Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2166: Xia Hua's Perseverance

"The middle three days and the next three days of the nine days are not enough, and they are not qualified to use the Wusheng Grand Formation. But if the upper three days work together, you can display the three days Wusheng Grand Formation. This set of formations is extremely powerful, even Possess the terrifying power of slaying gods and slaughtering demons."

"Now that the Queen of Nightmare attacked Wanshou sneakingly and injured him, this hatred has been forged, and it is not so easy to resolve. If they are restored to their vitality, the confrontation between the two will be inevitable in the future, otherwise, nine days will not be able to The world has explained that it cannot maintain the appeal and influence of the leader of the right path."

Xia Hua's voice was very soft and slow, but every word hit everyone's heart hard.

"Under such a general trend, only one enthusiasm and killing two of the nine days for three days can truly establish the victory. After two days of the last three days, the three-day lifeless formation cannot be used, and the nine days will be lost. The biggest hole card against Yin!"

"The juniors don't know how mysterious the imperial mausoleum profound realm is, but if there is no three-day non-life formation for nine days, and two powerful suppression of nine days, then how difficult is it for the Yin Tuan to obtain several life restricted areas? ?"

"Furthermore, if they are really released this time, will the promised Emperor Tomb Profound Realm be handed over to Yin Tuan obediently?

Xia Hua slowed down as she talked, but her penetrating power became stronger and stronger.

It seems to be able to penetrate the souls of everyone.

After just a few words, the initially moved expressions of the Empress and the boy in black became firmer.

"My nine days have always been a myth. When did I ever treachery?" Wan Shou glanced at Xia Hua coldly, and the murderous intent in his eyes was almost in substance.

But Xia Hua was not afraid, instead she chuckled slightly.

"Nine days is still saying nothing? I won’t talk about the others, let me give you a recent example: A year ago, the Red Dragon Breaking Formation Group used to join forces with Hengtian and Bujiao in Nine Heavens to encircle and kill the blood of Senior Demon Dao. Patriarch Ya. Promise that the heart of the Patriarch of Bloodfang, the Blood Devil Dragon Fang, will be handed over to the Chilong Breaking Formation Group to perfect their Chilong Heart Sutra.

"As a result, one month later, the Blood Demon Dragon Fang never gave it to them. Heng Tian and Bu Jiao even led people to destroy the Chilong Formation Group. The reason is that they wanted to understand the Demon Dao Mind and have already abandoned their righteous status. ...Is it necessary for me to talk more about such examples? Xunxian Broken Formation Group, Baiyu Broken Formation Group, and Qingmu Zhenren, Purple Jade Patriarch..."

"For your Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group, it is commonplace to go back and forth after putting on the hat of Demon Dao. Now you have to save your lives, and of course you are willing to say any promises. Once you recover your vitality, everyone will know what will happen to you... Now, kill you, break the wings of Nine Heavens, and then join forces like Yin to encircle the Supreme Heaven!"

"At that time, all of Jiutian's inheritance will belong to the Yin Tuan... No matter what the imperial tomb profound realm or other life restricted areas, if the Yin Tuan wants to take it, who dares to talk nonsense?"

Xia Hua's face was gentle, her brows were smiling, she looked like a beautiful and lovely girl next door.

It’s just that what she said was so cruel and ruthless, that Wanshou’s angry whole person was constantly trembling, "You..."

With Wanshou's cultivation base, Xia Hua could be killed by the impact of momentum alone.

It's just that there is a strong man like Duan Xiong standing behind him, and the horrible aura is offset before it approaches, so Xia Hua has always looked as usual, and even her expression has not changed at all.

"I don't know why you insisted on besieging Jiu Tian, ​​I know you must have your own reasons, and most of it is to solve a big problem for that stinky boy. Even so, the old man still thinks what you said... quite reasonable. Hahaha..."

Duan Xiong stroked his palm and laughed.

Empress Nightmare smiled charmingly and nodded in agreement, "As it should be, in the face of something like Jiutian, who is won with strength, is always more reliable than promised."

"What a vicious little girl!"

Seeing that Duan Xiong, Nightmare and the others' complexions were getting worse and worse, Wanshou took a few deep breaths, finally calmed his anger and said with a cold hum.

"Do you think that talking nonsense here can destroy me for nine days? It's ridiculous!"

"My dear, that little girl is the one who destroys the fairy child's dream!" At this moment, a young disciple among the many nine-day disciples shouted.

"That's it!"

Wanshou hehe sneered, "I originally had some doubts. Why did I have no grievances and hatreds with this little Nizi, why he repeatedly poisoned me. Now I know that she is the one who destroys the immortals. In this little fairy world, We have never dealt with it for nine days. Now we want to kill people and get rid of dissidents!"

"No matter who I am, the current result is that getting rid of nine days is a good thing for all the other forces present."

Xia Hua's face was calm, but there seemed to be a strange aura in her voice, which made people feel trustworthy involuntarily.

"Jiutian's style of doing things has always been self-respect, and it is a big trouble for all the forces in the Little Immortal Realm. To get rid of Jiutian is to get rid of a big trouble, which is a good thing for any force. The little girl just This simple truth is only spoken out, and I have never intended to provoke the relationship between you seniors."

At this point, her face turned into a smile again, as if she had returned to the girl next door, as innocent and cute, "You seniors are all people who have cultivated to the sky, so how can I be moved by a few words? It's really you. Nine days in the past was too much to be infuriated with the facts, but now it’s all due to chance."

"Little girl? I think you are the most vicious woman in the world!" Wanshou snorted heavily, his eyes revealing a strong hatred, "If my nine days fall here today, I will definitely kill you. !"

"That little girl is really honored." Xia Hua bowed slightly, "A stubborn life was exchanged for nine days and it died. The predecessors of nine days are too much to love the little girl."


"Where is the wild girl, her mind is so vicious!"

"If this woman falls into my hands, she must..."


Numerous young disciples of Nine Days were so angry that they yelled at them, making all kinds of foul language unbearable.

However, Xia Hua looked calm ~www.ltnovel.com~ and did not sneer or scold back. It's just that although her complexion was indifferent, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Old Mo Duan and Yin Tuan...Why don't they do it yet? ?

This time, I must take the opportunity to get rid of Nine Heavens. Only in this way can the safety of Master Chu Chen in this horrible land be guaranteed.

Only in this way can I explain to Master Tong Meng.

As long as you can wipe out the nine days and preserve Chu Chen's life, even if you are annihilated, you can still return one ten thousandth of the kindness of Tong Meng.

For the sake of Tong Meng, Xia Hua decided to save Chu Chen's life in this dangerous place at all costs.

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