Emperor is Domination

Chapter 3678: Instigator

The crowd was still clamoring after the youth finished speaking.

“It’s time to share the wealth after you have taken so much, Li Qiye! You need to give us one or two treasures!” One expert shouted.

“Yes, time for you to do some good.” Another loudly said: “You already have more than enough to live an extravagant life, never being able to spend the mountain of wealth. Nonetheless, you choose to keep it all to yourself, how ridiculous and selfish!”

“We come from nothing or smaller sects, it’s not easy to survive especially without treasures! Li Qiye, you have soared and it’s time for you to share. You can’t spend all of it yourself anyway!” One youth joined in.

“You were nothing more than a brat in Myriad Beast Mountains. Now, you have it all but don’t forget about your humble beginning. Don’t you want to help others who are similar to you?!” Another youth added.

“If you don’t do it, then you’re monopolizing the luck in the world by stealing ours. That makes you no different from a thief or bandit!” An expert fanned the fire.

“That’s right, we won’t let this stand!” Others started shouting. The entire crowd was against him.

Only a few actually believed in this nonsense. The majority took advantage of this situation in order to make it hard for Li Qiye, forcing him to hand over some treasures.

Yang Ling nearly vomited blood after hearing the unreasonable demands. Alas, she couldn’t say anything right now. Plus, she would be drowned out anyway by the shouts.

On the other hand, Li Qiye actually had a smile in spite of the taunts and jeers.

“Brother Li, isn’t it time to take out the treasures now?” The student said with confidence since everyone was on his side. His expression changed as well, from one of subservience to a gloating look.

“And if I don’t?” Li Qiye still wore a smile.

“Then you can’t blame everyone.” The student waved his hand and said: “You've stolen their luck and treasures, they certainly won’t be happy. It’s not easy going against the mass and the will of the heaven. It didn’t grant you so much for you to keep it all to yourself. You’re actively defying the heaven by doing so. Is that what you want?”

“Going against the heaven is unacceptable and rebellious!” An expert shouted: “The same with opposing the rest of the world!”

“Yes, there will be no place for you to stay at the holy ground. Be smart and hand over the treasures or face the consequence.” Another jumped in.

“We’ll spare your life if you hand them over!” Someone actually shouted.

“Do it now or it’ll get ugly!” The roars became aggressive.

Someone lacking determination and courage would be trembling with fear right now while being surrounded by a mob.

The student looked quite pleased with himself while staring at Li Qiye. All of this was thanks to him - a true work of art. He didn’t need to waste energy and fight. Just his words alone could push Li Qiye to the brink of death. This was a far superior method.

Li Qiye calmly stared at the crowd and said: “Going against the heaven and opposing the rest of the world? That’s precisely what I want to do. Unfortunately, you bunch aren’t worthy to be my foes. Don’t think too highly of yourself now.”

The crowd naturally didn’t expect this response. The fiercest character might be able to talk about defying the heaven. However, antagonizing everyone else was a different story. Such a comment would invite plenty of problems. Perhaps he might not be able to stay in the holy ground afterward.

However, Li Qiye simply didn’t give a damn about the potential complications and didn’t mince his words.

“How bold!” One expert regained his wits and shouted: “Who do you think you are? So suicidal!”

“Ignorant fool! We’ll teach you a lesson for insulting all of us, you’ll find out how vast the world is soon enough.” An older expert wanted to stir the crowd.

A student from Duality found this annoying as well. He pulled up his sleeves and said furiously: “This Li guy dares to look down on us? He’s just in the conqueror realm, I’ll go show him right now!”

An older student nearby pulled him back and snorted: “Are you an idiot? It’s one thing to run your mouth and enjoy the show but to actually go forward? Li Qiye is no slouch, he buried 100,000 men back in the mountain range while you were playing in the mud. Only fools will actually go against him.”

The older student was there during the massacre and had a good grasp of Li Qiye’s true nature. The guy killed so many men without batting an eye.

“Brother Li, be careful with your words now. I think it’s best for you to hand over the treasures because it’ll be too late once everyone starts attacking. You won’t be able to stay alive.” The provoking student said.

“Who’s first? Come, I’m actually bored today and don’t mind filling this street with corpses.” Li Qiye smirked.

“Do you actually think you’re invincible? Don’t you realize that any senior here can easily teach you a lesson?” The student shouted.

“I’m eagerly waiting.” Li Qiye stared at the crowd.

The student didn’t expect Li Qiye to be so direct. He thought that the guy would try to buy time instead of challenging everyone.

Going off-script left him stunned for a bit. He eventually told the crowd: “We all heard him, he wishes to challenge all the seniors here. Is anyone interested in teaching him a lesson?”

The experts exchanged glances. No one stepped up first.

First, most were aware of Li Qiye’s previous tales. They only wanted to run their mouth and egged others on. Most importantly, if anyone were to actually take Li Qiye’s treasures, they would become the next target.

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Everyone wanted to be the oriole, not the mantis.

They didn’t wish to be used as a weapon by this student from Duality either. He was just a junior while they were big shots. It would be shameful to be used in this manner.

Thus, the situation came to a silent deadlock. No one wanted to actually attack Li Qiye and rather waited for the right opportunity.

The student didn’t have a plan for this. He thought that he had successfully stirred the crowd. People supported his view earlier but now, not a single soul wanted to take action.

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