Emperor is Domination

Chapter 3668: Read And Remember Me

Yang Ling couldn’t come up with an explanation for Li Qiye’s refusal. She had to ask: “Young Master, why didn’t you enter the wooden house for that famous treasury?”

Given the chance, others would ask the same question. Li Qiye walked away without taking one step inside and looking at the treasury. That’s why they branded him as a prodigal son or a madman.

“Why should I enter?” Li Qiye smiled.

“Because of that wondrous treasury. Your future generations will benefit too.” Yang Ling replied.

Li Qiye only smiled in response.

“Wait, so there’s no treasury in there?” She found his smile quite strange as if he knew something.

“It depends on your definition of a treasury.” Li Qiye smiled: “Everyone has a different definition. Of course, you’re not wrong to call it one capable of granting everlasting wealth.”

“So it’s actually there.” She became surprised.

“Yes, according to your definition.” Li Qiye nodded.

Yang Ling was shaken. Now, this confirmed the existence of one which made Li Qiye’s decision even more impressive.

“You already knew that was one in there?” She asked.

Li Qiye answered with a smile again.

“It’s not enough to warrant your attention, Young Master?” Yang Ling pondered for a bit before quietly asking.

She didn’t harbor the same criticisms others did regarding Li Qiye’s refusal. She simply thought that he just didn’t care for the treasury. It wasn’t enough to enter his eyes. This was a bolder speculation. Thus, his definition of a “treasury” must be insane.

“Don’t think too much about it, it’s only a bait.” Li Qiye smiled and shook his head.

“A bait?” Yang Ling didn’t understand: “Why is that everlasting treasury a bait?”

Li Qiye didn’t answer once more so she stopped asking about it.

“What about the jade piece? Is there any special use for it?” She switched to another topic and stared at him with her bright eyes. Li Qiye forwent the treasury but brought the jade piece with him.

Perhaps this was his goal in the first place so she became curious.

“I’ll let you take a look but you won’t get it.” Li Qiye smiled and tossed the jade piece towards her.

She caught it and became excited while meticulously perusing. It looked ancient and had numerous thin cracks, looking like dao arrays. She was worried that it might break if she held it a bit too tight.

“What is it?” She didn’t see anything special about it.

“A coordinate.” Li Qiye answered.

“For what?” She still didn’t understand.

He smiled and took back the jade: “Let’s go back.”

Yang Ling stopped speaking. She found that Li Qiye clearly came to Wish Ward for a reason.

After returning to his courtyard, he entered his room and sealed the area before taking the jade out. He took his time looking at it instead of starting, seemingly falling into remembrance.

Eventually, he chanted and released light from his palm. The jade resonated and also issued light strands. This was a spatial opening process.

“Crack!” The jade suddenly crumbled into dust from a powerful force.

Li Qiye blew the specks off his hand. As he said previously, the jade served as a coordinate point. Others had no chance of finding it.

Spatial radiance flashed in the next second with the force of a tsunami. It pulled Li Qiye inside, leaving an empty room behind.

He appeared again in a boundless space. Even the strongest master would be lost forever without understanding the coordinate system here.

He performed several spatial leaps through the dimensions to eventually reach the destination.

A great peak that has experienced countless sunrises and sunsets. Everything stayed the same regardless of the great calamities.

This place only existed in the myths. The knowledgeable ones even thought that it didn’t exist.

“Creak…” A stone entrance opened and Li Qiye entered with a smile.

What awaited him was a treasury with too many treasures to count - invincible weapons, supreme merit laws, eternal arts, worldly essences and immortal artifacts, wondrous materials and resources…

If any of them were to show up in the world, it would start a bloody competition.

That’s why the treasury in the wooden house was only a bait. It was completely inconsequential compared to this one. Yes, the latter was one of Li Qiye’s secret treasuries.

Alas, he didn’t pay much attention to the items here. He sauntered around and enjoyed the process, not needing to look at each one for a long time. Each item and place had a special spot in his memories so he only needed to feel with his heart, not with his eyes.

Finally, he reached the end and saw a wooden frame containing top merit laws and manuals. Just learning one of them could make someone invincible in their generation.

Alas, his eyes were fixated on an iron box instead. He stared at it for a while before taking it away.

To the back of the treasury was a courtyard with a master chair. Green vines covered the area along with pleasant winds. It was a great place to read some books and enjoy the serenity.

He sat down in silence, not opening the box right away. It was left behind by Jian Wenxin. He hasn’t opened it before and left it behind in this treasury before leaving the nine worlds.

Her title was Ocean’s Wisdom. She understood the Dark Crow the best out of anyone and left behind this box for him.

He never opened it since certain things shouldn’t be done and shouldn’t exist. Alas, times have changed.

He gently caressed the box before letting out a soft sigh then opened the box.

At the top was a sealed letter reserved for those capable of opening it. He took it out and saw four floating characters - Read and remember me.

His hands holding the letter trembled. Just the words alone tug his heart.

He immediately recalled the girl who understood him so well. Yes, back in that generation, there was another girl as well, far more stubborn in comparison - Hongtian.

Hongtian, true to her name, left without hesitation. [1]

As for Jian Wenxin, she picked her own path and remained in the nine worlds.

After reading these characters, he could see her face, her smile, and even her voice…

1. 鸿hóng - eastern bean goose; great; large. 天 tiān - day; sky; heaven

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