Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2148: Sleeping Sword

   "Are you awake?"

   Seeing the figure beside Jian Guang, Qingyuan was pleasantly surprised, but suddenly felt a sore nose and an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

   This guy hadn't noticed it when she was there. When this guy passed out in a coma, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have lost her greatest backing and support, and her temperament had become much weaker.

   "A bit tired, I slept for a while, I didn't expect that even a group of rocks would rebel."

   Chu Chen turned his head and smiled slightly.

   Qingyuan keenly noticed his pale face and the deep exhaustion deep in his eyes. It was obvious that Chu Chen was still very weak at this time and had not recovered to his heyday.

   "Be careful, these monsters are extremely hard. Don't chop their bodies. That would be too costly. Cut their necks and they will collapse automatically."

   Seeing that strand of black sword light flew towards the Qilin cavalry formation in an indistinguishable pattern, Ren Cangling quickly reminded him that he hoped that Chu Chen could save a little spiritual energy.

   At this time, he regretted that his star flag had been used early. After the time for a stick of incense was used up, he had to wait a long time for the magical instrument to recover its spiritual power on its own.

   If the star banners can still be used to provide Chu Chen with short-term infinite spiritual energy, energy and physical strength, then he can easily and independently kill all the unicorn cavalry.

   "Don't worry, my sword is sharp enough. It doesn't cost much to cut everywhere."

   Chu Chen's face was calm, his arms shook, and Wang Tie's long sword in his hand fluttered in the sky.

   It seemed to hear a roar of the ancient dragon whale in a faint, and suddenly a circular sword aura spread in all directions. Striking thunder and lightning surrounded the sword energy, like a black magic ring.

   Where the circular magic ring passed, whether it was a unicorn cavalry, a wide-bladed giant sword, or a unicorn beast, they all exploded with a bang, and there was no resistance at all.

   Destroy the dead!

   This is the real destruction! !

   Void trembles, qi glow shoots sharply, gravel splashes.

   The roar of the dull ancient dragon whale resounded through the void, overwhelming the world.

  The black sword light swept across the void, and all the unicorn cavalry smashed into pieces wherever they passed.

   In an instant, white lights surged up, piled up beside Chu Chen, forming jade beads of different shapes.

   There were more unicorn cavalry gathered not far away, Chu Chen's eyes condensed, and the figure turned into a gray shadow and rushed into the cavalry group. Then the long sword in his hand violently made a circle around his body.

   Another strong sword aura aura spread out, and the black sword glow surrounded the fiery thunder and lightning, like an ink dragon leaping up.

  The aura of sword aura spread to the full radius of a full radius before stopping. Within the radius of a full radius, all the unicorn cavalry had a meal, and then countless lightning rays burst out of the body, which was shattered.

   Two swords, just two swords, the extremely domineering unicorn cavalry was basically wiped out.

   There are only some cavalry in the corner, and they seem to be suppressed by the scene before them, and they dare not move for a long time.

   Chu Chen's figure stood on the spot like a javelin, his sharp eyes suddenly drifted, and then his face suddenly became paler.

   His figure shook, and he fell to the ground.

   Qingyuan rushed over and picked him up, while Guan Ying picked up a lot of jade beads on the ground, began to splice quickly, and urged her spiritual power to melt.

   When these jade beads are singular, nothing can be seen. Once several pieces are put together, they can be seen. Each jade bead has a faint pattern, and when combined, it is a huge talisman seal.

   It's just that this talisman is a bit cumbersome and complicated, and it appears extremely broken when distributed on the jade beads.

   is Guan Ying’s mysterious path. He has learned a lot of things, and he has been involved in runes, formations, ancient secrets, etc., so he can gradually piece it together. It may not be possible to complete it by another person.

   Seeing Chu Chen fall, some of the remaining unicorn cavalry and terracotta warriors at this time seemed to have begun to gradually react, converging one by one from corners in all directions, rushing towards the Jade Palace.

   I don't know if it has been too long, causing these ignorant golems to have simple intelligence, and they actually know how to enter when they are empty.

   "How long will it take?"

   Seeing many cavalry getting closer and closer, Ren Cangling felt anxious. The remaining unicorn cavalry are not many, but they are over a hundred.

   Now everyone has gone through a series of hard fights, and their strength has been greatly lost.

   If you are really besieged by these hundred terracotta warriors, I am afraid it will still be hard to escape.

   "Quickly, just give me a little more time..."

  Guan Ying’s forehead was filled with big beads of sweat, but there was no time to wipe it.

   "Everyone find a way to hold the terracotta warriors for a while!"

   Ren Cangling roared, shaking his hands and throwing a yellow light into the green bamboo shoots, revealing an ancient brass mirror.

   Qingsun Boy nodded, and understood what the master meant. The two flew to the left and the other right, and then they urged their spiritual energy to pour into an ancient brass mirror in their hands.

The two ancient mirrors burst out with a dark yellow light, which twisted and converged in mid-air, and finally formed a giant light group with a radius of all directions~www.ltnovel.com~ With Ren Cangling and Qingsun Tongzi shouting together, huge The light group plunged into the ground.

   The next moment, in the area of ​​a 10,000-square-meter radius, the originally flat stone slab suddenly became soft, like a turbulent wave.

   There are countless large and small whirlpools, undercurrents, and mud bogs on the ground, forming a huge swamp area!


  The fastest rushing unicorn cavalry entered this area, and they were plunged into the quagmire, becoming difficult.

   Ren Cangling wiped the sweat from his forehead, and roared: "You have to speed up, we won't last long!"

   "Know! Old man shut up!" Guan Ying also yelled back in a hoarse voice.


   "Everyone takes action, clears the field with all their strength, and destroys all the puppets and terracotta warriors!"

  The members of the Nine Heavens Elite who were bombarded by the continuous giant hammer and terracotta warriors were a little bit miserable at this time. These puppet golems were tall, powerful, and had a wide range of attacks.

   is often hit with one blow, and it takes four to five people to resist.

   These giant hammer soldiers are obviously much stronger than those encountered by the ancient orchestra, obviously because these stone figurines evolved after they broke in!

   There are so many terracotta warriors!

   How many people can there be in nine days?

   Up to 30 people.

   And the terracotta warriors? This is a huge army, thousands of them! !

   In short, the ordinary nine-day elite disciple raised his eyes and saw that there were endless terracotta warriors in the horizon, as if endless.

   The head is big!

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