Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2181: Enemies gathered outside the tower

Chapter 2163 powerful enemies gather outside the tower

The muscles of Chu Chen's arms rose, and the spiritual power in his body was injected into the sword like crazy without money.

The gray sword aura instantly became much brighter, and even star-like phantoms appeared faintly inside.

However, the black rune possesses the characteristics of extremely toughness, allowing Chunjun's sword to tear violently, but firmly hold on to it.

This confrontation lasted for half a cup of tea. When the spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted, Chu Chen could only close his hands cleanly and quickly withdraw the long sword.

The black rune light curtain slowly dissipated, and a sword mark that was more than ten feet long and several feet deep appeared on the hard black tower wall...

Just a trace, still did not completely tear the tower wall.

With Chu Chen’s cultivation base at this time, he urged Wang Tie’s long sword with all his strength. The Chaos Sword Qi burst out of it was enough to severely inflict or even severely injure a powerful person in the Yuanhai Realm, but facing this layer of tower wall, it was still unable to smash it. !

The level of the magical artifacts of this Black Tower Furnace was really incredible, and Chu Chen's eyes became more indifferent.

"This black tower melting furnace is definitely a prestigious magic weapon in the ancient times, and it may even be a magical weapon that is famous in the world!"

Ren Cangling’s voice revealed a trace of exhaustion. Although those flame monsters were easy to kill, but after all, there were too many, and everyone in Gu Le felt a little weak after the battle.

"What do you do now? If you can't even blast this tower, then we really don't have a chance..."

"Since I can't get out by force...there is another way to lure other people in outside, and then gather everyone's strength to find a way out!"

The light in Chu Chen's eyes flickered, and his spiritual sense swept the entire space, telling his plan.

"You don't have to fight desperately to kill the enemy. The flame monsters did not completely dissipate after being beheaded. Instead, they transferred their spiritual power to other monsters. These monsters will become stronger and stronger... Everyone can just defend with one heart, etc. Come in, Duan Xiong or Wanshou old monsters!"

Chu Chen reminded everyone in a deep voice.

"They have a high chance of coming in. After all, the camouflage of this Sealed Tower hasn't even been seen by us... When those old Yuanhai Realm monsters come in together, we may join hands to break this dark tower cage. !"

"Will they come in?"

Guan Ying said with some worry, "Old Demon Duan, Wanshou, Jixi, and Yin Tuan, they are all real old foxes. Moreover, the camouflage prohibition on this black tower furnace has disappeared, and the murderous intentions are leaked. Whoever senses it will be extremely cautious.

"Don't worry, they dare to come in because of the murderous aura. After all, they are getting closer and closer to the core of the Land of Fallen Fall. They can't give up."

For the mentality of the strong, Chu Chen knows very well, "The strong in the Yuanhai Realm traverses the world. It is impossible to give up completely because of a trap that you don't know before. Danger is sometimes the biggest temptation.

"But..." Qingsun Boy wiped a touch of sweat from his forehead, "We don't know how long we can last. The temperature in this furnace is getting higher and higher."

Chu Chen looked around, waved his palm, and a golden red circle of fire appeared all around.

"Well, I use the sky fire origin to absorb the flame aura in this formation, and I can slightly control the surrounding temperature. In this way, I can last longer."

"Next... everyone can think about it together, what to do to lure those old monsters into desperately..."


Outside the black tower, I don't know when it started, the two wild swallowing python totems surrounding the towering black tower were entangled again, and then the huge body of the snake tail goddess appeared.

It's just that the snake-tailed goddess is in the decapitated state at this time, and the head disappears, leaving only the human body with the snake-tailed body standing between the sky and the earth, like a huge sculpture.

Yin Tuan's Nightmare Queen and Heiyi Zhengtai have been around for a full quarter of an hour. From above, you can see that the broken neck of the Goddess Snaketail reveals a black hole-like vortex, and the center of the vortex is suspended at the height of one hundred feet. Black tower.

On the broken stone tablet in front of the tower, the words "Heaven is old" exudes an inexplicable breath of grief and anger.

Waves of strong murderous aura rushed out from the black tower. This murderous aura was so strong that the nightmare queen and the black suit Zhengtai were so dark on both sides that they did not dare to act rashly.

What a dangerous atmosphere that is!

It was like a Primordial Desolate Beast lurking in the depths of the void, but it had already opened its hideous fangs at everyone.

If you get close, I'm afraid you will be violently torn and killed by the wild beast!

"Such a forbidden power... I'm afraid it is enough to reach the level of the legendary magic weapon."

Beautiful and slightly wrinkled after the nightmare, his complexion was solemn.

The black-clothed Zhengtai also sighed, the Age of Conferred God...

That was the most glorious period of time in the ancient times. In that era when heroes were born in large numbers, pieces of magical artifacts along with their owners shocked the entire world.

Dunlong pile, Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover, Jin Jiao Scissors, Heavenly Blood Sword, Immortal Rope...

Generally speaking, it is generally believed that even if it is a magical weapon of the same level, the magical weapon of the enshrined **** is a level stronger than that of other eras.

It's a pity that since the fall of the myth age, those prestigious magical artifacts have also disappeared.

If one appeared here, it would be amazing.

Conferring magical artifacts can easily damage myths!

"Why, you obviously found the entrance, but you dare not go in?"

Just as the two of them hesitated, a long laugh rang out, but Duan Xiong appeared in the void while driving his iconic jade boat.

The old demon Duan was surrounded by spiritual power and mighty power. When he was speeding in the air, he seemed to be a demon king on tour. A single person also showed a mighty force.

"We are not in a hurry. If you are in a hurry, you can go in first."

The smile on Empress Nightmare's face is very seductive~www.ltnovel.com~ She can naturally see that although Duan Xiong looks like a mighty magical power that stuns the void, in fact it is an expression of his inability to perfectly control the power in his body.

In the usual Duan Xiaoshen body, he can't see such exaggerated vertical and horizontal demonic energy at all. He has perfectly restrained all the power in his body. Sometimes his appearance is almost like a stingy old farmer in the world.

It was only after the battle with Wanshou that his internal injuries had not fully recovered, so he was unable to control the overflowing devil energy, resulting in a mighty and mighty manner.

Most cultivators are actually very pragmatic. No matter how dignified they are, no matter how powerful they are, it is just a plain waste of spiritual energy, far inferior to the thunderous anger when they actually do it.

Duan Xiong rolled his eyes and smiled.

"It's okay, the old man is not in a hurry. At first glance, I know that it is a dangerous place, and the old man is not interested in helping others... this trap is indeed a little way."

(End of this chapter)

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