Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 611: Gain


Ling Xuan's gaze condensed, and a cold, sharp, and sharp aura came out of his body. If the murderous aura of Lord Changsheng was like an erupting tsunami that was endless and endless.

The murderous intent on Ling Xuan's body was like a sharp sword arranged around her body, and the cold and clear edge seemed to be able to split the void.

It's just that although Ling Xuan's cultivation is strong enough, it is much weaker than that of Longevity Lord.

After all, this white and fat fat man has firmly occupied the position of one of the three helms of the Medicine Palace for so many years, and his cultivation is unfathomable, so the breath of Ling Xuan's body was quickly suppressed.

Chu Chen's expression changed abruptly when he saw this scene. The next moment his eyes widened, a lawless, domineering breath exploded like a volcano.

This breath carried a taste of vastness, ancientness, and domineering, as if the ancient beast king of the prehistoric age spread fiercely.

In an instant, everyone seemed to see a pair of huge wings covering the whole world, blending with the sharp aura around Ling Xuan's body that seemed like countless sharp swords.

Under the pressure of Master Longevity's mighty sea-like aura, he broke through the huge waves and stood proudly in the void, motionless.

Ok? This girl... actually has such a strong pet!

There was a slight surprise on the expression of Lord Changsheng. Although the pure momentum competition was not as dangerous as the frontal attack, it was also related to the individual's skill cultivation, strength of will, and character.

With the help of pets, this cold little girl in black can actually match her in a pure imposing competition, and he has to be a little surprised.

"I'm out of five million." In the fierce competition, Ling Xuan cast a grateful look at Chu Chen, and the cold voice sounded from the air again.

"Six million!" Lord Changsheng was full of anger, and he clearly felt that the murderous aura in the void became stronger and thicker.

At this moment, the entire auction room seemed to have become his own "domain", and the murderous intent was unconcealed and raging.

"Seven million."

It’s just that Master Changsheng’s murderous agitation is violent, and the one person and the eagle standing silently in the void are completely integrated. Under the murderous intrusion of the stormy waves, Ling Xuan and Chu Chen are like an indestructible reef, letting the waves destroy me. Do not move.

"Eight million!!"

Lord Changsheng's anger has reached its peak. Obviously the price has reached his limit. If he didn't care about the people behind the auction house, he would have started it long ago.

"Nine million!"

Ling Xuan's voice couldn't hear any expression, it was always so cold and arrogant. Only when this voice sounded, Lord Changsheng's complexion became stiff, he snorted fiercely, and slammed away from the auction room.

Nine million middle-grade spirit stones, that is a full 90 million ordinary spirit stones.

Such a wealth is extremely huge for anyone, even if the accumulation of Lord Changsheng cannot make up so much money for the time being, I have to give up.

It's just that even though he is gone, the murderous intent and chill in the void have not disappeared for a long time.

Chu Chenliang's silver pupils glanced faintly at his back, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

The last ghost head crystal talisman was finally collected by Ling Xuan at the price of nine million middle-grade spirit stones, and the witch's face finally eased after seeing this scene.

And the efficiency of this auction house was indeed very fast. After just a few breaths, I saw the young guild leader walking over with the ghost head crystal talisman.

"Hehe... Congratulations, Senior Sister, this is likely to be the last Ghost Head Crystal Talisman before the opening of the Yinshan Secret Realm. First, I wish Senior Sister a great success during this trip to the Yinshan Secret Realm."

The young president is very talkative, and his sincere look makes people feel good.

Ling Xuan raised her eyebrows slightly, and after a moment, she finally said, "Thank you."

"Haha... By the way, the black cloak that senior sister auctioned today is very mysterious. Senior sister should take extra care when using it. According to some elders in our auction house, the black cloak seems to come from a certain place. The land is contaminated with some unknown aura, so you must use it carefully."

The Youth President warned a few words. After hearing these words, Ling Xuan nodded, and after putting the ghost head crystal talisman into the storage ring, he turned around and left, unspeakably decisively free and easy.

On the contrary, Chu Chen smiled bitterly at the young president and made an apologetic look. To be honest, the witch's temper was really a headache sometimes.

After walking out of the auction house, the surrounding sky has also dimmed. The jet black sky is dotted with bright and clean stars, and bright silver stars are pouring down, and the whole world that is shining seems to be wrapped in it. A layer of light silver gauze is generally very hazy and beautiful.

Looking up at the sky, Ling Xuan frowned slightly, after thinking for a while, with a wave of his sleeves, he flew decisively towards the outside of the city.

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen's eyes suddenly widened: "Wait...It's so late, don't we find an inn to rest? What are you doing outside the city?"

"The inn in Dead Leaf City is not something anyone dares to live in."

Ling Xuan's voice was cold and quiet, and the black robe of the witch in the night was flying, her figure was graceful, and she was incomparably luxurious and aloof as a black phoenix in the shining starlight.

"This is the home of evil spirits. Some of the magical powers of some evil powers such as weird sorceries and curses are beyond defense. It is not safe for us to live in with ghosts and crystal charms."

Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, but also reacted~www.ltnovel.com~ as the saying goes.

When the Yinshan Secret Realm could be completely opened at any time, if they kicked the ghost head crystal talisman and swaggered into the inn, they might immediately become the target of most evil dao powerhouses.

Instead of taking the risk of being harassed by those evil powers who are constantly emerging with weird mysteries, it is better to find An Sheng who sleeps on a tree just outside the city.

However, after Banzhuxiang's time passed, Chu Chen was a little dumbfounded. Ling Xuan actually found a huge tree that was about tens of feet long and was extremely sturdy and jumped up.

When she came to the place near the top of the tree where the thicker branches crossed, she nodded in satisfaction and sat down cross-legged.

"You... just take a rest like this?" Chu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and he felt dumbfounded: Could it be that Ling Xuan and him really have a good heart? Why did she immediately put the idea that she had just thought of into practice.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Ling Xuan turned her head. There was no one else around at this time, so a touch of softness appeared on Ling Xuan's face.

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