Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 388: Spiritual ink as heavy as the sea

With Chu Chen's spiritual sensitivity, he didn't even notice how the old man disappeared!

An inexplicable chill suddenly rose from Chu Chen's back, which meant that this old man made a shot at himself, and he couldn't resist at all.

It seems that there is a hidden dragon and a tiger in the medicine palace, which should not be underestimated.

Everyone walked in the direction of the old man's finger in Tsing Yi, passed a row of tall bookshelves, and saw four small sandalwood tables neatly arranged together. Pen, ink, paper and inkstone are placed on each table, and there are several mahogany chairs around the table.

"Six Beast Hair Brush, Xuan Ling Mo, Celadon Fairy Paper, Venus Snow Wave Inkstone!"

After seeing the Four Treasures of the Study on the sandalwood incense table, Shen Hou could no longer conceal his exclaim.

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone on these small tables are rare and precious only by those who really love and understand books.

At this moment, even after Chu Chen heard Shen Hou's words, his pupils shrank slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It seems that the old man is really willing to spend the money, and he actually used such a precious and rare treasure to copy the ancient rune books for us." Chu Chen smiled a little bitterly, "It seems that if we don't work hard, it is really I ruined this rare treasure!"

"Huh? Are these things precious? They seem to be no different from ordinary pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

Seeing Shen Hou and Chu Chen's dignified faces, Zhou Mei, who has always been lazy, was a little surprised.

Chu Chen was fine, but his expression was slightly solemn.

Shen Hou's performance was more exaggerated. He stood in front of four sandalwood incense tables to tidy up his clothes, and then repeatedly wiped his hands on his clothes. Then he clasped his fists and bowed respectfully to the four treasures of the study on several tables.

"Hey hey hey...what are you doing? What are you doing for no reason? The nerd is sour again." Zhou Mei couldn't help but sigh softly after seeing Shen Hou's deeds.

"It seems that Brother Shen is really a book lover."

Chu Chen sighed slightly, pulled Zhou Mei slightly, and winked at her.

At this time, even Tang Rou gently pulled Zhou Mei, motioning not to disturb Shen Hou's manners.

Chu Chen, who pulled Zhou Mei aside, lowered her voice.

"Books are the embodiment of human civilization. It inherits and continues the glorious history of mankind. As a scholar, you should have a pious heart for books. According to legend, when ancient sages read and write, they must first burn incense and bathe in calmness. , Read the book formally after prayers."

"It is with the pious and respectful heart of human civilization that those ancient great sages can truly explore the great avenues of heaven and earth from books, and thus stay in the history! At this time, the pen, ink, paper and ink on this desk are not It's not inferior to the magic weapon of the spirit weapon level."

Zhou Mei smiled gently and waved her hand, "You scholars have a lot of rules, you worship it, and they just look at it."

Chu Chen immediately walked to the front of the case and, like Shen Hou, wiped his hands on his clothes, tidyed up his clothes to show dignity, and then respectfully bowed.

Behind him, Tang Rou also respectfully bowed.

This ceremony is actually not just for this ink, paper and inkstone, but for the brilliant wisdom of countless ancestors of mankind!

After Shen Hou finished his salute, he was the first to start "copying."

He walked to a sandalwood desk and pondered for a moment, his expression awe-inspiring, he breathed out gently, and his right hand grabbed the writing brush on the desk gently.


When Shen Hou grabbed the brush, his expression was stunned for a moment, showing a touch of horror, his hand couldn't even grasp the brush.

In the next moment, he saw his spiritual power burst out. His face instantly flushed, and the blue veins on his right arm violently, as if using all the power of the whole body, he slowly lifted the six beast hairbrushes.

It's like holding a pen, it's clearly holding a mountain!

A pen is just so heavy! !

This was beyond everyone's expectation, and everyone's attention was focused on Shen Hou.

At this time, Zhou Mei's eyes, who had been in a daze, flickered slightly.

Shen Hou's body is very strong in itself. He comes from the wild, with talent and supernatural power. In terms of strength, he is definitely a super strong man.

But at this moment, this big man who knew it with strength could not even grasp a pen!

It wasn't until he urged the spiritual power of his whole body to slowly grab the brush.

Even so, after a few breaths, Shen Hou finally couldn't hold on, and his trembling fingers loosened, and the brush in his hand fell on the wooden table with a "pop", making a dull sound. .

It's like dull thunder!

This, this...Doesn't people live, a pen is so heavy? ? ?

Zhou Mei frowned her eyebrows lightly, and the previous sloppyness and laziness were also reduced a bit.

A solemn look appeared on Tang Rou's face, "I'll try it."

She walked to the small square table and silently operated the spiritual power of her whole body.

As the exercises urged her entire right hand to instantly turn green like jade, as if it were carved from jade. It seems that the Shenmu Crossing the Sea Spring Lingquan has been urged to the extreme state.

After the green jade hand slowly grasped the Liu Beast hair brush, he lifted it up without delay. The speed of lifting the pen was faster than that of Shen Hou, but it was still more than twice as slow as normal.

Tang Rou, a genius girl, slowly opened an ancient book on the desk with a calm face, then picked up the brush and gently dipped the ink on the inkstone.

When the brushes glowing in six colors were gently dipped in the pitch-black jade-like ink, Chu Chen saw Tang Rou's right arm tremble again obviously.

The girl’s smooth and clean forehead actually began to see fine beads of sweat~www.ltnovel.com~ After a long pause, the slender brush was dipped in thick ink, and the breathing became more and more rapid. The soup soft, which is very elegant and slow. He picked up the pen with a gesture, and started writing on the smooth, porcelain-like paper that had been laid on the table.

Shen Hou and Zhou Mei suddenly felt nervous, they were worried that the pen in Tang Rou's hand would be released at any time!

Tang Rou writes slowly, and is a little more calm than expected, every stroke seems to be carrying a huge weight.

After a stick of incense, she finally finished writing a word, and the sweat beads on her forehead had formed crystal clear sweat dripping down her face.

The perseverance of Tang Rou, a genius girl, has always been superior to that of ordinary people, one word after another, almost half an hour later, she completed the third word!

Tang Rou couldn't hold on to the last stroke after drawing the third character. After gently placing the pen on the pen holder next to her, she softened as if collapsed.

Zhou Mei quickly held her with her eyes and hands, and she was shocked by this look!

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