnation.

"The great god of life and reincarnation."

"Please wish that our beloved village chief Andre can end this short journey peacefully and enter the cycle of life."

"We pray to you that you will give Mayor Andrei a new and beautiful new life."

After finishing the prayer whispered or silently in your mind.

The old man's last breath slowly dissipated, and a young man holding a torch stepped forward from the crowd and said: "Cake a fire and light up the guiding light for Village Chief Andre's reincarnation."

After speaking, he threw the torch into the high platform built with firewood.

Not long after, thick smoke and fire ignited, gradually engulfing the old man lying on the high platform.

The villagers stayed there until night and then gradually dispersed.

At this time, the night was deep and the bright moonlight fell from the sky, filling this peaceful village.

A figure that no one could see clearly appeared in the sky above Kale Village.

This is a goddess.

She was wearing a blue and white gradient robe, her loving eyes were filled with light blue fluorescence, and her whole body was filled with the breath of life.

She is the dawn god born from the order of life, death and reincarnation.

The god of life and reincarnation, Karma.

Karma heard the prayers of the creatures here and felt their trust in him.

As the God of Dawn who abides by order, she decided to bestow the blessing of dawn on this small and isolated village, which is inaccessible to people.

Holding his hands slightly, the white and bluish dawn energy turned into a ball of light in Karma's hands, and then slowly fell, sinking to the ground of the village. At the same time, an invisible brilliance like water waves rippled across the entire village.

"Poor people."

"I hope that under my protection, you can enjoy normal and natural birth, old age, illness and death, and return to the embrace of the reincarnation of life."

Karma whispered to herself.

Immediately afterwards, her dress fluttered, her figure became illusory, and she was ready to leave from here.

But at this moment, as if he noticed something unusual, Karma suddenly moved his eyes slightly and turned his head to look into the distance.

I saw.

Under the vast night.

A giant dragon covered with diamond-like golden scales flew across the sky, its wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun. A pair of golden dragon pupils on its faceplate shone brightly, like a bright fire in the night. It was impossible to ignore, but it was impossible to look directly at it. .

And in the dragon's slightly opened claws, which are as huge as hills.

Karma saw a strange girl with half white, half black, half blue and half red energy flowing around her body, and carrying the aura of the God of Dawn and the God of Night.

"The Daughter of Chaos and Order, Soraka."

".Who is the dragon traveling with her?"

Karma had heard rumors about the Daughter of Chaos and Order and knew of Soraka's existence.

However, the dragon accompanying her was something she had never heard of before.

"It's just a weak god, not a threat."

As a mid-level god, Karma is not afraid of the daughter of Chaos and Order who has little fighting ability, and an unknown dragon with the aura of a weaker god.

It seems that both of them are directed at themselves.

Karma did not retreat, but rose into the sky and waited quietly among the clouds.

Soon, the dragon and the girl approached.

"Daughter of Chaos and Order, did you come to me specifically?"

Karma spoke softly and said.

Feeling the dawn energy of order in the other party, the chaotic energy in Soraka began to stir, and the luster on her body turned more into dull black and red.


She nodded and said calmly.

Karma's eyes swept across the girl and the dragon, the dawn light around him gradually brightened, and he said slowly:

"I sense malice in you."

"But, I'm curious, where does this malice towards me come from? I abide by order and protect the cycle of life. I only stand against those who interfere with the cycle of life and never get involved in other disputes."

Hearing this, Sokara shook his head and said:

"You're wrong, this malice is not directed at you."

She said seriously:

"Neither the God of Dawn nor the God of Night should exist."

"The protection of order and the destruction of chaos are not good things for this world."

"Karma, I hope you can understand that life will find its way to reincarnation. This world actually does not need your existence. You will only make the reincarnation of life stop moving forward, and it will run in your order like a pool of stagnant water."

"There are no variables and there is no future."

Karma didn't understand.

She said seriously to Soraka:

"What you deny is the duty for which I was born."

"I can't understand, and I don't want to understand."

Under the cover of night, Sokara stood between the dragon's claws and said:

"Give up the order you insist on. As long as you can do it, I will leave immediately."

Karma’s eyes were firm:

"No matter what happens on my path to order, I will never waver."

After hearing Karma's answer, Soraka shook her head slightly with disappointment.

She raised her head and looked at the majestic golden dragon.

Saga also looked down at Sokara.

"Saga, fight for me."

After saying that, Sokara's body turned into spots of light all over the sky, and then swept around the golden dragon like a storm, gradually leaving streaks of white and black textures on the dragon's body, and the dragon's aura also weakened. Waiting for the gods, it skyrocketed to the level of a medium god.

Click click click.

After twisting its neck, the giant dragon spread its wings, as if embracing the world. At the same time, it closed its eyes slightly and whispered: "This feeling of power fascinates me."

His eyes opened, revealing a dazzling light.

The sense of danger from the golden dragon surged instantly, making Karma feel a huge sense of oppression.

Staring at the golden dragon, Karma said:

"To be with the daughter of Chaos and Order is to be an enemy of all gods. If you are wise, you should know your way back. I can lead you to the path of order."

"If you are stubborn and want to be an evil dragon, Dawn will also have a firestorm."

After hearing Karma's words, the golden dragon grinned and said:

"Don't define me with your shallow view of good and evil."

"There is never good, no evil, no dawn, no night."

"There is no chaos, no order."

The dragon's smile gradually faded, and his eyes were as sharp as sharp blades, as if they were about to pierce the night sky:

"From the beginning to the end, there is only power! There is only strength and weakness!"

Saga does not believe in the theory of good and evil.

He has his own understanding of the infinite multiverse.

Whether it is the Great Circle, Azeroth, here, or any universe, Saga believes that there is only the distinction between the strong and the weak, not other things, such as light and darkness, good and evil, etc.

"This is a violation of order."

"Under order, the strong must also face up to the weak, and the weak must not be afraid of the strong. Both strength and weakness are within order."

Although he felt the opponent's strength, Karma was not afraid and argued.

Saga was not in a hurry to take action. He raised his eyebrows and said, "What you said can be realized, but there is an absolute premise - the power of order is greater than everything else."

"Only if the order is strong enough, can the world operate in order."

"You think that strength and weakness are all within the order, but you don't know that the order you think must be built on a strong foundation."

The golden dragon raised his chin and said:

"As long as you are strong enough and want order, the world must abide by order. If you want chaos, the world should fall into chaos."

“If the world does not want it, beat the world with strength until it behaves according to the will of the strong.”

Under the words of the golden dragon, Karma was a little distracted, and the dawn light around her became dimmer. Obviously, she was affected to a certain extent by Saga's logic.

However, after all, it is the evolution of order rules, and it is not that easy to change.

Karma's eyes quickly became determined.

"No matter what you say, don't try to shake my insistence on order."

Saga grinned, raised his paw, shook it, and said:

"Like I said, if the world doesn't want it, beat it until it wants it."


With a wave of its dragon wings, the golden dragon charged towards Karma with a terrifying sense of oppression and overwhelming power.

As the god of dawn, Karma didn't want to affect the surroundings, so the whole body shone brightly with the light of dawn, and disappeared from the place with a flicker.

She stayed away from this budding planet of life and arrived at the vast starry sky outside.

Saga set off a gravitational wave, locked onto the space fluctuations caused by Karma, and followed closely with the jump.

"Fight with faith and I will be invincible!"

In the primitive void universe where the stars dimmed, Karma emitted a dawn light that was brighter than the star sun, and her voice was like an oracle.

The radiant fire of life!

Karma's eyes were bright, and he raised his hands to lock onto the oncoming golden dragon.

Suddenly, a ball of light and flame with endless life breath burst out from Karma's hand.

But this is just the beginning. One after another, seemingly endless and never-ending, the energy-concentrated fireballs like celestial comets continue to burst out from Kalma's hands, forming a mighty river of light in the starry sky, with great power. Raging, sweeping towards Saga.

This is the first time Saga has fought against a medium god in full condition.

His eyes were shining, reflecting the stars of dawn fireballs released by Karma.

"No need to be afraid, as long as I live I will not let you suffer harm."

Soraka's voice sounded in Saga's heart.

"Afraid? No, excited."

"Soraka, witness for me, witness the beginning of this god-killing feast!"

The giant dragon roared low, flapped its wings, and without flinching, plunged directly into the galaxy formed by countless light balls.

Boom boom boom!

Brilliant explosions continued to sound.

The power belonging to the medium god broke through the deflection force operating outside Saga's body. The radiant life flames burned his strong core body, making him feel a strange burning heat from his mind to his body. This was Special damage that even strong nuclear bodies cannot completely isolate.

However, this hot feeling just happened.

On Saga's body, the texture left by Soraka lit up. The energy of order healed his injuries, and the energy of chaos reduced his damage, plus Saga's own defense.

With Soraka's assistance, he remained unscathed and at full health.


The giant dragon waved its wings, like an unstoppable blade, tearing apart Karma's life-radiating flames, approaching with a majestic pressure.

The steadfast chain of life!

Karma took a deep breath, and her figure kept retreating, pulling out a long stream of light. At the same time, an illusory chain formed from her hand, extended infinitely, and fell on the golden dragon in an instant.

Chains were wrapped around the dragon layer by layer.

It has no entity, but leaves countless shining marks on the dragon's scales, unswervingly absorbing the dragon's vitality.


Although Saga's strong core body cannot fully cope with the attacks of the medium god level, it is not a vegetarian either. The dragon body completely locked by the strong core force is impregnable, making it extremely difficult for the chain brand to absorb his vitality.

Plus Soraka's energy-infused healing.

Saga's speed has not slowed down at all, and his condition is always at its peak. The dragon's power is rolling, making the entire star field turbulent.

Staring at Karma who had been keeping a distance from him, Saga raised his right paw towards her while pursuing her.

All things are attracted by heaven!

Buzz. A powerful gravitational force fell on Karma instantly, forming a twisted cage with her as the center, causing her movements to freeze.

In this short period of time.

Saga's huge figure appeared in front of Karma, and the super-heavy dragon fist burning with raging nuclear fire hit Karma's fragile body like a star.


With one blow, Karma's body, which had been fighting with Sagala for a while, completely collapsed and was directly shattered.

However, the battle is not over yet.

Reincarnation Burning Curse!

On the living planet called Valoran, a barren and barren continent.

Suddenly, flames representing life and reincarnation lit up and gathered together to form Karma's figure.

However, the radiance of dawn around her was obviously much dimmed compared to before.

The reincarnation burning curse that can directly rebirth himself is Karma's life-saving trump card, and it can be regarded as the last resort.

Karma, who realized that she was completely unable to compete with the Daughter of Chaos and Order and the terrifying dragon, died once, and immediately prepared to hide in hiding after Valoran was reborn.


Before she could make any move.

The irresistible pressure suddenly came, and the layers of the earth beneath his feet collapsed. Karma could not hold on, and was crushed into the sinking pit that kept sinking.

His eyes passed through countless flying dust.

She saw the giant dragon appearing here like a shadow.

Karma's reincarnation cycle could not get rid of Soraka's perception lock on the Dawn God. She had just been reborn here when Saga arrived in the jump.

The mountain-like dragon fist fell, and the shadow obscured Karma's entire vision.


Along with the roar of earth shattering, Karma's body collapsed again.

The flames shattered and condensed, and she was reincarnated again in other realms.

But the giant dragon also arrived in the next moment and shattered her body into pieces again.

After many cycles.

Like porcelain, his whole body was covered with cracks, and the dawn light all over his body was so dim that it was almost invisible. Karma looked pale and looked up at the giant dragon standing in front of him, which was more majestic than the mountains.

After many reincarnations, she has reached the end of her strength, her body is collapsing bit by bit, and she is entering true death.

"you win."

"But you can't defeat order, you can't destroy dawn. Your victory will only increase chaos and night."

Karma's attitude remained firm and said.

Saga lowered his eyes and looked at the God of Life and Reincarnation, and said:

"Wrong, I treat the night equally."

"There are only two paths in this world: dawn and night, but I will open another path between them."

Karma was slightly startled.

When her life was about to come to an end, she seemed to have escaped the shackles of order and saw some different futures.

With a relieved smile on his face, Karma said softly:

"Good luck."

As the words fell, her body turned into light spots all over the sky, rising into the sky and falling like rain, invisibly moistening everything.

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