Emperor is Domination

Chapter 3573: Golden Egg

The cultivators outside were completely attracted by something within the valley.

The large area only had one entrance. The other entrances have been sealed by a mighty force. This entry point was the broken hole on the peak with a flight of steps leading down.

To the right and left of this path were numerous Buddhist statues. They have been here for who knows how many years and were covered in moss.

The temples inside had irreparable damages outside of a few. For example, the largest one could barely be recognized. However, one hall within remained intact.

Because certain sections were broken, those waiting outside could see inside the hall.

They saw shelves made from precious sandalwood containing treasures and scriptures. These things still had a l.u.s.ter after so many years.

The scrolls, in particular, were magical. When the breeze blew the pages over, an ocean of runes would emerge along with wondrous hymns.

These phenomena made it obvious that they were top scriptures. Even the high monks of Heavenly Dragon Temple would be tempted.

The treasures also had incredible pulses, seemingly opening up portals that can lead others to salvation.

However, the thing commanding the most attention was a stone platform in the center. It was made from individual blocks that were quite coarse. However, once placed together in this manner, it looked natural instead of simple.

An egg was on top of this platform, around the size of a bowl. The shell was golden, seemingly cast from gold.

The shell wasn’t glossy and smooth. It had many bumps, a sign of struggle during its inception. Strange runes covered the thing, chaotic yet naturally formed. Some could view the runes as the true shell of this egg.

It was also absorbing Buddhist light from the treasures and scriptures on the shelves. No light could escape from this golden egg.

The absorption process would make the runes flash and slightly move. Then next came the hymns of thousands and thousands of Buddhas blessing this egg.

All of this made its value apparent. People couldn’t help but salivate while staring at it.

“What is this egg?” Both the early and latecomers had no idea. Even the knowledgeable ancestors have never heard nor seen such an egg.

“Teacher, do you know what that egg is?” A student from Duality asked.

Teacher Du and the others glanced at each other. The teacher in question shook his head: “I have never seen it. There aren’t any records relating to it either.”

“What beast is that lying on the platform?” Yang Ling’s friend noticed a chaos primal beast.

In the beginning, the group fully focused on the egg and didn’t notice the beast.

It looked like a hornless dragon with some differences. Its scales had a blue glow and were covered in mysterious diagrams. They looked like paintings of landscape.

The beast wore a crown with feminine characteristics. The creature was clearly a female.

It occasionally opened its mouth to suck in and release chaos energy. It seemed to be gestating the egg.

“That’s a world draconic king in the myths. It’s stronger than the dichromatic ape.” Teacher Du said seriously.

“Stronger than the ape?” Yang Ling blurted out: “The ape is a high-level heaven beast already…”

“It’s a high-level heaven king, hence its name.” Another teacher said: “High-level heaven isn’t the strongest rank. There are kings, emperors, and gods…”

The students took a deep breath after learning about this. The ape earlier was already strong enough. This draconic creature was even stronger?

“So that’s the draconic king’s egg?” A female student wondered.

An older teacher stared intensely at the egg before concluding: “No, I was fortunate enough to see a world draconic king’s eggs during my youth. They don’t look like this one.”

“This egg must be something else. The draconic king is willingly trying to incubate it, it must be another high-level heaven emperor. Maybe the god level.” One more teacher said.

“A god-level egg? I’ve never seen one before.” The older teacher said: “That’s a chaos primal beast capable of fighting against dao lords. There aren’t that many in all of history.”

“Not just that, this egg might have deep ties with Buddhism.” Teacher Du added after seeing how the egg captured Buddhist lights.

“Hard to say, if this is the case, it’ll cause a disaster.” The older teacher looked up and said: “I wonder if those old geezers will be able to restrain themselves.”

The students didn’t notice anything, unlike the powerful teachers. The latter noticed numerous ancestors hiding above in the clouds. They had various reasons for not showing up.

“Rumble!” Meanwhile, fierce battles waged outside the valley entrance.

An army of powerful cultivators was fighting against chaos primal beasts in order to break through the entrance.

The primal beasts also had numerous groups led by heaven-level beasts. Some among them were actually at the high level. They seemed to be patrolling and protecting this valley. Judging by the current situation, they weren’t here at the start and only came recently.

The powerful cultivators were currently fighting against lion-like creatures. Heavy casualties occurred.

“That’s the border army, right?” A student became surprised.

Unfortunately, this mighty army was on the verge of being routed.

“Raa!” The crazed lion king roared furiously and opened its mouth, swallowing a thousand troops in the blink of an eye.

“Boom!” It sent the commander flying with one smash. Its victim vomited blood continuously.

The commander couldn’t escape before being surrounded by another horde of beasts and was torn to pieces.

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