Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1809: Too slender cub

In the end, when the old woman who wore a dark golden robe with three jade-colored phoenix hairpins on her head, trembling as if she was about to stand badly, took this semi-chaotic land at the price of 400 million spiritual stones. The emperor's armor is rolled into the bag.

   Ling Xuan's gaze unconsciously glanced at the old woman, who was almost the strongest among all the bidders in the auction room.

   At least the cultivation base of the late Tianhe period made that old woman completely resemble an unfathomable abyss, causing every hair on Ling Xuan's body to stand up slightly.

   After the bidding of the local emperor's armor was over, the air in the entire auction site suddenly stagnated for a while.

   Time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on the last seven-foot-high cage on the auction stage. No one spoke, and no one made any movements.

   The world seemed to stand still.

   There are only those fiery lines of sight that seem to melt the profound ice and iron constantly, staggered and smashed back and forth in the void, bursting with meaning that many people can understand.

   Desire meets greed.

   The beautiful woman in blue went on silently. With her level and aptitude, she was no longer qualified to host the next auction that was destined to be recorded in the history of monks.

   "I missed my company."

   The old man in Mai, who was sitting next to Ling Xuan, got up and gave a slight salute, and then walked towards the auction platform. He smiled and walked easily.

   Some bidders saw his face, and they all saluted him, "Elder Mingguang!"

   The elder Mai nodded his head. After he came to the huge auction stage, he did not speak, but lightly patted his palm.

   In an instant, a dull rumbling sounded from the sky, and the originally dark and airtight dome suddenly cracked from the middle, and large swaths of sky light fell from the sky, completely exposing the auction to the sun.

"this is……"

   Many bidders watched this scene in shock.

  The black cave auction venue is located on the upper floors of the black tower. They know this, but they don't know that the top of the black tower can be divided into two directly from the middle!

   looking towards the sky at this time, you can see that the blue sky is pure like a large sapphire.

   Around, the spires of the other two black towers are just a short distance away, one by one like sharp swords piercing the sky.

   The next moment, one of the black towers suddenly burst into a dazzling blue beam of light from the spire, rushing straight for nine days.

   Deep in the beam of light, long cyan figures seemed to have broken free of some invisible imprisonment, and flew into the sky. After hovering for a while, they rushed toward the black tower where everyone was.

   Those are impressively dark blue water dragons. The body lengths of those water dragons range from more than ten feet to several tens of feet long, with mouth full of fangs, bone spurs on their heads, and vicious appearance.

   "Cyan Blood Battle Dragon!"

   There was a commotion among the monks. This is a fierce beast in the Southern Heaven Region.

   Although they are named Jiao, these fierce beasts do not have the blood of true dragons. Instead, they evolved from a kind of sea python in the Tongtian Sea of ​​the Southern Heaven.

   Its body is extremely flexible, like a very sticky glue, and its defense is very strong.

   And the green-blooded warbirds are social animals. They are very united with each other, like wolves. They cooperate very well with each other. Once a fight occurs, they will be siege, which is very difficult.

   In the entire Southern Heaven Territory, the sect that has the ability to domesticate a group of green-blooded war dragons as guardian war beasts is definitely not more than ten fingers.

   At this time, seeing such a group of advanced war beasts released from the black cave, everyone was naturally a little surprised, but there was no panic.

   A line of green-blooded war dragons with a length of more than ten feet were dancing in the void, seeming to find this black tower opened. Those green-blooded war dragons were suddenly fierce and fierce.

   Their eyes shone like a hungry wolf.


   Just as the Cyan-Blood Battle Dragon was approaching and was about to pounce on the top of everyone, with a muffled sound, a transparent light white light curtain rose from all directions.

   formed a huge mask, completely protecting and holding the sky above everyone.

   Heads of green water slammed on the light curtain, as if on a ball of extremely flexible cotton, pressing out shallow pits, but unable to break through the barrier of the light curtain, they suddenly jumped like thunder.

   "These green-blooded war birds seem to have not been fed for a long time, and they looked like they were hungry for a few days.

   A black-clothed monk in the late Linghe realm looked up at the green dragon in the sky, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

   "Usually this method is only used when some particularly important wars are being carried out. By starving for a few days, the aggressiveness and offensive power of the beasts can be stimulated. The black cave is for..."

   The answer came out before his words fell.

   Because at this moment, the red silk cloth wrapped in the seven-foot-high cage was uncovered, revealing a delicate and small silver figure inside.

"That is……"

   "Cub of the Golden Wing Roc!"

   "The blood of the beast!"


   The atmosphere of the entire auction hall suddenly became deadly silent, and everyone's eyes instantly hit the small silver figure.

   It is smaller than most people think!

   Its dark silver body presents a standard streamlined shape. Its dark golden beak and claws of the same color gleam with a sharp cold light, and each feather is like a carefully carved by the best masters.

   Even if you look at it, you can feel the infinite potential in that body!


   "Why is it so small?"

   "Yeah~www.ltnovel.com~ The cub of this golden-winged roc is too small!"

   "Could it be said that it hasn't been long since birth? How long will it take to reach maturity? The life span of mythical beasts is very long."

   "Such a small beast, I am afraid it is useless now!"


   A series of low murmurs resounded throughout the auction field, and everyone looked at the silver roc, which was only half a foot long, with a sense of confusion.

   Maybe it’s because the sense of expectation for mythical beasts was so great that most people almost forgot what the concept of "cub" was.

   "Open the cage!"

   Following the order of the old man in Mai, two slender girls in black both opened the cage.

The expected scene where the silver roc would burst out and rush out did not appear. I saw the silver little eagle sitting comfortably on a horizontal rail in the cage, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was sleeping in a false sleep. .

   This bird doesn't even seem to have vitality, so many of the monks who had been looking forward to it already secretly shook their heads and sighed.

   Is this the mythical beast cub that has alarmed the entire Southern Sky Territory? ...


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