Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2146: Ancient Music Club VS Runaway Army

   On the one hand, even if it is blocked, it is unstoppable. On the other hand, even if it blocks a blow, the stormy attacks will come together, endless!

   So at this time, everyone in the ancient music club pushed their body skills to the limit, and tried their best to find a gap to escape in the rainy storm.

   Fortunately, the cavalry is very large, especially the unicorn beast itself is also very large.

   Therefore, the gap between each other is also very large, as long as you be careful, you still have a chance to hide.

   When halfway through the rush, Qingyuan paled and whispered.

   "The Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Array consumes too much, and I can't hold on it anymore. I have to rest for a while."

   Everyone was shocked, Ren Cangling nodded: "Okay, take a break, then I will protect everyone!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Ren Cangling pulled her hands together, and a blue light burst out of her palm, turning into a long streamer when the sky was empty.

   The face of the long streamer is clear, like water waves. There are seven stars on it, dazzling.

   As Ren Cangling urged his spiritual power, the long streamer's face, which was as bright as autumn water, rippled with layers of waves.

   The waves swept over the human body, immediately making everyone feel cool, like taking a bath, and the whole body became refreshed and relaxed.

   Then stars flew out from the flag and fell on the heads of everyone.

   was shrouded in the light of stars, and everyone immediately felt a shock of energy. In an instant, the body seemed to be filled with endless spiritual energy, and it seemed to have an inexhaustible feeling.

   "Good treasure!"

   Qingsun Boy's eyes lit up and he smiled, "Master, this is the treasure that is pouring out from the bottom of the box."

   "My star banner can display a stick of incense at most. During this period of time, the spiritual power in everyone's body will be inexhaustible, please work hard." Ren Cangling's eyes were full of exhaustion.

   All of them broke out in an instant!

   There is an endless supply of spiritual power from the star streamer. At this moment, everyone in the ancient music club will blast their strongest knowledge as if they don't need money.

   The void trembled, and a torrent of spiritual power surged like a violent storm. For a while, even the momentum of the many unicorn cavalry around was suppressed.

   No matter how strong the unicorn beast cavalry is, it is a dead thing, not a living thing, but a kind of puppet golem.

   Although its power is infinite and its defense is super strong, its agility is naturally far from being comparable to the people of the ancient music society.

   So for a time, the people of the ancient music club actually got the upper hand.

   This time, everyone in the ancient music club was not disappointed.

   Before the time for a stick of incense continued by the star streamer's spiritual power, he rushed directly to the Seal Jade Hall.

   However, after coming to the Jade Temple to observe carefully for a while, everyone seemed to be pouring their heads up by a basin of ice water, and they were all dumbfounded. They couldn't believe it!

   "What's the matter, why doesn't this Sealed Jade Palace have no door and cannot enter?"

   Qingsun boy was about to cry.

   "No, the Sealed Jade Palace actually exists here, so there is no way to enter. Maybe the method of entry is strange, and you need to complete a special task!"

   "But we don't have much time. The people of Nine Days are getting closer and closer, and we are about to hit here. We must find a way to enter the Jade Palace before they appear, otherwise we will definitely die!"

   "Think about it, everyone...There must be a way, there must be a way to enter!"

   "Perhaps, is this thing the key to entering the Jade Palace?"

   Just when everyone was extremely anxious, Qingyuan stretched out his right hand to show something in his palm.

   It looks like a bead, and the whole body shows a white jade color. It's just that the bead is not a unity of mixed elements, and there are large and small gaps on it, which look like pieces shattered from something.

"What is this?"

   Qingsun Boy asked in surprise.

   "When I completely killed the first unicorn cavalry, a beam of light fell on my hand and turned into this thing." Qingyuan said, "This thing seems to be some kind of fragment, have you seen it?"

   "Maybe this is the reminder to enter the Sealed Jade Palace."

Guan Ying's eyes lit up, and then said, "Look, the pieces around this jade bead vary in size, but they have a certain pattern. I guess every time you kill a unicorn cavalry, you will drop a jade bead. Drop these. Putting together the fallen jade beads, it should be the key to entering the sealed jade palace!"

   This conjecture is very bold, but now that everyone has no other way, they have to try this way.

   At this moment, everyone has rushed to the Sealed Jade Hall, with their backs against the smooth white jade-like wall of the Jade Hall, at least there is no need to worry about being besieged.

   The surrounding unicorn cavalry seemed to be suppressed by some special force, and they didn't dare to get too close.

   At the moment, Qingsun Boy reapplied his old skills, covering a cavalry's head with the immortal binding technique, attracting the cavalry. Then Ren Cangling attacked from the side and shot down the giant bow carried on the back of the cavalry ~www.ltnovel.com~ so that it could not shoot arrows remotely.

   and Guan Ying urged the chain sword to transform into a chain blade several hundred feet long to form a huge net to restrain the cavalry.

  As soon as the **** was completed, Qingyuan rose up into the sky, urging the four dragon-slaying swords to behead the cavalry and the sitting unicorn...

   Although this unicorn cavalry is a puppet golem, it still has the same weakness as a living creature. Once beheaded, it will automatically collapse and turn into rubble.

   When the huge unicorn cavalry crashed down, another faint white light flew, forming a jade bead in Qingyuan's palm. She adjusted the angle of the two jade beads, and she found that they could fit together perfectly in a gap.

   "It seems we guessed right!"

   Guan Ying was really excited, "According to my deduction, it takes about 20 jade beads to form a complete whole. It should be the key to entering the Sealed Jade Palace... Everyone, work harder!"

   Everyone nodded each, and finally smiles appeared on their faces.

   Anyway, it is always good to see the hope of breaking the game now, and the battle seems more vigorous.

   With the combat power of the people, it takes about half a cup of tea to kill a unicorn cavalry to obtain a jade pearl. In fact, it didn't take too long to kill 20 heads.

   There was a problem in attracting the fifth unicorn cavalry. Qingsun Boy’s bundled fairy trapped a cavalryman, but he was still easily shaken away. .

   When the cavalry rushed in angrily, the unicorn beast sitting down suddenly roared, spewing out a large amount of gravel storm, and shrouded it headlessly.

   Everyone was shocked!

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