Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 292: Dan Qi Hualong

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Can the techniques developed by countless generations of predecessors in the Medicine Palace painstakingly researched, can they be changed at will? Sooner or later we will go astray.

The bearded tutor pressed his anger and prepared to explain the truth to Chu Chen after his complete failure.

In this way, when the bearded man watched Chu Chen refining Diuquan Pill according to his own medicine refining technique, the explosion inside the medicine furnace began to gradually become denser. The look on Chu Chen's face also became more and more solemn.

The refining techniques circulating in the Medicine Palace are all echoed back and forth and connected to each other.

Any mistake in any aspect may affect the entire subsequent refining process.

Therefore, as soon as Chu Chen modified the medicine refining technique, he felt that the spiritual power inside the medicine furnace had begun to be heavily affected and became more and more uncontrolled.

When the medicine was refining to the third hour, the crackling sound inside the Taiyi Purple Blood Furnace began to reach its apex, and the crackling sound inside the entire stove was as clear and distinct as a dense rainstorm.

Chu Chen's face began to turn pale... he had already stretched his spiritual sense to the limit!

Finally, when the explosion sound reached a peak, a dull loud noise suddenly appeared in the whole medicine furnace. The next moment, all the fires are extinguished in an instant!

It turned out to be the furnace!

The bearded face is black, and if he is not reluctant to scold the baby apprentice, he might be going crazy immediately.

For the pharmacist, turning off the furnace and fryer is the most feared situation in the process of refining medicine.

Both of these situations indicate that the pharmacist has completely lost control of this pill, which represents the failure of refining the medicine!

It's a pity that such a pot of good medicinal materials has been wasted like this!

The bearded man shook his head, and immediately wanted to turn around and leave. But Chu Chen's eyes flashed in front of him.

With a flick of the palm of his hand, another thick spiritual force blasted into the Taiyi Purple Blood Medicine Furnace. At the next moment, a lavender flame burned, and Chu Chen actually re-refined the burnt-out medicinal materials that had been spent in this furnace!

This, this... this is just nonsense!

"Enough!" The beard finally couldn't bear his anger, and roared fiercely, "Chu Chen, you have violated the pharmacist's taboo by changing the method of refining medicine without authorization. Fortunately, luckily, the furnace was turned off instead of the fryer. Now, this furnace of medicinal materials has been abandoned! If you continue like this, it will only be in vain! Please reflect on your own haste, and just come to the medicine palace for a few days and change the refining technique without authorization..."

Listening to the beard's angry roar, Chu Chen didn't get angry at all, and kept his hands together, continuing to refine the pill according to the technique deduced in his heart.

This scene made the beard even more angry.

......Young people are a little bit capable, and sure enough they don’t know that the sky is so great! It seems that he has been going smoothly after entering the medicine palace, and my instructor is too indulging him!

Never let him go astray!

Just when the beard was about to explode, the expression on his face suddenly solidified...In the blazing medicine furnace in front of Chu Chen, a faintly strong smell of pill suddenly floated away...This kind of rich pill fragrance , Only when the pill is extremely perfect, can it spread out. This is a sign that refining is about to succeed!

How is this going? Hasn't the furnace been turned off?

The spiritual power is completely annihilated, this should be a waste pill, how can it still emit such a strong pill fragrance!

Soon, the anger on the bearded face was unknowingly replaced by a touch of surprise.

He understood that Chu Chen's furnace shutdown was not a mistake, but a deliberate act.

How did this kid come up with this "breaking first and then standing" refining technique?

I have been in the Medicine Palace for half a lifetime, and I have never seen this kind of refining technique against the sky. This kid has only been here for a few days, and he has this kind of technique to reverse the world.

Is this disciple of himself really a genius?

Just as the beard was shocked and confused, Chu Chen's arm shook three times, and a dazzling golden light burst out of the furnace in a violent burst of air. Hovering in the void for a few times, Chu Chen used a light net with spiritual power and placed it in a white jade porcelain plate that had already been prepared nearby.

The beard's eyes widened in an instant, and his body solidified in an instant!

Among the pure white white jade disks, a golden pill was spinning steadily.

The exterior of this pill looked like a small sphere carved from pure gold, emitting a scorching golden light, and a layer of rich golden pill gas surrounded the pill.

In the pill energy, you can faintly see countless golden dragons swimming back and forth. Each dragon is only the size of a needle tip, and the scales on its body are clearly visible. It is extremely mysterious.

This... Pill Qi transforms into a dragon, this is a special vision that can only be found in the treasure Diuquan Pill! !

The beard suspected that he was dreaming, and he wished to punch himself hard to wake himself from the dream.

He really couldn't accept that the medicinal materials in this furnace about to be fried were actually refined into a pill, which is still an extremely precious treasure-level pill! How is this possible?


Chu Chen, who had finally completed the refining of the treasure Diuquan Pill, just watched, the bearded tutor slammed himself against the wall with a punch, hit the wall, and bounced off again.

"Guide... tutor, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Chen hurriedly looked at the beard with concern, and the beard grinned, "I'm okay, and I get a real talented disciple with one punch. It's worth it, it's not a dream."

Chu Chen had no idea what his bearded tutor was talking about?

Just watching him sit on the ground against the wall, smirking after another.

"Then...Teacher, you are busy first, I'll go back to dig the spiritual power fountain first..."

Chu Chen~www.ltnovel.com~, who was frightened by the "abnormal behavior" of the bearded man, decided that the thirty-six plan was the best plan, gently pushed the door of the medicine refining chamber, and quickly went out.

The tenth drop of Lingshui was successfully condensed, and he entered the realm of Lingshui's ten major consummation.

It succeeded in refining a treasured "Quanquan Pill".

For Chu Chen, everything is ready, and I only owe Diuquan.

In order to ensure that his body reached its peak state, Chu Chen deliberately slept for a good day, nurtured enough energy, burned incense and bathed, and adjusted both the cultivation base and the spirit to the peak state.

Only then sat on the futon in the single-person practice room in the Medicine Palace free for disciples, and officially began to dig the spring.

With all his strength, you can see in the depths of Chu Chen's dantian, ten dark black spiritual waters are like ten little black suns floating in the sea of ​​qi.

Under the traction of a certain mysterious formation, the rays of ten drops of spiritual water blended into each other and gradually merged to form an inky black spiritual power aperture, reconciling all the spiritual power of the whole body. Gradually become more and more cohesive. ()

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