Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2164: What happened in the fairy world?

Everyone was thoughtful, but at this moment Chu Chen's heart was setting off a terrible wave!

He doesn't know if there are many things about this legend, but he knows one thing very well.

That is, the gods of the fairy world have indeed encountered unworldly enemies!

When he set foot on the road of spiritual practice and fell down the cliff to awaken the power of the soul, he once wandered through the Black Mist Valley. On that horrible ancient mountain, he saw almost all the fairy gods in myths and legends, but they were all corpses!

He saw the Lord Tongtian standing on the mountainside, four Zhuxian swords broke;

He saw the Buddha with his back against the mountain wall, his golden Buddha almost drained of blood;

He saw the fighting emperor glaring with anger, the invincible battle body cracked like broken porcelain;

He saw the golden bridge of moral heaven shattered, and the figure of Tai Chi shattered like rain...

On the top of the mountain, he even saw Hongjun Daozu, who was already in harmony, sitting cross-legged, but only half of his body remained!

For a long time, the terrifying and almost dreamlike scenes even made Chu Chen think that it was just an illusion of her own.

He has never told anyone, even the most intimate Tong Meng, even if he already has a skin close to Qingyuan.

In many cases, he even consciously ignores and forgets that scene, so as to avoid the inexplicable sense of anxiety that is everywhere.

At this moment, when Ren Cangling slowly told the secrets of this monk world, the horror and anxiety in the deepest part of Chu Chen's mind suddenly surged like a sea tide, making him almost suffocated for a while!

That is true, that is indeed true!

The gods of the immortal world have really fallen, and even Hongjun Dao ancestor has only half of his body left. They have really encountered a terrifying and unimaginable peerless enemy!

A gentle little hand came over and held his hand. At this time, Chu Chen suddenly realized that his fist was tightly clenched, and his forehead was even more sweaty.

Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw Qingyuan's worried eyes, and his bright eyes were filled with worry.

She could see that he knew something, but he was very clever and didn't ask, just silently comforting.

The rest of the people talked about Xing Zhengnong, after all, few people knew this hidden secret in the monk world.

Ren Cangling also only came into contact with it when he provoked the beams of the Ancient Music Club. After all, the **** tribulation faced by the Ancient Music Club was to prevent it from becoming the trend of the Black Sea 90,000 years ago.

Of course, for everyone present, it was just regarded as a legend, except for Chu Chen, the rest of the people did not have much pressure in their hearts.

The so-called sky is falling down, there are tall people standing on them, and all the gods on the top have fallen. If the heaven and the earth really come, what is the use of their cultivation base?

In today's world, the road to the gods is almost cut off!

The only few myths left are that the dragons see their heads but not the tails. The powerhouses of Yuanhai Realm want to embark on the road to the gods, it is almost like a dream.

There have been no new myths born in the world for more than a thousand years.

It's too far away, so basically it doesn't matter to you, just as a conversation.

After chatting for a while, Chu Chen finally calmed down.

I don't know what the truth is about the next Great Tribulation of World Destruction and the Son of the Chosen. In short, he wants to improve his strength as much as possible.

"Talking about this end, let's see how to get through the current predicament."

Guan Ying patted Qingsun’s head. This little guy is most interested in ancient legends and is also the one with the strongest talk. "This sword aura formation makes me feel very uneasy. If we don’t pay attention, I’m afraid we will encounter it. Life and death."

"I don't know if you have discovered that although this sword qi labyrinth seems to be a whole, it can be seen that it is divided into many different areas if you distinguish it carefully."

Seeing Chu Chen's mood completely calmed down, Qingyuan turned to Jian Qi maze.

"The trajectory of sword qi flow in each area seems to be a complete set of swordsmanship... Is it true that only by comprehending the mysteries of each swordmanship can you step out of this maze?"

"It's not realistic, it's too slow." Guan Ying shook her head. "There are too many swordsmanships in this sword maze, more than tens of thousands. If you want to comprehend one by one, it will take a few months. Time will work...Don't forget that we are not the only ones to enter this ruin. After a few hours, Jiutianhe Yin Tuan and Old Demon Duan may be transmitted through the seven-star array."

"Brother Chu, what do you think?" Qingsun Boy looked at Chu Chen. At this time, they had reflexively relied on Chu Chen. Coming along this road, this young man had already created too many miracles.

"Let me deduct it."

Chu Chen closed his eyes silently, and his spiritual consciousness spread to the entire maze like a tide.


Space on the other side.

Beside the Seven-Star Magic Array, the atmosphere solidified like a solid body, and the powerful coercion of the Yuanhai Realm powerhouse covered the void, making people dare not even breathe.

With the strength of Duan Xiong, Wanshou, Empress of Nightmare, etc., it will naturally be quickly deduced that this seven-star array has undergone extremely long changes.

After Chu Chen had a chance to successfully transmit with the people of the Ancient Music Society, he would have to wait at least several hours before the next transmission.

Therefore, during this waiting time, the atmosphere among the people has not been alleviated.

"You should be very clear about that kid's plan."

Wanshou's face was cold, but there was a look of worry in the bottom of his eyes. Duan Laomo's persistence and stubbornness far exceeded his imagination. From beginning to end, he never relaxed the pressure of his breath, and seemed to be ready to release a thunderous blow at all times.

The situation in Nine Days is very bad now. The Nightmare Empress of Yin Tuan and the black-clothed boy are unsure, whether they are friends or foes. Old Demon Duan never let go of the coercion, and the severely wounded Jijii finally passed out, no The disciples of Shaojiutian were also wounded all over, and the situation is now quite serious.

Duan Xiong groaned for a long time, and snorted, "Of course I know the plan of that stinky boy, but...even if I plan to let you go now~www.ltnovel.com~ will you let it go in nine days? me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere in the air suddenly became more solemn.

For a long time, the mission of the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group in the entire Little Immortal Realm has been to kill demons and eliminate demons, and to strengthen the way.

They claim to be the leader of the right way in the world, and with this as the core purpose, they order other forces to rely on one after another, thus forming a huge force.

In fact, the idea that Jiutian may have been pursuing at the beginning of its establishment is correct, but as their strength develops, slashing demons has gradually become the eradication of dissidents.

Any forces that differ from their ideas, or are unwilling to submit, or unwilling to cling to them, will basically be called evil ways by them, forming an idea similar to solitaire.

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