Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 760: Swire Forbidden Array

Chu Chen said softly, "Listening to the little brother, there seems to be something very interesting for me to do."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Shen Qian's expression instantly brightened, and she looked at Chu Chen with interest.

"It seems to be related to fishing. You will know the details only when you see the younger brother." Chu Chen said with a smile.

"Oh? That's great, I'm the best at fishing, let's go!" The little fairy smiled.

When the two entered the medicine palace forest and came to the quiet and elegant green bamboo hut, the little boy was lying on the railing in a daze.

He was slightly taken aback when he saw Chu Chen walking by holding Shen Qian's hand, and a smile flashed across his face: "Long time no see, little girl."

"Hehe, brother, you have gained a little weight again, you must miss me after seeing me for so long." Shen Qian smiled and looked at the little boy up and down.

"Yes." The little boy glanced back and forth between the two of them several times, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, "I have a question that I don't know if I should ask."

"Ask." Shen Qian waved his hand very proudly.

"Are you Taoists?" A question that suddenly popped up made Shen Qiandun, who was still so proud just now, made a big red face, and the whole thing was slightly stunned.

When Chu Chen heard the question, he smiled slightly and did not speak.

"Huh? Why don't you speak anymore, are you?" The little boy still looked curious.

"The kid asks so much what to do!" It seemed that he couldn't bear the straightforward language of the kid, and Shen Qian waved his hand blushingly, "We...we are not yet."

"Oh, isn't it?" The little boy looked puzzled, "Then why do you stick together every day."

"How can we stick together every day!" Shen Qian's eyes widened in surprise. To be honest, she wanted to stick together every day. It's just that a good man wants to stick together every day, so I can't tie him with a rope. Let him go out and practice.

"No?" The little boy curled his mouth slightly. "Anyway, when I see you, you two are always together. I thought you were already together."


Shen Qian became even more shy, and rushed up to grab the little boy's ears and whispered, "I call you nonsense, I call you nonsense, I call you nonsense..."

"Woo...uh..." The little boy's little ear was picked up under Shen Qian's ravages. He was so painful that he could hardly even speak, so he looked at Chu Chen helplessly.

To be honest, he really had no way of dealing with this beautiful young lady who looked like a fairy. If someone else dared to pull his ears, he would have slapped him and killed him.

But in front of this young lady, he couldn't get angry anyway. He had to say that one thing fell one thing, and this beautiful young lady was his nemesis.

"Okay, Shen Qian, you can no longer be rude to Little Brother." Seeing Shen Qianla's energy, Chu Chen hurriedly stopped her from continuing to "snap" the little boy, "By the way, Little Brother, you shout today What did I come here to catch? Did I go fishing??"

"Uh... of course not."

Finally broke free from Shen Qian’s clutches, the little boy touched his nose slightly, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, "What I asked you to do is much more interesting than fishing, do you know? During this time, why did the tutor let me go back to the medicine palace forest alone to guard?"

"Uh... I don't know." Chu Chen shook his head. The boy came back very abruptly, and what he meant was to come back and guard something, but when he asked him before, he would not say anything. .

"Heh... then come with me!"

The little boy waved his hand, and cautiously said to them with a mysterious look, "Remember what happened today, don't tell the teacher, otherwise he will kill me!!"

"Ah? So exaggerated!!" Seeing the mysterious appearance of the little boy god, Shen Qian's curiosity was completely mobilized, "What the **** is so mysterious."

"Come with me and you will know, you try to slow down your movements a little bit. If this thing is not well controlled, I am afraid that the entire medicine palace will be destroyed!"

After a serious look, the little boy turned around and led the two of Chu Chen and Shen Qian toward a deep forest in the Medicine Palace Forest.

The tombs are lush and lush, covering the sky and the sun, and thick giant trees with several people hug the clouds.

These giant trees do not know how many years they have grown, each of them is hundreds of feet high, and they can see the sky and the earth at a glance, as if they have supported the entire sky as a huge pillar.

The more he walked in, the more serious Chu Chen's expression became.

To be honest, he had come to Medicine Palace Forest many times, but he didn't really go deep into some secret places in this forest. At this moment, when his gaze swept over the unimaginable giant trees, a look of horror passed involuntarily under his eyes:

A lot of formations!

At first glance, these giant trees seem to be nothing special except for their extraordinary height. However, if you use spiritual sense to investigate carefully, you will find that these giant trees are actually distributed in a very regular pattern, and they seem to have formed countless arrays. !

The two dragon blood giant trees in red and black color outline a set of miniature liangyi large array; the five continuous black banyan trees are clearly distributed according to the position of the five elements of the evil spirit array;

The twelve dark red blood-colored teak woods seem to be the legendary miniature version of the Twelve Capital Celestial God Formation; the 108 slightly thinner oak woods look like the Tiangang Earth Spirit Profound Spirit Formation...

In this way, a few dozens of different types of ancient trees form a small array ~ www.ltnovel.com~ These small arrays are linked to each other to form a larger array... this The entire Medicine Palace Forest is actually a set of cumbersome and extremely complex super large arrays formed like this! !

This, this... how did this happen! !

At this time, Chu Chen's heart was filled with a huge shocking feeling.

The entire Medicinal Palace Forest is a super large formation. Every tree, every bush and even every piece of grass here is a part of this super large formation. There are various small killing formations, sleepy formations, and fans. There are countless arrays, magical arrays, etc. There are many legendary ancient arrays that only existed in the ancient times!

The biggest set of formations that Chu Chen had ever seen was the peach mountain formation that he saw when he followed Yan Lao to visit the white ape god. The formation was constructed with a forest of peach trees.

The Taoshan formation at that time was enough to make Chu Chen feel extremely shocked, but if you compare that formation with the formation in the medicine palace in front of you, it is nothing short of a witch!

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