“No, I can’t see through.”

Guan Ying still had a shocked expression on her face. She was obviously surprised by this set of Formation. It’s very mysterious, profound mystery is incomparable.”

“Formation this thing, the more you think about it, the more troublesome it will be. Sometimes simpler may be more effective.”

Sunboy walked up happily, “Maybe we can just simply stop in the formation and be able to directly teleport away… The ancient mythology shouldn’t be so boring, right? It’s all here and there is a Formation to kill. Absolutely?”

“Don’t be fooling around!”

Seeing Qingsun boy actually rushing in regardless of his care, let Cangling angrily snorted hold Qingsun , Then the palm flicked and threw a yellow light.

The yellow light swelled against the wind, turning into a three zhang high puppets, and strode towards the formation.


The huge puppet warrior just approached the edge of Formation, a red light swept across, directly burning the puppet warrior into a pool of molten iron. Still braving the white smoke.

Seeing this scene, Qingsun Boy’s face suddenly turned pale.

“Is the Land of the Fallen God a place where you can mess around?” Ren Cangling glanced at Qingsun Boy coldly.

Little Brat knew he was reckless, so he hung his head and did not dare to say a word.

“Let me try it. After all, I only know a little about ancient formation at the moment.” After a while, Guan Ying gritted her teeth and finally decided on this cumbersome seven-star array. Come and start exploring.

She slightly urged the spirit strength, one after another yellow talisman paper flew out of the Magical Artifact storage, and transformed into seven vivid human figures under the perfusion of spirit strength.

Then the seven talismans were divided into seven directions, and at the same time they approached the red light beam in front.

If there is a cultivator who knows Dao of Array here, you can find that the seven runes have also formed a Big Dipper Array faintly.

Seven people advance and retreat at the same time, and even the steps they take are of the same size, which looks very mysterious.

Inspired by Guan Ying’s continuous spirit strength, seven talismans cautiously walked to the beam of light.

Afterwards, under a light white streamer, he stepped into the seven pillars of light at the same time.

“Chi chi…”

A series of white smoke rose up, and the seven amulets were vaporized by the high temperature in an instant, making Guan Ying even a little bit There was no time to react, and this scene was reflected in everyone’s eyes, which immediately made everyone worried.

The beam of light actually contains a powerful and unimaginable Destruction Strength. How can this be approached?

If I can’t even enter, how can I start the strength of Transmission in Formation?

“Is there any mystery in these seven pillars of light? The red pillar of light represents destruction, perhaps the other pillars of light represent vitality?”

Qingsun boy tried to ask.

“I will try again.”

Guan Ying once again urged the talisman to turn into a puppet substitute, and approached the beams of light of other colors.

The result is very helpless. All the beams of light contain the majestic Destruction Strength. Once the talisman gets close, it turns into flying ash, and there is no resistance at all.

Unable to send!

“I remember you just said that this set of seven-star array contains countless changes. Is the array in a change at this time?”

Qingyuan asked, “Maybe At this time, Formation has evolved to the state of Killing Formation, destroying everything. I just don’t know how to promote this change. If it is pushed to the state of Transmission Array, it would be fine.”

“These beams of light It’s very problematic. The seven beams of light form seven divine condemnations, blocking many of the evolutionary processes in the Formation. Perhaps only by extinguishing these beams can the Formation function normally.”

Guan Ying facial expression grave, her eyes are cold.

“The power contained in these light beams is too strong, and it is more difficult to suppress them by force. And…the light beams must be suppressed in a certain order.”

” Which one is better to extinguish?” Qingyuan asked.

“Try…yellow.” Guan Ying whispered.

Nodded in Qingyuan, he gently put Chu Chen down in his arms, and then with a finger, four dragon-slaying swords burst out of the sky, and four colors of yellow, blue, red, and cyan appeared in front of him.

Then the sword art is pulled, and the four long swords rise against the storm and instantly become a giant sword with a huge zhang length.

Then in the one after another mysterious magic battle, the four Heavenspan giant sword melted in the air and turned into a four-color beam of light, with a hint of color of Primal Chaos inside, dropping from the sky straight , Suppressed above the yellow beam of light.

Use the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation to forcibly suppress the seven-star array formation eye!

At this moment, Qingyuan did not use any fancy means, and completely used the power of the small Immortal Beheading Sword Formation to suppress the yellow beam of light grandiosely.

When the four-color light beam condensed by the sword array completely replaced the yellow light beam, it was obvious that the entire Formation became weaker.


“It really works. It seems that the Destruction Strength inside the beams of light has begun to weaken.”

“It really depends on strong suppression. Can you pass this level?”

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw it, but after a while, their faces suddenly became serious.

A dull string sound suddenly came from a distance, along with one after another sharp splitting the air sound, there seemed to be countless sharp things roaring.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and they were all stunned!

The ancient gods!

Those ancient god soldiers actually took the initiative to fly over! !

In front of everyone, a dark blue long sword, a scarlet-red long spear, and a deep green long knife galloped from a distance, wrapped in an incomparable strand. The power of evil spirits.

The magical soldiers are still in midair, and the cold murderous aura stunned everyone almost out of breath.

“Heart Devouring Sword, Condensing Blood Spear, Broken Dream Knife!”

“Sister Qing, let go of the red beam of light, they are flying towards you!”


“Those ancient Forbidden Items are actually guarding this seven-star array and cannot be forced to suppress it. Sister Qing, let go!!”

In fact, there is no need for everyone to remind Qingyuan at this time. The hairs burst, one after another strong Death Aura enveloped her, making her shivered and shivering a few times.

The Death Aura was so strong that she didn’t want to try any more. With a wave of her arm, the four-color beam of light formed by the little Immortal Beheading Sword Formation blasted away.

The suppressed yellow beam of light rose into the air, finally making the seven-star array breath perfect.

The three ancient Forbidden Items that flew in midair seemed to sense the breath of Formation becoming perfect again. The black chains on the body suddenly became radiant, and forcibly pulled the three Forbidden Items back to the seal. Yudian.

The air became extremely quiet for a while, and everyone in the ancient music club looked at each other for a moment, and they all saw a hint of helplessness from the bottom of their eyes.

The seven-star array itself is extremely strong, and it can drive the ancient Forbidden Item support outside. This combination is simply invincible. I am afraid that the Yuanhai Realm powerhouse may not be able to please it!

Would you like to be here, waiting for the people of nine days to catch up?

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