Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2167: The destruction of the world by the battle of Yuanhai class

   Finally, Duan Xiong, Yin Tuan's Nightmare Empress, and the black-clothed boy surrounded Wanshou in a character shape. The faces of several people were uncertain and seemed to be thinking about something.

   But the Nine Heavens under Wanshou yelled at them, as if they wanted to express their anger in their hearts.

   "Several seniors, if you still don't do anything, wait until the next time the seven-star magic circle is transferred, I'm afraid you will never have a chance again."

   After waiting for a long time without seeing everyone doing it, Xia Hua reminded him in a low manner.

   These words instantly tore the otherwise silent air.

   Duan Xiong first burst out a thick black brilliance, which seemed to cover the sky with heavy darkness.

   At the same time, waves of murderous intent burst out, and the mountains and oceans generally spread out in all directions.

   Almost instantly, a dark pink light burst out from the back of the nightmare. In the streamer, there are countless ghosts like ghosts and ghosts. The shadows are fascinating, and when you look closely, they are all rare and beautiful beauties.

   It's just that although the beauty is beautiful, it gives people a hysterical fear and anxiety, which makes people feel scared from the bottom of my heart.

   Two waves of air, one black and one red, rolled up, covering almost the entire sky in an instant.

   Wanshou's complexion changed, and a bright white glow burst out of his body, transforming into a pair of huge white wings that shielded the sky and sun, desperately resisting the combined coercion of the two powerhouses.

   "When I clean up the two of them, I will definitely kill you!"

   Glancing at Xia Hua coldly, Wanshou screamed, and instantly regained his true body of the white bird. The huge giant bird had red pupils, green scales and white feathers, and was extremely luxurious.

   While Duan Xiong and Yanhou were naturally unwilling to show weakness, their bodies shot out with an incomparable aura, and they rose into the sky at the same time.

   The power of the strong in Yuanhai Realm is too great, and the urging method can be hundreds or even thousands of feet high.

   Therefore, he must go deep into the void to fight with all his strength.

   Otherwise, once the restriction of the seven-star magic circle is touched, it might cause this space to collapse and die.

   Suddenly, in the depths of the void, only the crazy collision bombardment of black, red, and white auras was seen. Every bombardment made a earth-shattering explosion, making the positive film space tremble, as if it had come to the end of the world.

   The muffled blast sound even spread to other spaces. At this moment, the continuous blast sound can be heard in the entire single space inside the divine meteor ruins.

   "They are still fighting after all."

   Feeling the faint but dull tremor and blast in the distance in the distance, Ren Cangling laughed, "It's not in vain, little friend Fei Chu, that you have worked so hard to create such a situation where the wolf eats the tiger."

   Guan Ying stroked her arm, and a light screen of spiritual power emerged in the void.

  On the light curtain, only black, red, and white auras collided violently, and every bombardment could cause earth-shattering tremors, causing the entire light curtain to tremble violently.

   "The art of listening to the world?"

   Seeing this light curtain, Ren Cangling's eyes lit up.

   "It's just an imitation version of later generations, which is not the same as the magical art of the ancient gods." Guan Ying shook her head, watching the three-color aura bombarding each other on the light screen, her expression dignified.

"It seems that Wanshou has the strongest spiritual power among the three parties. It must be that he has changed his real body and really desperately. Duan Lao has experienced several battles before, presumably his strength has not been restored to the peak. After nightmare... From the perspective of spiritual power alone, it seems to be slightly weaker than the two, but it is better in the strange and strange changes."

"Whether it is Old Demon Duan or Yin Tuan, they are both scheming and invincible. They are already invincible with two against one, so they may also deliberately hide some strength." Ren Cangling nodded, "Don't forget, In addition to the Queen of Nightmare, there is another person in Yin Tuan who has never taken action. In general, I am afraid that Jiu Tian's catastrophe is sad."

   "I think we are more sad about this disaster now."

   Qingsun Boy said with a bitter face, "If we still can't get out of this sword spirit formation, I'm afraid our end will not be much better than nine days."

   At this moment, Chu Chen, who had been sitting silently on the ground, opened his eyes and stood up, and everyone's expressions suddenly brightened. Qing Sun asked in surprise, "Brother Chu, have you found a way to break the formation?"

   "Not yet, I was mainly restoring my strength just now, and did not analyze the flaws in the formation."

  Chu Chen shook his head, "I have overdrawn a lot of energy and physical strength along the way, and I have finally recovered from the movement and the interest rate adjustment."

   "Then how to break through this formation? Our time is running out. When the battle is over on the nine days, if we are still trapped here, then we will be over!" Qingsun was anxious.

   "It's just a formation, just break through." Chu Chen said lightly.

   "Huh? Can we just rush through it like this?"

   The green bamboo shoots dumbfounded.

   "It's not Hu Chuang, it's hard Chuang!" Chu Chen screamed, and as soon as he fished his arm from the void, he fished his re-forged Wang Tie long sword in his hand.

   Along with the surging spiritual power blasting into it, a blazing thunder light suddenly burst from the long sword, and a huge roar that was earth-shattering!


   The dazzling thunder and lightning exploded, and the entire trembling sword aura buzzed.

  In the dazzling thunder light~www.ltnovel.com~ a huge beast leaped up and manifested in the void.

   The giant beast looked half-dragon and half-fish, and its body was ruggedly armored, and its mouth seemed to be able to swallow the world.

   In the huge mouth, countless fierce fangs are faintly visible, the mouth is like rain dripping, rippling in the void but turning into a billowing thunder, the momentum is amazing.

   "The Thunder Light Dragon Whale... is about to transform into a dragon!"

   Ren Cangling exclaimed, Chu Chen's Wang Tie long sword was sealed with a Thunder Light Dragon Whale. The terrifying king beast was about to destroy the entire Wangtian ancient city.

   Looking at it now, that thunder light dragon whale has been warmed up in the long sword for a long time. Not only has it not become weak, but it is stronger. It has even begun to embark on the way of transforming a dragon and is about to transform into a real lightning dragon!

   Since the beginning of the Great Era, the true dragon clan has been the most powerful race in the world, there is no one!

  The dragon is the spirit of water, so water dragons have the largest number of dragon species.

  The Dragon King of the Four Seas under the command of Tianting in the era of mythology is one of the representatives.

However, if some real dragons know how to change yin and yang, the cathode generates yang, and transforms the spiritual power of the profound water into the true power of the red fire, which can be transformed into a fire dragon. Its power is a level stronger than that of a water dragon. In a brand new transformation!

   Back then, Chu Chen once saw a sleeping fire dragon under the lava of the endless desert of the world, and that kind of power could almost burn all the wastes! !

   However, if there is a dragon species that gains the way with thunder and lightning and turns into a real thunder and lightning dragon, it will be stronger than the fire dragon!

  Legend is just a legend. In the era of mythology, when the Thunder Righteous God was reigning, he used his best to suppress the thunder dragon of the dragon race...

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