Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2144: 8-sided soldiers

   Wanshou's gaze swept over, and seeing that almost most people supported returning to the corner to find the hole to enter, he also sighed helplessly.

   After a while, he nodded.

   "In this case, we will go back the same way and find the big hole that was penetrated."

   "Since they have gone deep into the Sealed Wall, they must have already dealt with the internal Shanghai stock forces. Everyone listens to the orders, once they meet the people of the Ancient Music Society... kill without mercy!"

   Speaking of the last sentence, Wanshou’s usual calm face was full of murderous aura.

   "Respect the decree!" Many nine-day disciples led in unison.


Just when the members of the Jiutian Breaking Formation Group began to return along the same route, looking for the hole in the wall of the seal that was penetrated, the ancient music club had already penetrated five terracotta army formations in a row, reaching the sixth place. A military formation.

   Pikemen, Great Shield soldiers, Great Axe soldiers, Pikemen, Cavalry.

   The five military formations have their own characteristics.

   Although all the terracotta warriors are puppet stone statues and have no real flesh and blood, their explosive power is shocking.

   Therefore, when everyone saw the rows of eyes in front of them with a dense dark red streamer, riding on an army of ancient humiliated spirit beast cavalry, everyone felt a little desperate.

   Their spiritual power is almost exhausted...

   Although Qingyuan's Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation is invincible and invincible, although Ren Cangling has a lot of tricks and has a lot of cards, although Guan Ying's secret technique is multi-layered, Qingsun has also been tempered and bold.

   But the army of five puppet stone statues is also very powerful, and it is definitely difficult for everyone, and there is even a crack and blood stain on Ren Cangling's side robe.

   It was cut by the long-handled Moknife in the hands of a terracotta warrior with a long sword. If he reacted a little slower at that time, the stone Moknife would severely wound him.

   There are countless injuries and cracks similar to this. No one knows when his good fortune will run out, or whether he can avoid it when facing such a dangerous situation again.

   The entire squadron cavalry formation was awakened, and a pair of dark red eyes strafed out. The halberd in the hands of the cavalry swept across the cold blades, and every swing would even cause a small storm.

   The only lucky place is probably because these humiliated cavalry are too large, so they are very far apart, often more than tens of feet apart.

   And the people of the Ancient Music Society can only rely on their flexibility and agility to fly quickly between the gaps.

   "Everyone, be careful, these terracotta warriors are too strong to be slammed!"

   Ren Cangling snarled repeatedly and warned, "If you have a chance, just leave, don't fight!"


   With a dull loud noise, the bronze longge held by Qingsun Boy collided with a halberd in mid-air.

   The bronze long gaze, obtained from an ancient ruin, was infinitely powerful. With a pop, it broke the halberd and cut off the head of the cavalryman.

   Just when Qingsun was about to turn to the next terracotta warrior, he unexpectedly roared when the dead cavalry was sitting down, spewing out a storm of gravel.

   A torrent of fist-sized stone fragments wrapped in heavy force hit Qingsun's body, making his face pale, and a **** arrow was ejected, and the breath on his body suddenly wilted.

   The stone beast sitting on the squat cavalry will also take the initiative to attack!

   Almost at the same time, the chain sword in Guan Ying's hand entangled a halberd like a snake, and it took a few breaths of crazily twisting to finally shatter the halberd.

   was involuntarily falling down by a huge shock when he was retreating. When he looked down, he saw the cavalry sitting down with a **** hole and eating it towards her!

   At this time, her old strength has exhausted her new strength, which is the most difficult moment to avoid.

   Seeing a huge attraction coming from the stone-like 狻猊 mouth, he was startled in a cold sweat, and no longer hesitated.

   Both palms closed fiercely, and then he slapped his shoulder hard!

  In an instant, two radiant glows spread out from behind her, and they turned into two huge wings of light.

   Then the huge light wings violently unfolded, and finally abruptly stopped the downward trend.

   She turned over her palm, and a bright red light gushed out from her palm, and with a bang, it shattered the fierce stone beast that had swallowed it wildly.

   The wings disappeared, and Guan Ying landed on the ground, staggered abruptly, and almost sat down.

   At this time, she was pale, her breath was empty, but she seemed to have suffered serious internal injuries in a short time.

   Qingyuan let out a whistle, and saw the dark blue Dragon Slaying Sword flying around Qingsun body, and the dark red Dragon Slaying Sword flying around Guan Ying's body. The two swords were woven into two dense sword nets around them.

   Qingsun and Guan Ying, who saw this scene, did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly took out various healing medicines from the storage artifact, and operated the spiritual protection body at the fastest speed.

   The speed of advancing inevitably slowed down. Qingyuan only had two dragon-slaying swords left in front of him. Although it was still extremely sharp, it often took several times to go back and forth to destroy a terracotta warrior.

The Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Array is superbly displayed in her hands. Sometimes it turns into a portal to form a sword wheel to destroy a large tract of terracotta warriors, sometimes it turns into a sharp and unmatched light penetrating the void~www.ltnovel.com~ Sometimes it turns into a piece of front. The sharp sword aura tears through the void and can cause a lot of damage every time.

   was just facing the mighty 狻猊奇兵, Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation was still unable to make a one-shot kill after all.

   It takes two blows to destroy a cavalry.

   A seemingly simple change, but it means that the pressure they face is doubling!

   "Our time is running out!"

   rushed for a while in the 狻猊 cavalry formation, Ren Cangling's face changed abruptly, almost roaring.

   "The restriction I placed in the hole in the wall of seal felt that someone was moving there...it should be the group of people from Nine Heavens. We must enter the Sealed Jade Palace before they come here!"

   The atmosphere suddenly changed, Guan Ying and Qingsun were not concerned about their cultivation and recovery at this time, and they urged their spiritual power to start booming.

   However, the 狻猊 cavalry also seemed to know that this group of people had begun to be anxious, and their attacks had become more tyrannical, as if they had to specifically stop them.

   Seeing this scene, Qingyuan had a solemn expression. He held Chu Chen behind him with one hand and tied it tightly with two silk silks. Then his hands were pulled together, and he was drinking again and again!

   "The wind is coming!"

   "The water is coming!"

   "Zhu Xian's Secret Skill * Wind and rain move!"

   Accompanied by a few clear drinks from her, the dark cyan and dark blue two-handed Dragon Slaying Sword was suddenly released, and then the endless sword energy burst out. .

   turned into strands of sharp rain, wrapped around everyone.

   At the same time, a gust of wind rose out of thin air, pushing everyone's figures towards the Jade Palace at an extremely fast speed.

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