Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 395: Huge windfall

After the old man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he sorted out the books on his own, but after listening to the old man's words, Chu Chen determined that the piece of talisman he had picked up in Black Mist Valley was really wrong, and only a very pure evil spirit could activate it. .

It seemed that this should be the magic road talisman used by a certain great demon in the ancient mythical era. After learning this, Chu Chen felt slightly awe-inspiring, and quickly urged profound art to add a few more seals to the residual talisman.

In the following time, Chu Chen never wasted time anymore, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to restoring ancient books.

The ancient books he had read were naturally restored verbatim, and some of the ones that were not restored carefully asked Tang Rou Shenhou and the others. Based on the memory of the two of them, they read many more. As a reference, all the ancient books were restored smoothly.

When Chu Chen finished copying the last ancient essay, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tight spirit suddenly relaxed.

The next moment, a blazing white light suddenly burst from him!

At the same time, a muffled noise erupted from the depths of his dantian. It seemed that a dusty gate was rushed open, and a wave of extremely strong spiritual power generally flowed out of the dantian.

Broken mirror aura! After dozens of days of sleepless copying of ancient books, Chu Chen's cultivation has finally stepped into a new level, from the original Lingquan realm's first level of human spring to the second level of human spring in one fell swoop!

"Congratulations, Chu Chen! This time you are finally one step ahead of me."

Tang Rou smiled slightly at the white broken mirror aura on Chu Chen's body.

When she first entered the Medicine Palace, Chu Chen's realm was far inferior to her, and she once made her as a genius girl dismissive.

But now that she has stepped into the realm of Lingquan, Chu Chen's cultivation has actually stepped into the second stage of the human spring before her.

But what is strange is that this time Tang Rou not only didn't feel any jealousy, but felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Hehe, Brother Chu, you are really amazing. I don't know when I can enter this level." Compared with Tang Rou, Shen Hou looked envious.

For many disciples in the Medicine Palace, entering the Spirit Spring Realm can be said to be their biggest goal in this life.

"Haha, during this period of cultivation, you have made some progress! The favor I owed to that old fellow Feng Ci has finally been paid."

In the joyful eyes of several people, the old man in Tsing Yi smiled and nodded gently, "The ancient books you copied these days have all been converted into the contribution points of the medicine palace. You take out your disciple nameplate one. Just look at it.

"Ah, the money is being issued." Zhou Meiyi was very happy to hear that, and happily took out her disciple nameplate. But from this look, he immediately suffered a pretty face, "What? Only more than three thousand contribution points. Such a small amount of money will be spent in a while."

"That's because you copy too few ancient books. So you earn less contribution points." Tang Rou glared at her helplessly, "Let you copy ancient texts well. Whoever makes you lazy or unwilling will know that you sleep hard every day. Feel it."

These days, Zhou Mei has been sleeping almost every day, only occasionally when she is full and she has nothing to do before she writes a few words. Over time, she has written three ancient essays. Earned three thousand contribution points.

"How much did you earn?" Zhou Mei glanced at Tang Rou and exclaimed slightly, "Wow, there are more than 50,000, and it is almost twenty times more than mine. Sure enough, the strong in Spirit Spring Realm is powerful. Shen Hou let Let me see? Uh, there are more than 30,000 contribution points. Hey, it seems that I really lose sleep every day these days. Please ask me to eat and drink to make up for it..."

Zhou Mei's self-reflection attitude left everyone speechless.

"By the way, how many contribution points did you get, Chu Chen?" Zhou Mei quickly asked Chu Chen as if thinking of something. These days she knew that Chu Chen's writing speed can be said to be breathtaking.

Hundreds of copies of those ancient texts have been copied. It is almost impossible to imagine how many contribution points have been earned!

"Uh..." Chu Chen smiled shyly. Zhou Mei took the first step to hold his disciple's nameplate in her hand, just glanced slightly, and her body solidified slightly.

"That's right...one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... two... two hundred sixty thousand?"

"What?" Tang Rong and Shen Hou's eyes widened after hearing Zhou Mei's words.

For them, this number is like a fantasy. More than 260,000 contribution points can be made by just copying books? ? This is too exaggerated!

"Brother Chu, you have to invite us to have a good meal this time...Should we go to Zuixianlou to order a table tonight?" Shen Hou opened his mouth and smiled.

"Hehe, it must be." Chu Chen smiled slightly.

Zhou Mei, who was next to him, completely fell on the five-body he admired. Her charming eyes blinked slightly, and she sent a violent electric shock at Chu Chen: "Xiao Chenchen~ You are too powerful. By the way, it was not that you wanted Can you write a few articles for me? You can't believe it~"

I have to say that Zhou Mei, this woman was born to confuse men. Especially when she deliberately uttered her voice, that voice could really make the bones of her whole body crisp.

Hearing the soft and greasy voice, Chu Chen shook his hand and almost didn't even hold the disciple's nameplate, and his face instantly flushed: "Uh, this..."

"Zhou Mei, you can't use the charm of the same school brother." Tang Rou quietly walked to Zhou Mei's side and glared at her. "The contribution points earned by Junior Brother Chu are all written by him one by one. Don’t worry about your hard-earned money if you don’t have that perseverance."

"Huh? It's just a joke. Why, Xiao Rourou, your reaction is so big, could it be..." Zhou Mei glanced at Tang Rou and then at Chu Chen, with a meaningful smile in her eyes.

"Dead girl, what are you thinking about? Nothing!" Tang Rou was thin-skinned after all. When Zhou Mei was slightly teased, she couldn't bear to chase her a few times, and the two girls suddenly became a group. ~www.ltnovel.com~ It can be seen that several people have made significant progress in this practice in the Library of Books, so they are in a very good mood.

This joyous atmosphere even made the old man in Tsing Yi smile when he looked at it.

After returning from the library of books, several people hurriedly walked to the refining chamber of the bearded teacher and reported to him the results of this copying of ancient rune books.

This time, almost all the practitioners in the Book Collection Hall have been greatly improved.

Even Zhou Meixiu, who has been sleeping all day, has risen a bit, so everyone has a smile on their faces and looks refreshed.

"Yes, seeing how proud you are in the spring breeze, it seems that this time you have gained a lot! Why, the old man Qingmo didn't embarrass you."

Seeing several disciples returning, the bearded smiled and patted the beautiful white arms of the virtual beauty in his arms.

The beautiful woman in the red dress turned into a red light and disappeared after a glance.

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