Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 148: I want black hawk too

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"Master, you are amazing!"

After fully demonstrating the footwork, Leng Qianxue sighed slightly and said to Chu Chen faithfully.

At this moment, she was really convinced, convinced that this black eagle was the master.

Seeing that this beautiful pet of his own is still a teachable material, Chu Chen nodded and thought for a moment, still standing on the snow like a human, but at this moment it did not step on any footwork anymore, but whizzed out instead. He raised one of his own wings, and the wings shrank slightly, becoming narrow and long, faintly changing the shape of a huge long sword.

That feather wing flashed with ink, and the whole body was glowing with a steel-like light. At first glance, it looked like a sharp sword. When Chu Chen stood intently, his posture was clearly like a human holding a long sword!

Leng Qianxue's pupils widened again.

At the next moment, Chu Chen maintained the weird posture with one wing outstretched, and flew into the air. This wing danced a few times in the void, but seeing the ink in the air, a continuous line appeared. The endless Jianguang Waterfall is pouring down.

"This is...this is a waterfall and a spring!!!"

Leng Qianxue couldn't stand it anymore, and exclaimed. The endless black-colored Jianguang waterfall in the void is clearly her family's unique knowledge, the "Flying Waterfall and Flowing Spring" in the "Flying Sword Six Styles" of Xuantianzong's sword technique!

Chu Chen ignored her fuss. He kept moving, shrinking slightly, and suddenly leaping up into the air.

The next moment, he turned his body forcefully, maintaining a posture of head and feet falling from the sky. As he practiced and waved his wings, the wings pierced through the void and revealed dazzling sword lights, as if meteors descended from the sky, bursting. Down!

This trick is exactly the most powerful one of the "Flying Sword Six Forms", "Flying Fire Shooting Star!" It was also the one used by Leng Qianxue when he encountered that snow-bird in the Snow Mountain of Taihan. trick. !

Leng Qianxue was completely stunned. She never thought that the black eagle in front of her would know their family heirlooms. As the Xuantianzong's Zhenzong sword technique, Feijian Six Forms are taught extremely strictly, and only disciples and elders above the "true disciple" in the sect are qualified to practice. How did this black eagle learn it?

Ok? Something is wrong!

After carefully watching Black Hawk demonstrate all the "Six Flying Swords", Leng Qianxue raised her eyebrows and discovered the mystery.

The set of swordsmanship that Chu Chen demonstrated was not the same as the one that her father had given her at the beginning. There were some slight differences in movement and luck. It seemed that this kind of swordsmanship was more mellow and flawless, without the slightest flaw!

It... it is not teaching itself this set of swordsmanship, but is pointing out the shortcomings of its own swordsmanship and improving this set of swordsmanship!

Leng Qianxue soon discovered that Chu Chen's improved sword technique seemed to be more suitable for his own practice. This was not only an improved sword technique, but also a special version for himself!

What is the origin of your own master? Is it the pet of a certain Wudi? Have seen all the martial arts in the world, can you make modifications and improvements at your fingertips?

Such an opportunity is really rare.

At that moment Leng Qianxue ignored her surprise, took out an ordinary blue sword from the storage ring, and began to use Chu Chen's movements.

Immediately, this person, an eagle, danced his sword under the clear moonlight in the sky. Although Chu Chen is only the body of an eagle and bird, it is unambiguous to demonstrate the swordsmanship. The figure flashes and moves, and the wings are completely transformed into a tricky and weird long sword, demonstrating the profound meaning of the six styles of the flying sword. The incisive and vivid.

And Leng Qianxue, who followed Chu Chen's movements to learn, was surprised to find that she used the method Chu Chen taught to make a sword, and its power was several times higher than before!

Up to now, Leng Qianxue has completely cast down on the five-body admiration of his own black eagle master!

Before he knew it, one night passed and when the sky began to pale, Leng Qianxue finally completely grasped the essence of Feijian Six Styles and the true meaning of that set of footwork.

Deploying the six flying sword poses again, the power that can now be exerted is several times stronger than before, and coupled with the mysterious and mysterious footwork, in just one night, Leng Qianxue felt that he had undergone a reborn change. , Is not the same as yesterday.

"Master, thank you."

She looked at Chu Chen and said sincerely thank you, faintly, tears began to flicker in the beautiful pair of almond eyes. She was really moved by this black eagle.


The corners of Chu Chen's mouth twitched a few times, and he didn't know what to say. He handed her a look that was okay, and he flapped his wings back to her shoulders. Before entering the underground world, she still had to pretend to look like her spirit beast.

Everyone woke up and continued on the road. It was a peaceful day and everyone was in peace, but when the underground entrance was already in sight, Liu Jiao suddenly stopped Leng Qianxue.

Liu Jiao often danced with the wind in a goose yellow shirt, her face was charming, her figure was graceful, and she faintly revealed a delicate and pitiful smell, which made people unable to help but feel protective.

But at this moment, facing Leng Qianxue, the delicate look on her face disappeared, instead she appeared unusually calm. She stopped in front of Leng Qianxue with sharp eyes: "Let's say a price."

"What?" Leng Qianxue frowned, wondering what medicine this woman sold in the gourd.

The corner of Liu Jiao's mouth curled a little: "You black eagle, I have taken a fancy to ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Although this thing is not capable, it has a good skin, and it is good to sell it in the limelight. You can say a price. Well, as long as it's not too much, I will buy it."

"I want the pet to be caught by myself. No matter how much money, I won't sell my big black." Leng Qianxue rolled his eyes. Since entering this team, this woman surnamed Liu always sees herself as unpleasant, and she has to ridicule herself a few times. Up to now, he had hit the Black Hawk Master with his idea.

"Don't be shameless!"

Liu Jiao’s expression turned cold, "How much your black eagle can be worth, and no matter how much it’s worth, you won’t sell it! I can buy as much as I want in Zongpai Fang Market. This time I want to accept it. To give you face, your strength is weak, I don't want to grab the weak and I don't want to bully the weak!"

"what did you say?"

Leng Qianxue's temperament is so arrogant, she has never put anyone in her eyes. It was only after the incident that went through the Black Mist Valley that he converged a lot after being rescued by Chu Chen. Seeing Liu Jiao's provocation at this time, how could I resist it, Liu brows were erected suddenly, and she gave her a fierce look, "If you want to grab it, you might as well try it." ()

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