Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1820: The villain who bullies men and women


   Su Yun was shocked, her eyes widened and looked at Xiao Yinpeng in disbelief. This bird couldn't live in a house with a good artifact, so she wanted to live with herself?

   "Is it necessary to be so surprised, since you are my exclusive Peng slave, you have to have your own consciousness, living in such a small place so far, what should you do if you need to serve?"

   "Only when I live with you, can it be convenient to call you casually, right? Apex novel   is the fastest update"

   Xiaoyinpeng's long pointed beak opened slightly, seeming to show a sneer.

   Su Yun's face suddenly became darkened, this silver peng was really too human, and it was too much.

   Sometimes, she even feels that she is not facing a silver peng, but a strong, proud, and aggressive man!

   "If you feel dissatisfied, then the agreement between my ancestor and your ancestor will be invalidated, and I will not force it."

   Seeing the heroic girl suppressing her anger, Chu Chen sneered, then stretched her wings and planned to fly away.

   Just as the wings stretched out, a long, white palm gently grabbed one of his paws.

   turned her head and looked, she saw the girl lowered her head slightly, her eyes were weak, and her voice was like a mosquito murmur, "Master, don't tell me, I'll take you there."

   "Oh, you have a heart."

   After some struggle, the girl can only face the reality and succumb to the evil bird again.

   Su Yun lived in a palace close to the middle of a mountain, where many descendants of Jinpao old lady lived.

   According to the position of the entire villa, it is actually lower than the small golden tower.

   Su Yun's residence is larger than that of other descendants. It can be seen that she is more favored than other descendants.

When    came to the boudoir, he immediately smelled a refreshing fragrance.

   The layout of this boudoir is very simple and elegant. The bed curtains are mainly blue and white. The area of ​​the room is not large, but the table, chairs, cabinets and stools are arranged carefully, which makes people look very comfortable.

   There are bunches of bright flowers on the windowsill, bedside, and table, making the color of the whole boudoir look brighter.

   You can know at a glance that the owner of this boudoir is a person who knows life very well, and all the layouts in the house make people feel fresh and natural.

   But on the wall facing south, a white bow and a few gray swords and halberds were hung.

   gave this girl's breath space, a little more heroic breath.

   "Master, wait a moment, I will ask someone to make a special stand for the master to rest."

   went back to the room and glanced around, only then did Su Yun remember that there was nothing in her house where the bird could stand, and said something lowly.

   "Don't be so troublesome."

   Chu Chen spread his wings, and flew lightly from Su Yun's shoulders, and then landed on the loose and soft bed in the middle.

   Two paws stepped on the soft bed, and seemed very satisfied, "I just sleep here, it's soft here, I'm very satisfied."

   Su Yun's face suddenly became colder and colder. I didn't expect this dead bird to be so excessive.

   But at this time, she naturally didn't have a good attack, so she clenched her fist slightly to hide all her anger.

   "If this is the case, then I will go to sleep next door, if the master wants me to do anything."

   "Don't be so troublesome."

Chu Chen stretched out a wing and pointed to the nanmu floor under the bed, "You can lay a floor on this floor, so that I can call you whenever I have anything. I heard that you are still a general in the world. When marching and fighting, it’s normal to hit the floor, right?"


   Su Yun's brain is full of black lines, "Master, the next room is not far from here."

   "Just listen to what you want to do."

  Chu Chen frowned. As a peng body, this action does not seem so obvious. "Remember, you are my exclusive peng slave. You can serve me at any time, and you must not disobey any of my orders."

   Su Yun's fists were tightly clenched, her whole body couldn't help trembling slightly with anger, and finally let go helplessly.

"Got it."


   "I see, master."

   "Very well, you are getting on the road gradually, I thought for a moment, no rules can't make a circle, for you to do better, I have to set a rule for you."

   Chu Chen walked around on the bed with two paws, seemed to find a comfortable place, and sat down.

   Su Yun's eyes jumped with such a humanized action.

   But the body of the beast has always been dust-free, so Chu Chen did not have the slightest dust on his body, nor did he stain the bed.

   The heroic girl sighed, "What is the rule?"

   "As a Peng slave, first of all, you have to be respectful and respectful to the deity. In the future, if there is any behavior against the deity that you do not know good or bad, you must be punished to make you more and more regular.

   Chu Chen stretched out.


   Su Yun's heart jumped fiercely, looking at Chu Chen's sharp gaze, she was a little anxious, "If I make a mistake, how will the master punish me?"

"This one……"

  Chu Chen's dress thought about it a few times and nodded, "Let's do it...If you make a mistake, or disobey, or question my order, then spank!"


   Su Yun only felt the world spin for a while, almost fainted.

   "Cough cough, I shot too hard, and I might break your bones with one blow~www.ltnovel.com~ Well, if you are disobedient in the future, spank yourself!"


   Su Yun's pink face suddenly flushed red, and she looked at the palm-sized Yinpeng with some disbelief. What is the origin of this bird?

   dignified beast, how can it be so rascal and rascal? ?

   Seeing Su Yun's face turned red and white, shy and angry, but desperately trying to endure it, Chu Chen was also happy in his heart, but on the surface, she still glanced at her calmly.

   "If you don't want to be punished, then be honest and obedient and don't make mistakes. The deity has always rewarded and punished, and will not care about you, a little girl."

   "Also, if you spank, you must at least let the deity hear the popping sound, otherwise who knows if you will secretly release water to yourself."


   Su Yun's fists were clenched several times, and finally she had to loosen it again. After taking a few deep breaths, she seemed to slowly calm down her anger-prone mentality. She gritted her teeth and asked lowly.

   "Then I don't know what the host wants to eat tonight? I ask someone to prepare it."

   "I feed on different kinds of gold and iron during the day, so I won't eat it today. I will go directly to your mine warehouse tomorrow morning."

   Chu Chen said something old-fashioned, waved his hand, lying on the bed very humanely, and stretched out.

   Su Yun stunned slightly, her face suddenly darkened, and her whole body only felt that the sky was spinning, and she was about to lose her feet.

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