Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1017: Brother Tong cares about you

"This is... the brand of a real dragon! No wonder, no wonder that the legendary amulet is the nemesis of all the dragons, pythons, snakes and insects. It turns out that there is a real dragon brand inside. The real dragon is the supreme dragon and contains innateness. Naturally, all snakes and insects can be suppressed..."

After arranging the treatment for the poisoned monk's spiritual heart of the black water snake venom, he breathed a sigh of relief and saw the startling scene of the Dragon Talisman when it was activated!

She was suddenly plunged into a huge shock, and her eyes lit up.

She recently studied the way of medicinal charms, and at this moment, seeing this rare and advanced medicinal charm burst into power, she indulged in for a while, and her whole mind was focused on that medicine charm.

&n! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel.zuzudo.bsp; blast...

When all the dragon scales on the medicine talisman were completely opened, a faint ripple spread out, spreading in all directions.

Everyone? *room

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