Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2188: Brother go first

Chapter 2170

The black-clothed face is so immature, but the face is full of murderous intent, "This kid is tricky, no matter what, this time we have to work together to kill him. As for how the true tower secret key is divided, when the time comes It's all by means!"


Wanshou and Ji Mie both nodded their heads. They were both powerful in the Yuanhai realm. The anger that came up in their hearts boiled over when they thought of being calculated by this kid surnamed Chu several times.

At this moment, the big powerhouses were really intent on killing Chu Chen together.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, the breath of Wanshou, Duan Xiu, and Zhengtai in black swept away, covering the entire sky.

That huge astonishing coercion represents a difference in the level of life. Entering the Yuanhai, it is already close to the realm of a demigod, and it is only one step away from the myth. From the essence of life, it is already a high-level life form. Up.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see three giant dragons rising high, coldly overlooking the seemingly small figure that surrounded the middle...

At this time, Chu Chen didn't release his own aura to contend with the three, because even if it was released, one enemy three would definitely fall into the wind.

So he just faintly waved at the ancient music club behind him.

"You guys step back a bit, I'm going to try the way of Yuanhai Realm today."

The expressions of Ren Cangling, Qingyuan, Guan Ying, and Qingsun were full of worries, but at this time they also knew that they could only play a very limited role, so they had to back down slowly with helplessness and fear.

A storm-like imposing aura is in the void, but after the three powerhouses stared at each other for a while, no one took the lead.

Those who are strong in Yuanhai Realm have the dignity of those who are strong in Yuanhai.

Especially for old guys like Wanshou and Duan Xiong, face is more important than fate in many cases.

It's enough to pay a junior with one-by-one measurements. If you don't care about your face, you will be unable to raise your head in the Yuanhai realm class in the future.

Therefore, the three of them hesitated for several breaths, and they were all motionless there!

"The old man is swooping here to prevent this kid from escaping. The siege... the old man can't do it, it's so shameless."

Duan Shao shook his head, mumbled a few times, and backed away a few steps.

Wanshou Jimei glanced at each other, and both saw a bit of bitterness in each other's eyes.

This is really embarrassing. How many Yuanhai realm bosses go to besiege a Linghe realm kid?

Even if he was beaten to death with a palm, his reputation was fulfilled and his old face was abandoned!

Hei Yi Zhengtai didn't have the inexplicable pride of these old guys, and waved impatiently, "Since you don't want to work together, I will play with this little guy first."

As soon as the voice fell, his palm waved five times.

Every time it swings, a stream of light rushes out, rises in the wind, and when it falls, it becomes a puppet wearing armor and holding a weapon.

These puppets don't know what material they are made of, like gold, not gold, or stone, not stone.

The five samurai puppets held knives, swords, shields, spears, and bows, and looked majestic.

"This is... Dragon Tooth Soldier?"

Seeing the five puppets in the field, Guan Ying whispered, covering her mouth in surprise.

She also studied the art of puppets, and she has no small attainments.

It's just that the refining secret technique of this dragon tooth soldier puppet has long been lost, and I didn't expect it to appear here.

The five dragon-tooth puppets quickly formed a small group as soon as they appeared, just like secular soldiers. The shield bearer stands in front, the sword bearer stands on the sides, the spear bearer stands behind the shield, and finally the archer.

When the five were in a group, the last archer drew the longbow. When the bowstring passed, a sharp arrow formed out of thin air, and then burst out toward Chu Chen.

The dazzling light arrow is extremely fast, tearing the void and screaming.

Only after piercing the void, he threw himself into the air, sank deeply into the ground, and drilled a bottomless hole.

Before that light arrow, a pulsating beam of electric light rushed to the five dragon tooth soldier puppets in an instant.

The first fist blasted out, and the six-foot-high shield shattered suddenly, and the fist gleaming with electricity directly penetrated the chest of the dragon tooth soldier behind the shield.

The second punch was thrown, and the spearman's spear and his neck were shattered.

The third punch and the fourth punch were thrown at the same time, and the sword soldiers and sword soldiers were bombarded and split apart before they could make any response, and shot all around.

At the same time, Chu Chen's whip leg was like a sharp sickle, cutting the last archer in two from bottom to top.

In just an instant, all five Dragon Tooth soldiers were bombarded and killed!

"Interestingly, your close combat skills are much better."

The corner of the black-clothed Zhengtai's mouth curled up, and a seal was drawn with her right hand, and she saw the burst of five dragon-tooth soldier puppet fragments gathered in mid-air, and finally formed a three-foot tall man wearing thick armor. A brand new dragon tooth puppet with a cold saw.

This is no longer an ordinary dragon tooth soldier, this is a higher level dragon tooth general!

Chu Chen's eyes condensed, and his footsteps flashed across the void in an instant to the front of Dragon Tooth General, and the whip leg of his right foot came up from the bottom, heavily hitting the Dragon Tooth soldier's crotch armor.

It's not that he is so wretched that he prefers to attack people in the next three lanes. It is really that this dragon-tooth general is too tall, and with Chu Chen's size, it can only be worthy of others' thighs.

With a muffled sound, the huge force drove Longya straight into the air, but Chu Chen's face changed slightly...

Not broken!

The place where he lashed his legs was not broken!

This dragon tooth will gather all the power of the five dragon tooth soldiers, and its defense power has become extremely strong, and it has been able to resist his close bombardment!

"Come again!"

Chu Chen let out a whistle, and the whole child was completely transformed into a beam of electric light and soared into the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ almost immediately following Longya general, his fists almost threw out a phantom, and he continued to beat the dragon. Ya Jiang's waist.

Inch punches, uppercuts, round punches, cotton punches...

"Boom boom..."

The harsh sonic boom was continuous, dozens of punches blasted out, and then the figure curled up, and the two whip legs slashed up like a windmill, and the dragon's teeth bombarded the tall body continuously.

Finally, after reaching the highest point, Chu Chen's figure turned and came directly above Dragon Tooth General, and then summoned his strength. The electric light shining from both fists was almost like two Thor's hammers, hitting fiercely from top to bottom. Longya will be on!


Amid the violent explosion, the dragon tooth fell from a high altitude, falling downwards at a faster speed than it was throwing upwards. Given the terrifying power of this punch, it slammed on the ground fiercely, that majestic Juli even smashed the ground into a big hole with a radius of one hundred feet!

"This combo is really useful..."

(End of this chapter)

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