Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2179: Land of bliss

Chapter 2161 The Land Of Bliss

"This place... so weird!"

Everyone in the Ancient Music Society looked around in a panic while moving toward the depths of the space.

The surroundings are very quiet, but this kind of quietness brings people extremely uneasy, it seems that great terror can be drilled from an unknown place anytime and anywhere.

"Stabilize your mind and stick to the spiritual platform for Ching Ming! The ancient prohibitions here are different and will affect people's minds!"

Ren Cangling let out a low cry, and the others were suddenly stunned.

The courage of the monks could not be so small, especially the ancient music society even the lowest cultivation level is the powerhouse of the late Tianhe, this level of powerhouse is not afraid of ghosts.

Even if there are evil spirits and resentful spirits rushing out, they can easily kill them. How can they be timid because of the strange atmosphere?

The only answer is that the restrictions contained in this space are not friendly enough to people and will deliberately magnify the fear in people's hearts.

At the moment, several people have urged exercises such as "Clean Heart Mantra" to ensure a stable mood.

As the exercises started to work, I really felt that the lingering timidity that haunted my mind became much smoother.

Seeing that the surrounding space was too quiet, Qing Sun Boy chuckled and asked Chu Chen.

"Brother Chu, I wonder if you have heard the legend of the'horror disk'?"

"Oh, what is that?"

It was the first time Chu Chen heard that there were countless strange things in the monk world. Although he had seen a lot, he couldn't cover everything. Naturally, there were many that he didn't know.

Qingsun Boy's eyes flickered and slowly said, this is an old thing that happened more than ten years ago.

At the beginning, Ren Cangling marched the world in order to collect the divine music scores,

When passing by the secular world of the Wei Dynasty, I heard that local mortals said a legend about the "Uncanny Valley".

It is said that the valley is extremely terrifying, no matter how brave and fearless people enter it, they will immediately feel a great terror, and finally have to flee in a hurry.

But what is strange is that hundreds of years have passed, and there are more than tens of thousands of people who have entered the valley back and forth, but no one really died.

The Uncanny Valley is not very wide, no more than one hundred feet deep and ten feet wide.

It is said that someone once closed their five senses and rushed to their heads. When they finally came out, although they were frightened, they did not die.

Others asked him what he had encountered, but he couldn't tell. He was not attacked by any monsters, spirits or monsters. He just felt terrified, nothing more.

However, there are rumors that although these people left alive, a part of their bodies remained in the valley forever.

That is part of the soul!

At the beginning, Ren Cangling thought that there should be some restrictions hidden in the depths of the valley, perhaps some ancient powers, or even an ancient relic.

As a result, he entered it dozens of times back and forth, turning the entire valley upside down.

Finally, it was discovered that the root of the Uncanny Valley lies in a palm-sized stone disk...

That stone disk is the source of terror!

Anyone, whether it's a monk or a mortal, whether it's a beast or a bird or beast, will feel frightened and uneasy as long as he gets close to that stone plate.

In addition to making people feel scared, that stone plate can also absorb part of the soul of the creature.

"Natural soul-absorbing stone?"

Chu Chen felt surprised. This was a natural wonder from the heavens and the earth, not a magic weapon that was artificially refined. This was really wonderful.

"Later, the master put the stone plate in the'refining treasure pavilion' of the main gate, specifically to deal with trespassing enemies." Qingsun said with a smile.


Chu Chen asked for it. To be honest, although he had known Ren Cangling and Qingsun for a long time, this was the first time Qingsun heard Qingsun talk about their sect.

This line seems to be one of the hidden sects of the monk world, but seeing that they can collect all the fairy tales, you know that the strength of this sect is definitely not bad.

"There are many strange things between heaven and earth. When entering strange places, everyone must be especially careful." Seeing Qingsun seemed to open the chat box to reveal the secrets of the sect, Ren Cangling took the topic and gave Qingsun a glance.

At this moment, Ziying's voice asked, "Did you feel that this space is getting warmer and warmer?"

Everyone's spirits moved, and at this time they also discovered that it was indeed getting warmer and warmer.

There is still the dark, empty space around. It's just that those faint and stern wind and vague spots disappeared, leaving only darkness.

And in this dark color, there seems to be a faint red luster shrouded in the sky.

Bathed in this faint reddish luster, everyone felt a heartfelt warmth.

Human beings have different feelings about heat. For example, "heat" is purely a sense organ, while "warmness" or "warmth" is mixed with emotional and spiritual pleasure.

It's the kind of "warmness" that comes from the bottom of the heart to the depths of the soul. It's like the spiritual pleasure of being immersed in hot water, but it makes everyone feel terrified and inexplicable!

It's like warming the monk's soul slowly! ?

"Could it be..."

Guan Ying's teeth were trembling, but the warmth that rose from the bottom of her heart seemed extremely contradictory and creepy.

In many cases, the human body and spirit are one, and the physical body feels tired and the spirit feels tired.

But sometimes it's different. For example, the body feels extremely tired, but the spirit is particularly excited.

The monks have cultivated for many years, using spiritual power to temper the body, so that the soul and the body are united, and the inner and outer elements are unified, so as to achieve the realm of immortality. This is the way of evolution for the monks.

Once the mental and physical perceptions are different, it will be very dangerous at some point.

Everyone felt it. At this time, a sense of laziness arose in everyone's heart...like spring flowers blooming, they were in a fairyland.

I just want to relax myself forever and merge with the fairyland.

But this is not a fairyland where you can rest and live forever. This is the land of gods and the tower of seal!

Here lies the prohibition of the fall myth of the ancient times, and there is an incomparable danger. There must be no relaxation?

But relax in the fairyland~www.ltnovel.com~ The feeling of merging with the fairyland is crazily tempting everyone.

Unknowingly, the spiritual shield of the ancient music club quietly dissipated, and even the urging "Clean Heart Curse" quietly stopped.

I just want to blank myself like this...


A loud slap in the face shook the void, and everyone who was as shocked as Huang Zhongda Lu was shocked. When I looked up, I saw Chu Chen's face full of anger and his palms raised.

A clear five-fingerprint appeared on the lazy Qingyuan's ass.

"Be awake, be awake!"

Chu Chen didn't feel soft, his palms closed together.

Everyone in front of them had a slap in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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