Emperor of All Games: I Have a Tyrant Simulator

Chapter 106: The King Jin referred to by Wan Fu, Bai Ye!

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When Shen Wansan and Jin... now it should be called He Shen, when they are about to meet again.

On the other side of the World Channel, there was also chaos.

"Damn it, I have done everything according to what the treasure information said, but the treasure still disappeared!"

"King Cheng (profiteer), die for us and explain why we did as you said, but it still doesn't work!"

"You're dying, the legendary Xuanyuan Sword appeared in my country. It's gone, it's gone! King Cheng, once the country's borders are opened, you will die!"

"Mad, I also swear here that in two years, I will lead the army to kill you bastard!"

At this time, the World Channel was full of anger.

Today, all players know exactly how a treasure can increase their country.

Therefore, they buy intelligence at a huge cost.

However, the information they bought at a great price turned out to be false.

For a time, at least a thousand emperor players missed the treasures that appeared in their own country!

Among them are even the top 100 players on the gold list.

As for the top ten emperor players, they were even worse because they bought the news in the first wave and then passed it on to their alliance.

Right now, almost all players are crazy.

on the other side of the screen,

At this moment, the player who sold the information looked at the World Channel and panicked for a while with the cursing words on it.

He really wants to enter the top 100 of the World Gold List, but he doesn't want to be the enemy of all the emperor players.

If this matter is not handled properly, I am afraid that the player's territory will be opened after two years, and he will be the first to die.

Thinking of this, the profiteer player frantically sent a private message to the player who had previously bought news from members of the Chen Mu Alliance.

However, the other party did not reply at all.

Obviously, in this situation, the ghost is also panicked.

"Okay, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

King Cheng looked at the inner ghost who didn't reply to his news at all, and brazenly chose to blow himself up!

You are unkind, I am unjust!

I saw that King Cheng opened the World Channel and began to enter the cause and effect of this matter...

"Hello everyone, I'm King Cheng, and the emperor player who sold you information before!"

Seeing King Cheng appearing, the players in the World Channel immediately questioned him.

"Bastard, why did you sell us fake information to make us lose the chance to obtain treasures!"

"Damn it, how dare you show up!"

"King Cheng, after two and a half years, you will die!"

On the other side of the screen, Cheng Wang looked at the words on the World Channel and felt a chill in his heart.

He is very clear.

Behind these words, it is not just a game player, there are even golden powers and real powers behind them!

If this matter is really not resolved, then after two years he can really end himself. ..

Even at that time, he became one of the top 100 countries on the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Gold List. He could deal with one, two, or even ten emperor players, but he couldn't deal with a hundred or a thousand emperor players!

Therefore, King Cheng brazenly chose to self-destruct!

"Everyone, the information about the treasure is not fake. In fact, I got it from another player."

"That player is called Gao Lin, and the country name is Gao Guo!"

"As for where the information in Gao Lin's hands came from, this requires our King Jin to say something..."

With the self-destruction of profiteer players.

For a time, the entire World Channel suddenly quieted down.

However, in the next moment, countless messages were constantly refreshed like a waterfall.

"Damn, do you want to throw water on King Jin?"

"King Jin is also something you can slander!"

"You forget who told us about the Emperor's crisis?"

Except for some grumpy players,

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Chapter 106 The King of Jin referred to by Wan Fu, Bai Ye! Free reading: https://,!

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Other sensible players faintly smelled a different breath.

"Don't be so excited, everyone, maybe it is really possible that it is King Jin!"

"Yes, every time King Jin has the best information, there is no reason why King Jin doesn't know about the treasure information this time..."

"King Jin, come out and talk! You shouldn't be afraid..."

Today, Bai Ye is the most popular among all Emperor players.

Some people support it, and naturally some people are jealous.

For a while, some people began to fish in the troubled waters, wanting to be put on Bai Ye's head by this hat.

They are very clear.

Once the false information thing is implemented, then King Jin's reputation will fall directly to the bottom.

What are the three major forces of players.

What is the most popular player.

Everything will vanish in an instant...

I can hold you up, and I can knock you down!

Gradually, endless pressure came to Bai Ye's body through every word and sentence of the World Channel...

Bai Ye looked at the text of the World Channel and felt a little cold.

How did things suddenly become like this?

Originally in Bai Ye's expectation, when this false information spread, he should be locked in the alliance with the inner ghosts.

It won't spread too widely.

After all, no one will share information with everyone like the Virgin.

At that time, he only needs to kick the inner ghosts out of the Emperor Alliance.

Now, however, things are suddenly out of control.

Bai Ye looked at the emperor players who kept sending him private messages, some cared, some asked, some questioned, and some even insulted.

For the first time, Bai Ye felt deeply powerless.

A moment ago, he was still a big star among the emperor players admired by everyone, but at this moment he became a prisoner.

Bai Ye took a deep breath.

There was determination in his eyes.

After so many things, Bai Ye is no longer the naive game house he used to be.

At this moment, he began to think.

The current situation is obvious, everyone's guesses and doubts are all on him, and it has not spread to Chen Mu.

After all, Chen Mu is in the top ten of the gold list.

Presumably for the inner ghost, he did not dare to easily divulge information about the alliance.

So, now as long as he takes the charge of this false information alone, everything will end with him.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye opened a private message and sent all the events and his thoughts to Chen Mu.

After sending it, Bai Ye resolutely opened the world channel and watched the information that was still being refreshed.

This time, Bai Ye decided to sacrifice himself.

At this moment, Bai Ye entered a line of text in the World Channel with a little trembling, and said slowly:

King Jin: "Everyone~www.readwn.com~ This matter is indeed my fault, I am willing to take all the responsibility..."

PS: Regarding the plot of the previous chapter, some book friends said that they did not understand it. To put it simply, Chen Mu asked Wei Zhongxian to change a face for Jin Million, and the face of the prefect of Jiangnan Prefecture (He Shen).

Since then, there is no more Jin million in the world, only the prefect of Jiangnan and the adults. As for Zhan Zhao, it is the existence of testing whether Jin million obeys. If he does not obey, he will click directly, and the other details will not be repeated.

It is worth mentioning that this is also a small easter egg, confirming that in this world, some "special" local indigenous people can replace historical celebrities.

In addition, I would like to thank the book friend Hey for the reward of 1666 book coins. There is another update tonight. (\"?\")

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Chapter 106 The King of Jin referred to by Wan Fu, Bai Ye! Free reading: https://,!


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