Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 738: Dazzled

When Wangcai chose the ice giant rhinoceros, he only chose the largest and strongest one. When these students selected the giant beasts, they considered the overall qualities such as the size and color of the giant beasts, and finally selected ten giants with a very harmonious appearance. Rhinoceros.

Under the deterrence of Wangcai, ten pure white ice rhinoceros walked neatly to the many students.

These giant rhinos are exactly the same in size, size, body color, and so on. At first glance, they look like a guard of honor from an ancient dynasty.

Fifty students happily walked up to the ten giant rhinoceros and quickly selected the team.

The ice giant rhinoceros is three feet long and has a broad back, which is more than enough for five people to sit down.

Therefore, a group of five rides is not at all crowded, and everyone sits very comfortably.

"Haha...Let's go, cows, in order to get the elixir for the instructor to marry a wife earlier, let's set out!!"

A female disciple with the most lively personality smiled and waved, and then ten giant ice rhinoceros stepped forward at the same time.

Chu Chen sat on Wangcai's back and followed behind him unhurriedly, touching his nose uncontrollably.

How powerful is the ten giant rhinoceros running neatly?

People who haven't seen it with their own eyes can never imagine that a large white wave of air from a distance seems to be surging like a tide, it is simply an avalanche! The ice giant rhinoceros burned with the crazy arrogance comparable to the super fierce beast in the Lingxi realm, and almost shook the entire land!

This group of people... just left? ?

Seeing ten huge white figures slowly disappearing into the field of vision, Zhao Yeyuan and the students in the first lecture hall under her name opened their eyes wide, and many of them turned red.

Until Wangcai's figure almost disappeared on the horizon, the giant ice rhinos in the snow valley were still in shock, standing there motionless.

A student in the first lecture hall saw a sharp turn of his eyes behind this scene, and swayed to a tall ice rhinoceros and kicked it fiercely.

A pair of huge copper bell eyes glanced indifferently, and the cold pupils were quickly covered with blood.

Suddenly, the disciple's heart fell sharply. Just before he had time to make any reaction, he saw the thick leg of the ice giant rhinoceros with a violent wave, kicking him fiercely...

what! ! ! ...

With a scream of earth-shattering screams, the student flew out with a **** glow, flew a full ten meters away before smashing to the ground, and the scream of screams made everyone's eyes full. He jumped fiercely in an instant.

Ten ice giant rhinos ran on the snow, bringing out the mighty white waves.

At this time, hearing the screaming scream from behind, everyone subconsciously frowned.

What's the matter, that woman shouldn't be angry with her disciple out of anger!

At the same time, Chu Chen, who was sitting on the back of the black donkey, shook his head helplessly, and naturally understood what was going on behind with his spiritual sense.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that there would be that kind of idiot among the students in the first lecture hall. Without the suppression of the wealthy Longwei, those giant rhinos are not even afraid of the super powers in the Lingxi realm. He actually dare to commit crimes. risk!

At this moment, Feng Qiang’s ice giant rhinoceros was the closest to Chu Chen. When he was racing on the road, he suddenly seemed to think of something respectfully and asked: "Teacher, recently we heard from the Medicine Palace that it will be soon What is going on with the Intermediate Pharmacist Competition?"

"Well, the pharmacist of this medicine palace is promoted to an assessment of his own level. It is not difficult to obtain the qualifications of a junior pharmacist in the medicine palace, as long as you complete a very simple task of refining medicine. But you want to obtain the qualifications of an intermediate pharmacist. It’s not easy. The qualification promotion contest for intermediate pharmacists can only be held every six years. No matter how powerful a genius student wants to become an intermediate pharmacist, he must wait. Only by taking advantage of this opportunity to obtain the qualification certificate of an intermediate pharmacist will he have Has become the qualification to become the'official mentor' of the Medicine Palace." Chu Chen nodded and explained patiently.

"Yao Gong's intermediate pharmacist qualification certificate is many times higher than the additional gold content. And it is said that the top three who performed the best in this intermediate pharmacist competition can get the qualifications to enter the'Ancient Sacred Land'! "

"Guzong Holy Land!"

Everyone's eyes lit up instantly after hearing Chu Chen's words, and Feng Qiang's face flushed instantly.

"Could it be the five ancient sects in the legend? That is the supreme sacred place in the monk world. No wonder this Intermediate Pharmacist Competition is so enthusiastic that it almost swept the entire medicine palace...Teacher, with your medicine qualifications, you will definitely go there. It's like a try!"

"Haha...Yes, I also want to take a good look at the results of my cultivation in the Medicine Palace over the years." Chu Chen smiled and nodded, "In addition, going to the five ancient sects to cultivate is the dream of the world's cultivators. I also want to go in. Look."

After hearing the four words "Ancient Sacred Land", the hearts of all the students in the team were full of expectation and longing. Every monk wanted to go to the sanctuary.

There is a brand new world, and it is also the pinnacle place where all monks can be reborn!

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter the ancient sacred land, and the intermediate pharmacist competition, these three places to enter the ancient sacred land, seem invaluable.

The teacher who has taught himself, if he enters the ancient sacred land, he is also considered to be exposed.

Thinking of this, these students were even more excited, and they kept chatting.

Only Chu Chen, who was riding on a black donkey, looked into the distance quietly and muttered, “It seems that it’s going to snow again~www.ltnovel.com~ Ten ice giant rhinos have just been walking for not long, the sky suddenly Dark, large swaths of snowflakes overturned from the sky, and quickly filled the entire space.

For the extreme north, the snowy weather can be said to be commonplace. Each piece of snowflakes here is half the size of a palm, presenting a standard hexagonal ice shape, which is extremely magnificent.

Because it is born with pure and extremely cold air, holding a piece of snowflake in your palm will not melt for a long time, like a crystal clear ice sculpture artwork.

Since he had previously practiced the mental method recorded in the jade slip taught by Chu Chen, even in the cold weather with snow and wind, this group of students would not feel how cold.

Many girls even kept collecting crystal clear snow flakes on the back of the giant rhinoceros and combined them into beautiful ice crystal objects.

"Tutor, here you are."

Chu Chen, who was taking care of everyone in the crowd, was taken aback for a moment. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful girl holding a crown made of ice crystals and gently throwing it towards him.

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