Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2105: The most scary looming

   The powerful men of the nine days can hear the mysterious sound of the piano.

   But the following nine-day disciples seemed a little at a loss. In terms of their cultivation base, they didn't seem to hear the sound of the piano so quickly.

   Ji Mie and Wan Shou sat opposite each other, raised their teacup and took a sip of spiritual tea, their expressions calm and silent.

   "No, it's not just the sound of the piano, there seems to be some other sounds."

   The sturdy tower-like Dong Yuan frowned, "Listen, is it like someone is crying?"

   Bu Jiao and Heng Tian hurriedly listened attentively, and indeed heard a whimper in the howling wind.

   The voice seemed peculiar, vaguely vague, and no sound at all.

When    sounds, it's as if someone is whispering in one's ears, and the hair on the ears can even feel a breath of air. I want to focus on it, but I get nothing. It's doubtful whether my ears have an illusion.

   "What kind of ghost sound is this, it makes people very annoying to hear it!"

   Dong Yuan, the most violent temper, suddenly became angry and slapped his left ear with a slap.

   This attack was so powerful that he was dizzy and his ears buzzed when he hit him directly.

   "Dongwon, what are you doing?"

   arrogantly frowned and rebuked.

   "I'm very irritable, I just sensed someone blowing in my ear!" Dong Yuan said angrily, "What kind of ghost way!"

   "I caught you!"

   At this moment, Hengtian suddenly let out a cold snort, his right hand suddenly shot out a dazzling white light, and he slammed in front of him, as if he had caught something.

   When he pulled his arm back in front of his eyes, his face suddenly changed.

   His hands were empty and he didn't catch anything at all.

"what happened?"

   Seeing Dong Yuan and Hengtian's change, the embroidered eyebrows without arrogance wrinkled deeply.

   At this moment, she suddenly sensed that the eyes of Dong Yuan and Heng Tian were fixed on her body, their eyes were full of shock and shock!

"what happened?"

   not arrogant and inexplicably followed the eyes of the two of them to look at his arms, and immediately saw that his skin, which was originally deceiving Saixue, was covered with a layer of red long hair!

   long hair showed a dark red color, and it was still stained with faint blood stains, as if it had experienced a life-and-death fight, emitting a pungent **** smell.

   "What the hell!"

   Not arrogant, I was shocked, the vast spiritual power of the Shenhe realm was like a tide burst, instantly sweeping the whole body.

   The long red hair on the arm disappeared immediately after the spiritual power was over, making people think it was an illusion.

   "Which, what is going on?" Not arrogantly stunned, Dong Yuan and Hengtian were also stunned.

   "Could it be that this is the unknown in the endless sea of ​​sand?"

   Hengtian suddenly lowered and asked.

   Legend has it that once the boundless sea of ​​sand arrives at night when the sky and the earth are the heaviest, something unknown will happen. After all, this is the land of gods in ancient times.

   The trace of resentment remaining from the fallen myth has been eroded by endless years, and an inexplicable change has occurred long ago.

  Once an unknown thing is contaminated, it is like a tarsal maggot, which is extremely difficult to get rid of.

   Many monks who explored the endless sand sea were contaminated by unknown, even if they escaped the sand sea safely, the final outcome would still be miserable.

   It is said that some people cut off their hands and feet with magical powers, living like a stick.

  Some people scratched their skin frantically, eventually tearing their entire body to pieces.

  Some people have an addiction disorder and forget to swallow everything in their stomachs. Swords, nails, stones, daggers... In the end, they braved themselves alive.

   Is everyone now contaminated with unknown?

   No arrogance, Dong Yuan, and Heng Tian were shocked and stared at the two real masters, Wanshou and Jixi.

   Since ancient times, the land of the fall of the gods must be unknown, which has become the consensus of the entire monastic world.

   Actually in the human world, such things happen very rarely.

   Since the era of ancient mythology was shattered, those who were able to cultivate into a myth in the human world can basically be rampant.

   Mythology is already the culmination of the power of the human world. Even if there are two mythological enemies, most of them are contradictions between disciples and disciples, and there are very few opportunities for life and death.

   Most of the myths about the fall of the human world are deaths due to exhaustion of longevity, which can be said to be dead. Naturally, there is no grievance that can form the aura of gods.

   The occasional places are also absolutely restricted areas, and no one will enter.

   But in Xiaoxianjie, it is different. Almost every life restricted zone in Xiaoxianjie is related to Shenyue.

   In this place closest to the ancient fairy world and the ancient mythological era, the land of the gods has frequently appeared, making people wonder whether the myths of the ancient era have fallen here.

   A low whimper sounded slowly in the void, and it sounded very strange.

   is like the sound of piano, wind, whimper, and crying mixed together. Once it enters the human ear, it brings a very deep and depressed feeling.

Unconsciously, the expressions of the many nine-day disciples on the floating island became extremely sad~www.ltnovel.com~ They seemed to be affected by this strange voice, and the sadness, pain, sorrow, resentment and other negative emotions in their hearts All are released.

  Some people burst into tears and sobbed.

  Some people have sad faces and deep despair in their eyes.

  Some people cried bitterly and wailed loudly. Some people yelled some meaningless words over and over again, their eyes were as dead and lifeless...

   "Something's wrong..."

   Dongyuan watched as a young nine-day disciple knelt on the sand of the floating island with a painful face, frantically grasping the gravel under his feet with his palms, letting his hands be bloodied by the gravel and he didn't care.

   Dongyuan remembers that the young disciple had just watched his lover be swallowed by quicksand not long ago, and at this moment seemed to be completely in the grief of losing his beloved love.

   That kid has always been romantic, and there are no less than ten young female disciples who have been in trouble for nine days. When have you been so reluctant to give up to a woman? ?

   After a while, there seemed to be a long sigh in the air.

   The young disciple who was constantly pulling the sand with both hands suddenly let out a heartbreaking cry, spouted a mouthful of blood with a "poof", and fell to the ground.

   He was not the only one who fell. At this moment, a few more people seemed to be unable to restrain the sadness in their hearts, and they also vomited blood and fell. .

   A young disciple realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly sat cross-legged to run his spiritual power, but the sadness in his expressions could not get rid of anyway.

   "This sound can melt our spiritual power!"

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