Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 210: Extinction Blizzard

From the moment it appeared, within a short time of half a stick of incense, a violent snowstorm had already begun to raging in the entire secret medicine realm!

In the cave, Chu Chen couldn't help but fought a cold war. A look of shock suddenly appeared in his heart. The place he chose to dig the cave is very particular. This is a small cave with some depressions, surrounded by tall rocks and hills. Outside the cave, scattered scattered rocks dotted around, faintly forming a natural formation.

If the wind blows, the rocks will resist, divide, weaken, and impact each other, which can weaken more than 90% of the power. In the end, it blows to the cave entrance, leaving only less than 10% of the power, making the inside of the cave safe. Sex and warmth are greatly improved. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

It was such a perfect cave. When the wind was roaring from the outside, he could still feel a burst of cold wind that was enough to peel his bones and flesh back. It made him feel a little better when he was involuntarily running his spiritual power.

Just 10% of the wind made Chu Chen, who had already achieved a small physical body, couldn't stand it. So how powerful is this blizzard? It is simply unimaginable!

To Zhu Chen, with Chu Chen's cultivation base, it has long been cold and hot, and usually places like snowy mountains and other ice and snow will not make him feel the slightest discomfort!

With the passage of time, the power of the snowstorm within the entire secret medicine realm continued to increase. After a quarter of an hour, a strange cold sensation suddenly emerged from the depths of his meridians, which surprised him. The billowing spiritual power swept past in an instant, and the strange cold feeling was removed.

It's weird, it's so weird. Generally, the feeling of coldness must be felt first by the skin, then to the flesh and blood, to the muscles. (Baidu search update is the fastest and most stable)

However, the cold cooling of this secret medicine realm is not an invasion from the outside to the inside. Instead, it spreads from the inside to the outside. It appears directly in the meridians, blood vessels, and bone marrow of the human body, and then gradually spreads, if not in time If the spiritual power is removed, even if you don't have any thick and warm clothes, you will quickly freeze!

This level is a pure test of the pharmacist's cultivation base. The deeper the cultivation base, the better he can get rid of the cold in the first place. If the cultivation base is insufficient, once the coldness in the body accumulates, the final consequence will definitely be frozen into an ice sculpture!

This weird place!

Chu Chen cursed secretly, and suddenly thought that his furnace was born with Taiyi Purple Fire, which is the best treasure to get rid of this internal cold, so when the eyes light up, he will open the storage ring and take the furnace out, but the next moment, His expression was fierce! The storage ring that could be opened at first thought, but now it is as hard as a whole piece of iron, and it can't be opened at all!

A strong restraining force lingered around the storage ring, completely sealing its internal space. This is a unique space restriction inside the Secret Medicine Realm, prohibiting the use of all storage rings and space storage objects!

"It's really ruthless..."

Chu Chen tutted a few times, and suddenly became helpless. All the things that can keep warm, the edible pill, etc. are all stored in the storage ring. Now they can't use anything, they can only survive on their own strength!

Time passed a little bit. The whole secret medicine realm was dim and dark, completely filled with snowstorms. As time went by, Chu Chen gradually discovered that the entire secret medicine realm seemed very different from the outside world. The most obvious feature was the rapid consumption of spiritual energy and physical strength.

When he was outside, the spiritual power in his body circulated for a week, and he could maintain the warmth for half an hour. But here, after at most a quarter of an hour, those spiritual powers will dissipate cleanly, and Zhou Tian must be able to use spiritual power again. Moreover, as time goes by, the time for this kind of spiritual power is getting shorter and shorter.

More importantly, as time passed, Chu Chen began to feel hungry in his belly, and this discovery immediately made him smile. With his current cultivation base, he is a strong enough to compare. When such a strong person is cultivating, his body will autonomously ingest the spiritual energy in the void to supplement his own energy consumption, so even if he doesn't eat for ten and a half months, he won't feel too hungry.

When a monk has cultivated to a certain level, he can even reach the state of "bigu" in the legend, even if he doesn't eat anything, he can still survive.

And now, how long it took, he actually felt a little hungry. This was simply unimaginable before. To Zhidào, for a cultivator like him, eating has only become a habit, simply to satisfy the appetite!

Although Chu Chen was in the cave at this time and couldn't see the situation outside, he could already guess that those pharmacists who could not hide in should have broken the jade charms, turned into spiritual lights, and left here. Terrible secret medicine realm.

Even if you find the pharmacist in the cave, if the location of the cave is not good, I'm afraid they will leave because they can't bear the freezing.

Thinking of this, Chu Chen couldn't help but want to see the situation outside, so the icy wind above his head came to the entrance of the cave and looked at it.

From afar, three mountains stand alone in the dark blizzard.

At the top of the mountain, three dazzling figures like comets stand silently, UU reading www. uukanshu.com They were surrounded by extremely strong auras all over their bodies, the radiance was so bright, still no one rushed to get involved in the fight.

When he extended his gaze and looked at the other two hills, he found that Huangfuyun's hill was still as solid as gold. A famous pharmacist was hiding in the cave, and the spiritual light radiating from his body was smudged, linking one place, and surrounding it. A hill.

It seems that these people have completely joined hands and put together a heavy spiritual mask to stop the blizzard. Everyone made a concerted effort, and suddenly the violent snowstorm could not affect them.

On the other hill, Li Taixin, who was sitting on the spiritual eye, had disappeared and was replaced by a sharp bald man.

This scene surprised Chu Chen. Li Taixin ranked fourth in the list of alternate disciples. He was regarded as the strongest under the Spirit Spring Realm, and he was also robbed of the place. It seems that there are some hidden powerhouses who cannot be underestimated!

In addition, there were no more disciples in the wilderness. As Chu Chen had expected, most of the disciples who had nowhere to hide had already left. The remaining disciples also obviously couldn't bear the more frenzied blizzard, and began to smash the jade symbols in their hands, and were shrouded in white light and sent to the outside world.

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