Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2110: Lone wolf

   "Of course, I am a hidden messenger, otherwise, how could I be able to trap Lord Nirvana only by relying on my strength."

  Chu Chen waved his hand bachelor, "You have to make a decision early, otherwise, I really don't guarantee what will happen to Lord Nirvana."

   The air fell silent for a while. At this moment, Wanshou's eyebrows were furrowed, Bu Jiao and Heng Tian were silent.

   Since coming to Xiaoxianjie, the name Yintuan has become a kind of almost legendary existence.

   For ordinary people, that represents a kind of superior and even somewhat out of reach.

   But for elites like Hengtian and Bujiao, Yin represents a heavy pressure like a mountain.

   Which one of the top ten breaking groups is the strongest?

   If you really want to compare, no one is convinced, Mie Xian, Jiu Tian, ​​Xuan Sha...

   Every group of breaking formations has a real top powerhouse, and it also has a huge power and heritage.

   The reason why the Miexian Broken Formation Group is the first Broken Formation group in many people's hearts is not that they are the strongest, but because they have a surprisingly brilliant child dream.

   Although her strength is not the highest, she has a unique talent for cracking the ancient formations. Therefore, she has been vigorously trained by the resources of the Destroying Formation Group and has achieved fruitful results.

   In other words, if Mie Xian and Jiu Tian are really in the same position, the soldiers will be tough against the soldiers, and it is really impossible to say who can stand at the end.

   Really fight, who is afraid of whom?

   But if you really insist on assessing the strongest human power in the Little Fairy World, then everyone has a consensus... The strongest is not any of the top ten breaking formations, but the legendary hidden!

The strength of    Yin Tuan is undoubtedly the strongest.

   This was not blown out by one or two people, but was recognized by the entire Little Fairy World.

   This force that sees the head but fails to see the end of the dragon is the real strongest.

   If there is really a force in the world that can crush Nirvana and trap it, then it can only be hidden.

   Except for Yin, no one else has this strength.

   At this moment, the air suddenly became extremely quiet. The eyes of the rest of the people looking at Chu Chen were no longer contemptuous, but full of solemnity and even fear.

   The hidden group seldom had a head-on conflict with the top ten breaking formation groups, but now they have trapped Master Jiji.

  What does this mean? Is Yin Tuan going to war with Jiutian?


While the air above the floating island seemed deadly silent, in a dark space more than three hundred miles away from the floating island, Zhengtai in black and the nightmare who turned into an unarrogant look stared at the front light screen in a daze. The transformed picture, the two looked at each other.

   This dark area is located at the top of a sand dune. It does not seem to be very large, with a radius of more than ten feet.

   But this area is extremely quiet.

   To the naked eye, we can see that storms engulfed in sand are swept past, but when they passed through here, they circumvented it voluntarily, as if they did not dare to approach at all, forming a small spectacle.

   Of course, the two people in the dark space at this time naturally did not have the mind to pay attention to this spectacle.

   "Hahaha...hahaha...hahahaha...this kid, this kid is really..."

After   筇, I conscripted for a while, suddenly burst into laughter, almost unable to straighten up.

   "This kid is too courageous, even our name dare to use...Hahahaha...What an interesting little guy, I'm afraid I can't find such an interesting little guy in the entire Little Fairy World."

   "Does it feel good to be fraudulently used?"

   Hei Yi was too impatient to stare at Nightmare and then looked at the light screen again, his expression a little ugly.

"This kid is really courageous enough, relying on the mysterious music of the ancient music club to block the breath of Dongyuan and nirvana, and then pull our tiger skins to bluff. But he won't be proud of it for long, the ancient music score of the ancient music club Although it is wonderful, he can only block a dozen or so breaths of silence at most. Once the time comes, and the breath of silence reappears, he will be in a dilemma."

   "I think that this brave kid might be more than that. He might do things that surprise us even more."

   giggled after the nightmare, and continued to observe again with great interest.


   Over the floating island, after the air was silent for a while, Wanshou sighed slightly and opened his eyes.

   "What do you want?"

   "Take Tian Yuheng."

   Chu Chen uttered four words indifferently.

No arrogance and Hengtian looked horrified at once, Jade Heaven Jade Heng is a strange thing from a life forbidden zone, this thing can greatly increase the monks' all-round strength, including spiritual power, cultivation level, mood, spirit, etc. It is one of the foundations of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group!

When Chu Chen and Qingyuan were just together, everyone in the Nine-Day Breaking Formation Group saw that his cultivation in the Linghe Realm was able to explode the terrifying power of the late Tianhe stage, and they all thought that he had received the Nine-Day Treasure, Tian Yuheng, because Only the legendary treasure has such a magical effect, you can know how big the name of Jitian Yuheng is.

  Tian Yuheng's amplification effect is extremely powerful, even if Yuanhai realm powerhouse uses it, it can also increase its strength in all aspects!

   In a way, that thing can be said to be a sharp weapon for the Nine-Day Breaking Team~www.ltnovel.com~ I even want my Nine-Day treasure, you are really a lion opening his mouth. "

   Wanshou glanced at Chu Chen faintly.

   With this look, Chu Chen suddenly snorted, and involuntarily stepped back a few steps, the stone slab under his feet was crushed.


   "What do you mean?"

Seeing the situation on the light screen, Black Clothes Zhengtai suddenly asked, "Isn't this kid coming here to ask for water? What does he want to receive Tian Yuheng for? Even if there is Tian Yuheng, he may not be able to meet Yuan Yuheng. Contend against the strong in the sea."

   "This is where he is smart."

The nightmare next to him giggled and said, "If you come directly to ask for water, I'm afraid he will be seen through the tiger's skin at the first time. What is the existence of Yin Tuan? In terms of our strength, it can even be developed under our cooperation. Chaos creates a small world, how can it fall into the embarrassment of no water? If you have a bigger appetite, it will appear real."

   "The key issue is that they are not lacking something to catch the sky, but lack of water. Even if they are asking for money on the spot, they will eventually fall to the level of asking for water, and they will also be exposed."

   Hei Yizheng said in a puzzled manner, "Then what's the point of him saying that?"

   "This is hard to say, this kid is very cunning, let's see what he wants."

   After the nightmare, smiles again and again. .

   "The point is that this kid is running out of time." Hei Yizheng glanced at Nightmare too puzzledly, "A little later the breath of dying can't be blocked. He doesn't have much time to deal with."


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