Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 298: Blood Covered Evil Lord

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Without the reminder of the bearded instructor, no one would associate the huge "sacred mountain" with the "tree" in front of them. It is too big. What is the concept of thousands of feet high?

The general ancient sacred mountain is at this height. You can't see the top at a glance. At halfway up the mountain, patches of white clouds gathered. On this huge mountain of trees, there are cliffs, cliffs, ancient peaks and mountains, waterfalls and streams, rugged rocks... everything.

The only thing that can tell that this is a tree, I am afraid it is only the color of the whole body of faint green...After all, no mountain is green as a whole, and most of the mountains are gray-black soil and rock.

Through the gaps of the green leaves, you can see the branches inside like a horned dragon.

On this huge lawless tree, each main branch is as huge as a mountain range. In the admiring eyes of several people, the beard randomly picked a branch and led several disciples to start climbing the big tree.

The World Tree is really too big, so the whole tree contains unimaginable vigorous vitality.

With such a huge tree, the spiritual power generated by each photosynthesis is massive, which has caused many powerful spirit beasts, monsters, tree monsters, etc. to especially like to survive here.

They are like lice and parasites on human beings. They can be said to be blessed with the spiritual power of the world tree, and they are many times more powerful than the spirit beasts of the outer world.

As soon as they stepped into the scope of the World Tree, the people of Chu Chen instantly felt that the monster beast here was a whole higher level than the outside.

In the desolate ancient forest, most of the spirit beasts and monsters encountered were below the spiritual spring realm, and very few monsters reached the spiritual spring realm. However, on the World Tree, any monster beast encountered at random may be at the Lingquan realm.

There are even some ancient fierce beasts that have surpassed the realm of Lingquan entrenched in the distance. If it weren't for the support of a bearded tutor, Chu Chen and his party would have no life at all here.

Beard still continued his violent tradition, but all monsters encountered were killed in one shot. After climbing for several hours with the disciples in this way, they finally came to the final place of this trial-the root of the world tree.

This is a piece of flat land covering about several acres. There are countless exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals on the flat ground.

Just when I arrived here, a long and cold laugh broke through the air, with an unspeakable evil resounding in everyone's ears: "Hehe... three years have not been seen, the famous lunatic elder in the medicine palace is really charming. Still. I miss you so much!"

Chu Chen's gaze narrowed slightly and saw a few white-clothed figures standing proudly among the splendid flowers and plants. The leader is an extremely handsome man.

He was covered in white hair, and even his eyebrows were as pure as snow, but his face looked like a teenager in his twenties, with sharp lines like a knife. The most surprising thing is that this person's eyes are not as distinguished as ordinary people. His eyes were completely pure blood red, like two deep pools of blood, exuding an eerie charm.

If it weren't for the evil pair of blood pupils, from the outside, this person looked like a secluded master with an elegant behavior, revealing the smell of fairy wind and bones everywhere.

"Hmph, Blood Covering Evil Lord, I didn't expect you to really dare to come!"

The beard snorted coldly, and brought Chu Chen to the white-clothed man, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "I thought you were afraid to come."

"No, no, everyone in the world knows that the medicine palace is the place where the world's talents gather. The pride of the sky is endless. The next few bad guys have always been arrogant and arrogant, so naturally they should take them to see and see the real heaven. Let the talents be used for a moment.” The blood-covered evil monarch’s blood pool-like eyes revealed a slight smile and waved his hand. “Come here and salute your Master Feng assassin. He is a dignified medicine palace. Elder Mentor, if you can give you some advice, it will be enough for you to use for life!"

"Yes, Master."

The three people behind Blood Covered Evil Jun nodded upon hearing this.

These three of his disciples are also weird. Two of them look young, one man and one woman, they look only fourteen or five years old, their complexion is white and black hair is like jade, they look like golden girls and jade girls at first glance. The general sign is pleasant.

The other disciple was an old man. His hair was gray and his face was heavily wrinkled. It doesn't look like the disciple of the evil monarch in Blood, but more like his grandfather.

Although these three people have different temperaments, they all have the same thing, that is, a blood-red light gleams more or less in their pupils, like a ghost in hell, looking extremely crippled.

The three came to the beard, and respectfully bowed: "Disciple Mingfeng (Mingyue, Minggu) has seen Uncle Feng Assassin!" Mingfeng is a teenager, Mingyue is a girl, and Minggu is the man. The head of the old man.

When these people gave salutes, they looked very respectful. If they were seen by someone who didn't know, I was afraid that they would really think they were asking for advice.

Only a few people in Chu Chen felt a cold and incomparable murderous intention suddenly appear in the void, which made people shudder.

"Hmph, no! I can't stand the manners of your disciples!"

The bearded snorted coldly, and one side of his body ~www.ltnovel.com~ avoided the worship of several people, "Blood Covered Evil Monarch, I didn't expect you to teach the housekeeping skills "Sky Covering Blood Moon Mystery" to Your disciple! This set of profound arts must be cultivated with the blood of living people. In order to urge these people's profound arts, how many innocent people have you killed!"

"Hehe, just a group of untouchables, who can be absorbed by our profound arts, it is their good fortune, and finally there is no one in the world in vain."

The blood-covered evil monarch smiled slightly, his face still very elegant, but the chill in his voice made his spine chill, "Your master is good fortune, and the disciples under your name are all talents in the medicine palace, if not If you give me these disciples a reminder of profound arts, how can you resist the magical techniques of your high disciple? I am determined to win this century-old purple-gold blood ginseng!"

"Huh, the evil monarch, you must remember a word for Lao Tzu, if you do many unrighteousness, you will die! You are a casual cultivator, you should have nothing to do with you. Incomparable immortal man! It's a pity that you practice evil skills and cut your own future. Blood sacrifices too many innocent people, and you have already caused yourself to be surrounded by dead souls! Today I will not only seize the purple gold blood ginseng, but also walk the way for the sky to completely eradicate your evil Bloody!"

The beard snorted coldly, and suddenly there was an incomparable murderous intent around his body, and he rushed towards the evil monarch in blood. ()

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