Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 248: Enlighten Void Spring Realm Master

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Yue Wei was slightly short, with his feet in a variety of postures, slowly moving his skills, along with the spiritual power of the peak of the Xuquan realm, the endless peaks of phantoms shrouded his body. , Gradually condensed into a crystal clear phantom like a sacred mountain carved from crystal, covering his whole body instantly.

"Shi Jing Huanshan Profound Art!"

Leng Qianxue let out a long breath, her expression instantly solemn.

The profound technique that Yue Wei cultivated was inherited from an ancient relic. A set of Shi Jingquan was dripping water, and he was best at defending. It was known as the first defense method of Xuan Tianzong.

Although the phantom of that thin crystal sacred mountain seemed real and illusory, it seemed that it could be destroyed with a strong effort. In fact, it has incredible defensive power.

Once in a sect trial, eight Xuantian Sect's virtual spring realm experts joined forces to attack, and none of them broke through the phantom of the crystal mountain, shaking Yue Wei's figure. Among the entire Xuantian School, there was only one person who could break his defenses, and that was Bai Xuan!

"Brother Yue, you are offended!"

Leng Qianxue raised her eyebrows, and her figure burst out in an instant, and the Snow Prison Divine Sword trembled slightly, and suddenly burst out a white rainbow slashing away in anger.

Knowing that Yue Wei's cultivation is profound, Leng Qianxue didn't have the slightest reservation. When he first started, he tried his best to use the "Feihong Guanri" with the most condensed attack power in Xuan Tianzong's "Flying Sword Six Forms"!


The sharp long sword pierced the phantom beside Yue Wei, as if it had pierced a whole piece of extremely hard crystal. Accompanied by a very crisp sound, Yue Wei's figure remained motionless, and he even closed his eyes. , Let Leng Qianxue slash the dazzling sword light on his body. The phantom of the Crystal Mountain around the body did not even show any white marks.

"Be flexible! Use the waterfall and flow spring to stab him six inches below his left shoulder!"

A soft hum came from the stands.

Leng Qianxue's eyes brightened, and the sword flicked in an instant, transforming a continuous sword light towards Yue Wei's left shoulder. At the same time, Yue Wei's calm complexion changed instantly, and he opened his eyes suddenly and looked towards the stand.

I saw a silver and black eagle standing up in the stands, combing his feathers like cast iron with his beak, and squinting at him. The disdain in his eyes was like looking. With a little bug.


The endless sword light poured down, accurately hitting the weakest point of Yue Wei's body. After a while, the phantom of the crystal sacred mountain that covered his whole body was shaken slightly, and exploded into a sky full of spirits. The fragments of force slowly dissipated in the void.

"Brother Yue, I won."

Looking at Yue Wei's incredible gaze, Leng Qianxue's eyebrows were the same, and a smile was slowly drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Yue Wei did not speak. He stared at the big eagle on the stands without blinking, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "The life gate of my Shi Jingquan has never been seen through. I dare to ask what the seniors think. Coming out?" He looked solemn and solemn. During the questioning, he even bowed his hand gently, very solemnly.

You know, since his practice has been successful, unless the opponent uses the force of the tyrannical occasion to forcefully break through, other than that, he has never been seen through the fate of the door.

Now he was actually seen by an eagle, which made him not horrified. He felt that this black eagle must be a senior expert, so he immediately asked for advice.

"You kid, it's a bit polite, you can help Leng Qianxue in the future."

Looking sideways at Yue Wei, Chu Chen grinned when he saw his solemnity, "I really don't know where you found this exercise, and you practiced it so differently. This is so-called. Shi Jing’s magic mountain mystery should be born out of the ancient magical technique of “supporting the body and the mountain”. It emphasizes the integration of monks and the earth, so as to achieve the realm of'man is a mountain, and mountain is a man'. Practice this set of skills. The first step of the law is to blend with the earth!"

"What does it mean to be one with the earth? You didn't practice it right at the beginning. When practicing this exercise, the spiritual energy in the body must first pass through the four acupoints of the body spring, the sky, the perineum, and the virtual realm, and then enter the ground under your feet. After fusing the spiritual power in the body with the earth qi, you don’t know that you can return to the body to circulate and nourish the body... No wonder you can only become the second in ten thousand years, and your comprehension is really poor."


Hearing Chu Chen's words, everyone felt their eyes flutter. This big eagle is really too arrogant, it doesn't put people in their eyes at all!

Even Leng Qianxue couldn't help but smiled bitterly, thinking that his master was not at all polite.

It's just that after Yue Wei heard these words, his eyes flashed instantly, and Chu Chen's words gave him a feeling of enlightenment.

In an instant, the spiritual power in his body slammed into motion, and it seemed like he was about to break through the last restraint, and burst toward a higher realm!

The mountain that had accumulated in his heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

In an instant, he looked awe-inspiring, clasped his fists, and bowed to Chu Chen deeply: "Teached! With the **** of seniors, the young lady will definitely be able to carry forward the Xuan Tianzong. From now on, Yue Wei, Miss Meng will look forward to it! "

After Yue Wei bowed to Chu Chen, he turned and left, as if he was anxious to find a place to practice.

"This kid... is really a teachable talent." Seeing this scene, Chu Chen grinned slightly, revealing a very humane sneer.

The whole scene is quiet. Everyone looked at Chu Chen's eyes again with some other expressions. This eagle is really against the sky, it's just that it's superior in combat power, it's all about instructing its master how to fight.

He could actually see the shortcomings of other people's cultivation methods at a glance, making him suddenly realize...what is the origin of this eagle?

Although Leng Qianxue was still frosty~www.ltnovel.com~, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Obviously, before leaving, Yue Wei showed his supportive attitude. Having such a sect second genius on his side would have an unparalleled influence on her taking control of Xuan Tianzong.

At least, given his lesson, no one would dare to challenge her anymore.

Sure enough, when she looked at the many disciples again, no one dared to stand up and challenge.

But Leng Qianxue knew that this storm would not end so easily, because Bai Xuan, who manipulated everything behind the scenes, hadn't come out yet, this master of Spirit Realm Spring was the most difficult to deal with.

"Wonderful, this play is really wonderful."

Leng Qianxue's pupils shrank instantly, and she was too familiar with this voice.

In fact, apart from her, the entire Xuantian Sect is very familiar with this voice. Because this represents Xuan Tianzong's most talented, stunning, and legendary young first person, Bai Xuan! ()

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