Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2154: Xia Hua's Silence and Conspiracy

The ancients are strong!

There is no other reason, it's all because the ancient era is the age of mythology, and there are many gods in the world, and their various magical secrets are countless and wonderful.

With the refining alone, there are many secret skills and tricks that have long been lost.

Can a semi-chaos-level magical tool refined by a myth be the same quality as a semi-chaotic-level magical tool refined by a monk?

Even if the materials and refining techniques used are exactly the same, and there is a trace of mythology, the quality of the artifact will be abruptly improved.

Therefore, when Duan Xiong saw the dazzling array of ancient gods, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Most of these magical artifacts are actually Chaos-level magical artifacts at the lowest level...If they were placed in this era, it would be an unimaginable wealth.

This is the legacy of the ancient mythological era!

At this moment, even with Duan's fierce concentration, he couldn't bear the temptation to be close in front of him, and his subconscious hands grabbed a blood-red long spear in mid-air.

The name of the gun is blood clotting, and it was once contaminated with the blood of an ancient demon god. The aura of mighty evil is unparalleled, and the force of attack is extremely strong. In the legend, it even pierced the immortal golden body!

His palm was getting closer and closer to the blood coagulation gun. At the same time, the magic gun seemed to sense that someone was approaching, and began to tremble slightly.

A faint red glow lit up on the gun body, as if the eyes of a demon were faintly watching the existence in front of him.

The air began to become quieter inexplicably. At this moment, there seemed to be countless pairs of invisible eyes watching this scene quietly, watching Duan Xiong's hands reaching for the blood coagulation gun...

When the palm of his hand was only three feet away from the spear, he suddenly stopped and stood still.

"The old man is a little curious. Facing so many ancient forbidden devices, are you not excited?" Duan Xiu suddenly turned to Xia Hua and asked calmly.

"The juniors have low cultivation bases, how dare they be greedy for the benefits of heaven. Since ancient times, the powerful weapons of the gods have been used by the virtuous people. The juniors know that their blessings are shallow and dare not move in front of the seniors.

Xia Hua dropped her head slightly.

"No, you are not a superficial blessing. On the contrary, you have a deep blessing, a tough personality, a clever spirit, and a pair of eyes that can see through everything. You are really a gifted little girl."

A flat smile appeared on Duan Xiong's face, and he looked at Xia Hua with interest, as if he had met her for the first time.

"Don't be afraid of your jokes, the old man was really a little emotional just now. That is to say, the age of life is a bit older, so that he can control his mind from being taken by these murderous soldiers."

He paused, a little surprised, a little unbelievable, and some admiration for Xia Hua.

"But from the beginning to the end, the old man discovered that you, the little girl, has never been moved by the ancient gods here. You have a real heart like Zhishui and no waves in the ancient well... Therefore, you have a natural eye and you can see these gods at a glance. The danger, am I right?"

"Senior praised it." Xia Hua lowered her voice.

"You saw the crisis at a glance, but didn't say a word. It seems that you want to kill me with the fierce warriors here, so that you can get out of my heart for the boy named Chu?"

Duan Xiong's expression looked like a smile.

"Senior made a serious statement."

Xia Hua raised her head and said solemnly, "Senior's cultivation base is shocking, and his hands and eyes are open to the sky, how can he be controlled by this little contemplation? Besides, compared to the detriment of Senior, the younger generation hopes that Senior will live with Brother Chu. See you."

"Oh, why is this?"

Duan Xiong was actually aroused by him.

"Senior is a businessman. Since he is a businessman, it is naturally interesting to deal with living people. There is no business with dead people. I believe that with Brother Chu's methods, there are many things that seniors are interested in. Although Senior He kept saying that he wanted to kill Senior Brother Chu, but when it comes time to meet, I am afraid that he will be more interested in the secrets of Senior Brother Chu."

With a slight smile on her face, Xia Hua said calmly.

"And the younger generation took the liberty to speculate, in fact, the older generation does not like to kill. Because once a person dies, there is really nothing. Only by living can you create unlimited possibilities and have the opportunity to do business."

"You girl, really clever tongue."

Duan Xiong laughed at the words, "Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting. I didn't expect that a little girl caught by the old man could bring such a big surprise. It seems that this time exploring the land of the gods will not be boring. Up."

"I am willing to **** for the predecessors." Xia Hua respectfully saluted.

"Yes, as long as you girl don't deliberately harm the old man." Duan Xiong touched his beard and laughed very cheerfully. "But the old man is not afraid. If you have any means you can use, the old man will follow. Just look. See you, clever little girl, if there is any way to escape the old man's Five Finger Mountain."

Xia Hua didn't speak, but her expression became more respectful.


After walking through the trail behind the Jade Hall of Shenbing, everyone from the Ancient Music Society came to a side hall. The area of ​​this side hall is small, with a radius of more than one hundred meters. However, the ceiling of the hall is extremely high, and the roof is not visible when I look up.

There is no extra decoration in the hall, only seven thick beams of light in the center penetrate the sky and the earth. The beams of light were in seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, arranged by seven stars. Each beam of light was more than ten feet thick, bright and dazzling.

The light color of the beam of light is extremely pure, at first glance it seems to be carved from pure jade.

Only by paying close attention can you feel that there is a panic inside it, containing it without revealing it, but it has a breathtaking sense of majesty.

Anyone who looks at these seven pillars of light will have a strange feeling in their hearts. It seems that these seven pillars of light are seven heavenly eyes that penetrate the sky and the earth, staring coldly at all beings.

Standing in front of these seven beams of light, it seems that all the secrets up and down the whole body are gone ~ www.ltnovel.com~ has been analyzed cleanly.

This feeling is weird, and it makes people feel a sense of inexplicable fear.

"This seven-star magic array should be the teleportation array leading to the next level."

Guan Ying carefully observed the surrounding environment. There was a huge rune array on the ground below the beam of light, and it was easy to see that the rune array had a teleportation effect.

"It's just... this seven-star array is not easy."

Guan Ying looked at it again, and the more she looked at her, she became more frightened, "It seems that it is just a simple seven-star array, and there are endless changes inside. Once it is not operated well, it seems to evolve. It can be transformed into a killing array, a trapped array, or a puzzle. The formation, the questioning formation, the reincarnation formation... the formation of this formation is really unpredictable!"

"This place is already very close to the core area of ​​the Land of Fallen God. Maybe it is a large formation set up by the ancient myth. It is naturally extremely mysterious."

Qingsun Boy hurriedly asked, "Let's not think about breaking the formation, but sister, take a good look, is there any way to activate the power of transmission?"

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